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Hxted Lxgnd

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Posts posted by Hxted Lxgnd

  1. I know he is but it was king clan and then I left the area with billy king so only he could hear me talk and then I got banned

    and before I get banned I talked to voxic because he was th eonly admin online that I had respect for

    because he doesnt jump to conclusions without evidence and then asks for evidence. which if youre doing that without giving me evidence of "what I did" then therefore you are a hypocrite and if you are going to take that as a staff diss go for it but that is what a hypocrite is, and if you dont like the truth then thats not my problem, I dont mean to be toxic, or rude or disrespectful in anyway but when dumb things happen and ppl that werent there start claiming they were there I will have a problem


  2. I never said I would get a guy to do it I was telling him that one of the people hes harrassing was going to boot him off bc someone was telling me ab it so I was telling him ab it


  3. Thanks for somewhat understanding man, thats all im looking for, look if youre busy yobo I get it but lmk when we can have like a private call man I really appreciate your guys work and im sorry for making you guys have to deal with my dumb bs, I havent been doing the best but I cant be putting that onto you guys when all youre doing is just your job, Im sorry?

  4. sorry, can I please call you

    I havent been doing the best and I guess my attitude just aint right, you can put me infront of any other admin and they will tell you that im not a people person



    im just dealing with stress irl and usually id hop on the server to help cope with that and when I get false banned and when someone asks me for evidence when the other person doesnt have evidence either that doesnt help the situation

    when you get to know me I can be a good guy but if youre going to disrespect me by not responding then I am going to say wack bc I have the freedom of speech and that is wack.


    and it isnt good to have someone that dislike me severely be alone with a sit with me thats just common sense, obviously something is going to be a little buyist dude

    especially when I try to help out telling him theres a ddosser on the server and he bans me for threat of ddos

    how is that a threat

  5. Steam Name: Hxted Lxgnd

    Ingame Name: Rick C137

    SteamID: 76561198958738285

    Ban Length: Permanent

    Admin that Banned you: Billy King

    Reason for Ban: DDOS Threat

    Dispute: http://prntscr.com/o9tgf8 <----pic of ban

    I believe this ban was false because I was telling someone that there was a ddosser in the lobby that might boot someone off(trying to let someone know so they were aware) and then billy king teleported me up to roof immediately and banned me for 1 month and shortly changed it to perma ban, I dont know what I did wrong or why im the one that got banned in this scenario when I was trying to help out by telling you guys that there was a ddosser in the server and I got banned for it.

    ~ Hxted Lxgnd


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