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Posts posted by Naqua

  1. In Game Name: Naqua
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:205865358
    Discord Name (Bread#0001): Naqua#6850
    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.):

    February 16th for Mic Spam (playing music)
    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately):
    July 2019
    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I want to join Nu7 because from my remembrance of the this server, I really enjoyed playing Nu7 and would like to join again now that I am getting back into the server. I want to be able to recontain scps and help around the facility which is what Nu7 does. I have pretty good knowledge of the server except for the newer aspects such as delta 5 and new scps. I think that I would overall make a good fit for the branch and that it would be a really fun experience.

    If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): None

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): CI PFC Sec CPL

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes

    On 9/28/2019 at 11:47 PM, Weareinfected said:


    I don’t really understand the point in nerfing this...

    CI if their lucky get about 7-8 people on a day and this little boost in power wouldn’t hurt. 

    CI are not very powerful when raiding; this little boost in power won’t hurt, you have been contacting numerous people about this weapon update and I wouldn’t be surprised if your adverting this to other MTF.

    MTF on a luck day can get upto 15-20 people and they are EXTREMELY powerful in numbers compared to the 4-6 CI raiding. Not only that but there are new guns added to the armory which allows you to get just as powerful weapons to fight them even though you have numbers and health.

    NU7 Heavy JUST got a buff and they are as equally powerful as this CC if they buy their weapons.

    A lot of the MTF jobs are just as powerful as the CC with or without the nerf.

    I feel CI could really use these weapons to help enhance their play style now that it might not be immediate death at Gate A.

    Not only that but it’s a CUSTOM CLASS not everyone has access to it.

    Its much easier to defend than it is to breach, when 7-8 CI are rushing through a doorway at a time it’s very easy for a crap load of MTF to just mow them down. Not only this but they have to breach and bring things out with them during a raids which renders their ability to get in and out. 

    The minute CI/CC are known in the building it’s goto EZ, when you have about 10-15 MTF online and some are patrolling EZ and spot CI the rest just pour into EZ and just outnumber CI in many ways.

    I seriously can’t express this enough, the armory is open, MTF have numbers compared to 1 CC, it’s not easy to breach a 1 way in and a 1 way out building.

    Again, Major -Support.

    I agree with this, half of the time we raid MTF has x3 the number of people as CI having these weapons will help us be able to have a chance against you guys.

    20 hours ago, Catsro said:


    • We could always use more UK staff!
    • This player's character is calm and collected and very mature.
    • You only have 1 warning but that is okay.
    • Forums activity could improve.
    • Parts of Q16 are correct like contacting an admin+ to assist you. Then there is the part with the minge system, the minge system was removed and we now selectively use the jail/ban system. Micspam might now be the best thing to warn them for unless they actually do it a simple staff diss warn would do.
    • This user is active even staying up late at night/morning for CI meetings and is pretty dedicated to it.

      I think you could be a good addition to the staff team! 

    Your app is overall pretty good except for parts of Q16 but I think you would make an overall good staff member.

  4. 1 hour ago, Trae said:

    From my knowledge, there is already an Ethics Committee CC


    42 minutes ago, [icOnic] BonkBoeink said:

    And no. You cannot have the clearance of 4. You may the clearance of 3 or lower.

    this is correct.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bread said:

    + Support
    Decent application
    Has been staff for a while

    - Support
    Has had a history of trying to help with events although they are not event team and completely neglected staff duties at the time.
    Hasn't really been that active until very recently.


  6. What is your in-game name?: Naqua

    What is your steam name?: Naqua

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:205865358

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 6/28/2019

    What date did you make your forums account? 7/13/2019

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? User

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? I have no warns at the moment.

    Have you donated? I have donated for custom class credits.

    What rank are you applying for? Trail Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No I am not

    Have you read the staff guidelines at 

    ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    Timezone: CST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

      I think I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I have been very active on the server over the last two months, and I am very dedicated to putting time into the server. I also think I should be apart of the staff team because I've seen how frustrating it can be when there is a conflict and when there are minges and people that don't want to RP at all on the server and I would like to help resolve those issues for other people. I want to be able to not only punish the people that don't want to take the server seriously but help the people that do want to RP on the server but don't understand the rules and are confused. I feel like I will be fit for this rank because I can keep my cool and I can treat people with the respect that they deserve. Also, I value fairness and always want to hear both sides of a story before making a final decision not even just in the game but in real life.  

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

        723637682_HalfLifeSourceScreenshot2019_09.24-17_35_26_48.thumb.png.954f8fc543f9996b58890b0d45a98d15.png In this kind of situation, I would first drag the person that was Mass RDMing to a private location, either in the staff room or in a spot far away from where most people usually go and start to ask him why he was Mass RDMing. Whenever he starts cursing at me I will first give him a verbal warning to stop cursing at me, if they continue to curse at me then I will gag him and continue to ask him about why he killed the people that he killed. If he doesn't give a valid reason or makes a fake reason I will call an Admin+ to give him a 10,000+ second anti minge and warn him for Staff Disrespect/Mass RDM. I will ungag and return him. 

  7. 45 minutes ago, Catsro said:

    +/- Support right now the CI heavy is counter balanced by its freight train size hitbox. Besides I'm unsure a NU7 juggernaut should have that much health and armor as a lvl 2 personnel. Like you said before the weapons are better than the CI heavy which makes it an advantage over that class. I still think it should be buffed in a different way.


  8. 8 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    Checking SCP 966's chamber and them not being there is a valid RP reason though. Additionally, it makes RP sense that if one group of MTF discovers something that would make thermals a valid option, all other MTF personnel would then also use them. They have radios and such.

    Ok I got it.

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