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Musty Flow

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Posts posted by Musty Flow

  1. Your In-Game Name: Flow

    Your SteamID: N/A

    Staff member's In-Game Name: Terry

    What did they do? Ok, so me and my friend are driving around and we pull up to a street and its blocked off as I turn my camera around to back up a FBI agent full speed slams into the back of my vehicle and blows it up. Since the crime scene is on the opposite side of the road and Police can only block off one half of the road its ok for me to try to recover the car or @ for an admin to come and try and help me retrieve the car. Im on a whole different property not interfering with the crime scene. The new GMOD update messed my mic up so im resorting to typing. So as im trying to tell this CPL that im just getting my car and im getting an admin to phys gun it since it was stuck he tazes me and brings me to prison. The first staff conducted the sit in a poor manner where he refused to look at the video of the incident and just resolved my sit as the CPL drives me to PD. I felt as I didnt explain my sit correctly since Terry rushed I reported Terry to try to get an admin to look at my video. He goes "That staff is a higher up I dont care" he also refused to look at the video and threatened to warn me for minge reporting. As he concludes the sit without hearing me out Porman goes "Since you called an admin im going to put you in for longer." And then proceeded to put me in prison for a longer sentence. That is PD abuse one way or another you get mad that I reported you so you increase my jail time? Also there was a lot of noise and me being in discord I didnt hear Porman until his last 2 warns but again I was just explaining I was just going to get my car and leave since again im on a whole different property than the one being raided. 

    Also notice in the video how my friend was right beside me and no other PD were telling him to backup or were trying to arrest him

    Evidence (REQUIRED):


    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Strikes/Demotions

  2. 1 hour ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    Why would I lie about seeing your printers if I have proof of it.?

    Why would you not show your proof?

    1 hour ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    You can clearly see through the gap

    You cant see printers through the gap, so the gap photo is irrelevant

    1 hour ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    Also showing that I am a CPT gives me more credibility than I would as a SNR. Obviously If someone reports someone else in PD as an OFC, versus a LT, then I'm going to believe the LT more.

    Rank means nothing in a sit, youre seen as a player in a sit

    1 hour ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    "thats going straight to alton"

    Does not equal "Im going to get you demoted"

    1 hour ago, [GL] Alpha said:

    The report isnt if he can see the printer or not, he was warned for lying to staff which he did do. Read the report 

    1 hour ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    Why would I lie about seeing your printers if I have proof of it.?

    So youre calling Zerge a liar? Maybe report Zerge instead of Hamster. Again you refused to show your side like a stubborn child not CPT material at all sorry 😕

  3. Also Hamster said multiple times hes going to talk to Higher ups about your legitimacy of your SNR rank changing. Thats something a GOOD staff would do. He never said he was going to punish you or anything he just stated that he heard it wasnt allowed and he was going to talk to a higher up about it and you got defensive. Youre attitude in that whole sit was so disrespectful I recommend a strike or demotion. That is not CPT material at all. You should of been more mature and instead of refusing to show your side been like yeah heres my SS. Hamster responded to that sit with staff etiquette. 

    - Asked for my proof

    - Asked for your proof

    - Said he was going to talk to a higher up about your SNR undercover ordeals

    - Tried his best to see through that wall  

    - Asked another staff member for his opinion (Zerge)

    It was your terrible attitude and lies on what got you warned  

    1 minute ago, K1LLER said:

    So I checked out the base for myself (before I raided it) and I took this screenshot with my physgun out) https://prnt.sc/rdj4m7 U can see through the wall, due to the material

    He never got warned for that.. He got warned for lying to staff

  4. 9 minutes ago, Quangasaurusrex said:
    11 minutes ago, Musty Flow said:

    Also what leads for me to believe this is a false SS is the white texture above the see through grey, I dont have any white textures to my base.


    That's the light reflection

    more evidence:


    There is a gap you can see through

    Lol you cant see anything through the gap my man, also you never got warned for false warrant, the false warrant report can be up to the other staff members im just showing my side of the report. Again something you REFUSED to do when hamster and myself asked you multiple times to do. I showed hamster my side the burden of proof was fulfilled on my side you never showed any proof and was being a jerk about it. You got warned for lying to staff which you did do. Its on video Zerge said you said I opened my button which never happened so that is lying to staff if you cant remember it or not its something you did so the report has now become null. 

    Skip to 1:00 and the rest of the set plays out after I show hamster my side via discord screenshare. Its honestly sad bro, you say "hold up lemme change to my "real" job" Expecting your  rank has any hold against the report. Then when Hamster said you cant pretend to be SNR he was refering to a meeting hes been in before where higher staff has said people cant go undercover as lower ranks or they could be demoted to that rank if they wanna play on it. Thats why when you go " ArE yOu SaYiNg YoU wAnT mE dEmoTeD" Hamster said "Thats what they say" He never said im going to talk to higher ups and get you demoted. So now that the warn is proven to be real and the false demotion accusations are debunked I question your rank as CPT. You could of just given us your side when Hamster said show me your side on discord and asked for proof multiple times. Your withholding proof because your a "CPT" and youre just going to report hamster. You know what that is being power hungry my man. Everything would of been faster if you just "Yeah heres my SS" You held the report longer from with holding information my man.


  5. 17 minutes ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    can see it: 6B5A3390FA03B9AE87CA4B3BD12A55879AC641CC

    Also what leads for me to believe this is a false SS is the white texture above the see through grey, I dont have any white textures to my base.

    Skip to around 4:20 and up and Zerge comes back and says that you said I pressed a button also when in the video it clearly shows I never did. ALso Zerge admits he cant even see into my base I have one more video to upload and it shows how you behaved in a sit and is definitively not CPT material you refused to give the proof you have like a child, youre a CPT and im sorry im never going to play PD with you in command ever due to you using you rank as some type of blackmail. You said "No i wont give proof, just warn me and ill get you demoted on forums." Hamster never said "Ill get you demoted" 

    This prooves you did lie to Zerge and said I pressed a button when in fact I never did the warn should be still in affect and your leadership capabilities should be questioned

  6. Bro youre such a petty person I cant believe you, Skip to 2:30 to see my point of view. When brought to a sit hamster asked how you saw the printers, you refused to show how saying you dont have to. Also how do you know those printers are from my base? The lying to a staff part you said to Zerge I opened my window which as you see I never did, will upload 10 more minutes of evidence showing this dude is not CPT behaviour. If he showed evidence of my printers from the start the whole would of been ended. He acted like a stubborn baby through the whole sit no showing any proof and saying if we warn him he is going to get hamster demoted. I have more videos coming I just want to get the crux of the proof out of the way. Again no one else could see through my wall and a truck driver who shows up in my other video I will be posting admits he cant see anything either.


    demote this man from CPT


  7. + Support, inconsistent frame rates, terrible size, un-optimized, Lag

    Maybe a revision is needed if people dont wanna play due to how terrible it is to try to RP on it. Yes it might be "new" but again maybe a switch is needed, or someone who knows how to map to optimize Rockford.

  8. 1 minute ago, K1LLER said:

    It's not the server causing the lag spikes

    If You can explain why everyone is lagging terrible be my guest but I think a map reversion isnt a terrible idea if people are having issues with this one


  9. What you want to see? -  Switch back to TrueNorth I think thats what the map is called

    Why should we add it? -  Cause everyone lags/freezes every 30 seconds

    What are the advantages of having this? - HIgherplayer base if more people can play smoothly, also It makes it easier to RP when people dont experience huge lag like we have on this map

    Who is it mainly for? - Players

    Links to any content - No

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