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Posts posted by DR.WOLF

  1. On 1/8/2021 at 6:01 PM, Tyler228 said:



    -Always a good attitude

    -Would make a great Colonel 


    On 1/8/2021 at 9:09 PM, Conrad said:

    100%+ Support




    -Nice guy


     I've known Herrman since he's been a Captain and I see him very active doing his job as a Major, and through what he's proved to myself, and other low command, I think he deserves colonel.


  2. 1) What is your in-game name?:


    2) What is your steam name?: 


    3) What is your steam ID?: 


    4) Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

     Yes I have been staffing since 2016 on other servers 2 police rp server (I left to commit fully to gaming light) 

    5) What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly)

    On 1/8/2019 i know the exact day because i downloaded team speak to join pd 

    6) What date did you make your forums account? 

    May 24th 2019

    7) Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? 

    Senior Moderator 

    8 ) How many warnings do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 


    9) Have you donated?

    No not from lack of trying though. 

    10) What rank are you applying for? 

    Administrator (Admin)

    11) Are your staff in another community (BE HONEST)?


    12) Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it:

     Yes, I have.

    13) Timezone: 

    PST( Pacific Standard Time ) 

    14) Permission (Senior Moderator I need this):

    Manager: matthew hotshot shot Igneouscheetah (All of Policerp management)

    Head Admin jaydeen

     Super Admins: Calamity, MiKeY

    15) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum):

    (I wish to begin a bit off topic by saying that it's been so much fun simply getting to Senior Moderator and I have enjoyed  meeting new people and learning about the Gmod Community.) 

    I would like to be considered for the role of an administrator of Police RP. My dedication and commitment to Gaming Light is shown in the time I spend playing exclusively on the Police RP. I thoroughly enjoy helping other players and assisting them while they play to see them have as much fun as I do.

    It is a lot of fun to see a player grow and understand the server  works after I have helped them take their first steps. Where it be white list to PD or simply explaining the rules a bit more.

     I enjoy seeing the server running smoothly and efficiently and that doesn't stop at in game i like helping in teamspeak discord and the forums in which i put my full mind and experience behind  and with a long staff history i believe i will be a valuable asset to the team being able to help more while allowing myself to keep learning and growing as a staff member creating a more  efficiently and effectively team

     this ties into my second reasoning with the responsibility of a admin i will be able to help the lower ranks and fellow staff a lot more along with being able to handle sits in front of me instead of needing to take up other staff time and tickets opening them up to take other sits and responsibility along with being able to help the newer staff understand and learn the system to the best of their ability and with my third 

    and final reason is my experience in staffing i have now been a active member of gaminglight for a year in i have learned how to more capable handle infractions and people mining on the server i continue to learn from my mistakes this truly does drive me forward to my desire to continue staffing and being able to help with higher levels of responsibility 


    That makes me even more experienced in other aspects of staffing, like warnings, the rules, etc. Since I have been staffing I keep learning, I have learned how to deal with a lot of rule-breakers and sits and how to talk to people more efficiently and how to look at everything and make sure what I am doing is accurate. Some of these include ban times or hat to warn someone with valid evidence and reasoning. I have also gained many friends and staffing is like a family, we help each other and we all enjoy it! As I continue staffing it allows me to become more mature and own up to my mistakes which I also want to correct to make myself better. I am very determined when it comes to staffing and I put my all into it. This can be shown throughout my work, sit count, sit percentages, etc. I respect everyone and what they stand by, I am also honest to them as well and I never lie in day-to-day life. I have a love for the community as a whole but also for all the relationships you can build within it. That goes for the members as well! I want to be an Admin, I believe that I can do more while helping even more and more people, I'd continue to help in any ways possible, I would continue striving to be better and better and to continue to grow in my skills and abilities. As long as I have been staffing, It has been awesome, so many lessons learned and a huge adventure and so many paths- I believe that I am ready to go down my path and become an Admin on PoliceRP!

    16) How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin seat all they do is curse at you?

