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Andrew / Commander Cody

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Posts posted by Andrew / Commander Cody

  1. I will miss you man, I tried everything I could. Its sad to see you go, I hope we can still have some contact with each other

    You trained me in everything I needed to know, now I am a Captain in 212th. And you taught me so well that I even pass the hardest tryouts I've been through. Now look at me I made it into ARC, I made it to 212th Officer. Nothings going to be the same without you man, good luck.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Dan Yukiteru said:

    if you read my original post you may actually understand this has nothing to do with ofcs/snr in banks this is about a SNR got taken hostage and everyone takes it upon there self to handle my job which i do not appreciate BSI Warrant team are not tactical they should not be running in to bank full stop. I am sick of being treated like shit so do not expect me to play all pitty patty friends shit I play on this server to have fun and roleplay if you guys cant handle roleplaying correctly not my problem.

    If people get mad about us entering banks. And not letting them enter. I will start allowing to PD members no matter what rank. To enter only 2 at a time and see them trying to do our job

  3. It was very irritating that no one takes care of the OFCs/SNRs. I can't ever take care of a bank situation without forcing BSI, PD, NSA, etc. outside of the bank. I allow BSI warrant team in. Not all BSI. BSI is not a tactical unit and is not allowed to give themselves permission to move in. 

    You get on an attack unit and try it for yourself. As far that I understand I don't think you have ever been on a tactical unit. It's really annoying and irritating, after a while yeah sure I'm going to say fuck you a lot. BSI doesn't understand the work we put just trying to force people out of the bank.

  4. When I said that. He didn't explain the story.

    Someone went on Radio said, "Andrew you know what Fuck you when I want to go in bank I'm going to the bank". 

    Don't +support something when you don't understand the story. It probably wasn't on the radio. As I had several cops next to me

  5. 5 hours ago, Nick Val said:

    - Support

    - What is the point of this it can just bite.

    - If anything it takes realism out because out would need a player model with the right hitbox and also a k9 unit car.

    - There is no point to add this to the server.

    - All this dog would be able to do is bite because if he sniffs weed that would be considered metagame.

                                                                                                                                          ( No Poll )


  6. Vote: Snookiebear

    Reason: Active, Mature, Follows all SOPs, Follows all rules, Takes care of troopers and other departments with equal punishments. Not bias only promotes people who deserve a promotion, The most active trooper out of all (if anyone denies then you must be high)

    Concerns: That he will leave before he gets COL

    • Like 1
  7. +Support

    As you can see he was afk, he returned from being afk, seen Gov shooting his family so he killed Gov, Then he entered the Robbery, and adverted.

    Thats a lie as I heard his voice

    nothing wrong with calling people out constantly for -supporting all my posts because of who i am.

    Just to let you know (not trying to start drama) but I didn't -support it because of who you are. Stop assuming, thanks :)

  8. You just don’t think my opinion matters I have no attitude. I’m more annoyed that you guys say switch to state when we can’t. Do I have to abuse my admin powers to switch jobs to dispatch just to communicate with state. There is really no thought process to other departments.

    Plus telling someone like a staff member to watch their attitude is disrespectful. 

    I know I said the last comment but I don't care if your staff or not. Thanks for helping out the server but unless your SMT or SA+ I am not treating you special. But to me You're a normal player.

  9. So how the hell do we communicate with state now. Just to make things difficult. It’s like making people go on the bloody job and not be on other departments. It’s like staff you have a ratio. Some of the rules you make are quite annoying and it doesn’t help PD nor other departments. Why not make your panic button only for state so PD doesn’t see it, means that I don’t send my FBI into something they don’t know what they are going into.

    1. IRL we would be on the State only Frequency

    2. Watch your attitude.

    3. Then don't send your FBI

    4. None of the rules are annoying, but if you feel they are then go onto the suggestions forums under state police section.

    5. If you cant be nice, then don't comment.

    I am not gonna comment anymore. If you have anything to say privately message me. 

    im pretty sure only state has access to state channel ingame, and also, how is state going to hear dispatch if they are on a different channel

    Dispatch has access to state patrol room as well I believe.

  10. +/- support

    Where is the evidence that it was RDM? That just shows you died it doesn't show it was RDM.

    I am bitter and baffled how staff can give warnings out of the blue without checking the logs.

    Voxis refused to assist me.

    1. No need to say "I am bitter and baffled how staff can give warnings out of the blue without checking the logs.

    2. He doesn't need to assist you in making an application.

    3. It's hard being the only staff member online. He was taking 30-40 possibly even 50 staff sits alone, a simple mistake doesn't need such drama in OOC. 

  11. -SUPPORT


     Warns at 25 that's a lot of warns

     New to the server 

     Not much effort into the application 

     Rude to staff

    I would like you to think about the way you act on the server before making an application to take on responsibility on and around  the server 

    i think you should remake you're application and reposed it in 2 weeks and try to stay out of trouble on the server.


  12. -SUPPORT

    -Barely see you on 

    -Dont see you ever train cadets when you are on

    -Now worthy of getting a low command PD rank. You NEED to pick up ur activity



    Also, you yelled at me to change my name just because my name was Andrew. Don't yell at me again, thanks :). (P.S. I have had this name ever since 2016 don't speak to me like I am your child

  13. +Support

    Just because he died 18 seconds with mustard gas means.

    1. He took time to return

    2. He took time to place mustard gas.

    3. It takes time to kill someone with mustard gas.

    That would equal more than 30 seconds which is a big difference. (not trying to sound rude) Please just think about it more and you will understand that it takes time to kill regardless what the death time says. 

    The staff member should have shown damage logs for further info. 


  14. HUGE -Support

    I saw you and Corbin minging while he was on duty earlier today, I don't want that kind of people on the staff team.


    -Extremely Disrespectful

    -Calls players salty when things don't go his way - http://prntscr.com/jpr9ca 

    -Unfit for staff



    You need to act better, cause your current attitude is not acceptable.

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