    Their punishment and my actions would depend on their action and the circumstances. If I had acquired  valid evidence I would bring all parties involved to a out of rp area to manage and facilitate a calm conversation to them where I could explain to them what they have done wrong and they can ask questions or voice concern. If they began to become hostile to myself and other staff there are a couple things I would do to begin with. I would remind them to keep calm and not to swear if they continued from there I would give them one last chance before using them !gag (name) command to mute their proximity voice i could also do the same using the tab menu. From there i would continue explaining the subject of staff disrespect along with  mass rdm finishing with explaining why they are getting warned giving the link to warn apples if needed then warn them for ( MassRDM | Staff Diss | (other infractions can go here) I would then if needed and approved explain to the person that they are getting banned for 2 hours for “Staff Diss Mass RDM and all others”  in chat i would provide the link to ban apples page and the Server motd telling them to read through that to avoid future problems I would then right before banning them ask them if they had any questions and tell them to take this time to calm down if needed cuddle with their pet talk to people or just take a walk then open the menu with the !menu coman go to the bottom utilities and Ban section select them  and double check its the right person and filling the reason with there infractions with a 2 hour ban.


    - If they person LTAP'd I would add that onto the banning reason and the warning and ban them with "BanID". If there are more rules-broken or it becomes more serious the ban might be extended upon banning. 

    *What I wrote above is if Valid Evidence was provided, the situation can change based on evidence, rules-broken, or other factors.*


    #17 - Questions for anyone applying for Admin+  - 

    -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account? 

    If I think someone is a alt account it would raise my level of suspicion of them and i would start a investigation on them with the first thing i would do is alert my fellow staff members to my thought to allow them to understand if there is numerous sits against this person then i would start watching the person themselves by things like spectating to watch for player patterns (are they basing the same way are the hang out with the same people etc) i would then start collecting data on the individual with a steam id finder and look at their profile once i have confirmed my suspicion i would contact a super admin or upper ranks following CoC.


    -What would you do if a player is threatening to chargeback? 

    If i had a player threatens to chargeback I would tp to them and take them to a out of rp area (roofs in between maps etc) and speak to them to confirm they are threatening to chargeback and if they actually know what that means and remind them that it would result in a blacklist from the gaminglight community and it is nowhere near wise to do so and go through the reason and rules to the chargeback.


    -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging? 

    I would first get evidence of the family minging and causing issues within the server. I would then bring the respective people to a secluded area and begin to talk to let and let them talk to me in a respective manner equally. I would tell them throughout this of what they have done wrong, rules broken, etc and that they need to fix it. If it is warnable evidence (most likely) I would warn the respected people for whatever rule(s) they broke if needed (repeat offences obvious rules). I would give them the rundown that if they continued to minge and break rules further punishments could be given out to not only the members but the family as a whole (family blacklist). After the sit is over I would tell the other staff that the family or people are minging to alert them and give them insite if they continue.

     -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!")

    If i entered a situation i can't resolve there is a couple of things i could do to gain answers  i could ask fellow staff for assistance in teamspeak and in game admin chat i could recheck the staff hand book or talk to a higher up.


    (I do apologize if the answer to this question is a bit brief, tried to make it to best understanding and I do thank you for reading my application and taking all factors into consideration.) 


  3. On 7/12/2020 at 12:02 AM, Phil said:

    I mean tbh if you do it right, you can do this on your civilian  job all you gotta do is /job and change it to reporter and not be a minge while doing it, I've been on this server for almost 2yrs and have done this numerous times

    +/-support overrall

    i could see this as lots of fun if like phil said done right 

  4. On 5/6/2020 at 7:28 PM, Jayden said:


    - Active

    - Friendly

    - Knowledgeable on the MOTD

    - Good application


    The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team.

    Brandon has been a part of the Gaminglight Community as long as I have, and wants to help and give back. I believe he deserves a shot at staff.

    I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon.

    Good luck Brandon!

    seems to have good friends and support and understands this

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/30/2020 at 5:01 PM, Ender said:

    +/- Support

    • He apologized and admitted to it. Obviously a mistake. To me, you just seem overly aggravated and it isn't that hard to fix a base. I don't see any real reason to make this report. You just seem pissed. UMC in the background seems a bit rude btw. 

    Note: It was just a door, not the whole base. Seems easy to fix...

    I agree but there is nothing wrong with make a report that's how we stay honest so good job on that part


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