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The G Man

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Posts posted by The G Man

  1. Steam Name: The G Man

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23301308

    Ingame Name: John Jams

    Ban Length: Perma

    Admin that Banned you: Console

    Reason for Ban: Rasicm

    Dispute: It was just under a year ago and I miss this server I can barley remeber what happened but I belive I used the n word with an A, didnt use it towards anyone but just in a sentance and I got

    auto banned for it.

  2. 1. Name: John Jams

    2. Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:23301308

    3. Rank (Expert and Professional only): Professional

    4. How would you rate your activity (1-10): 8

    5. Why should we trust you with the OS rank (40+ words): I would like to become an OS to become a good imprint on the junior maintenance and help guide them, I would want to be fair and enforce the SOP if I saw them breaking it. I understand that for this job you need to trust me. I also would do patrols in LCZ and HCZ and do my best to keep lower ranking maintenance stay in maintenance and make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone.

    6. Why do you think you should be command? (70+ words):I think that I would be a valid member of command because I do not see enough command on during European times. I would also do my best to enforce the SOP and be fair with punishment and try and be a good role model to any lower ranks. As I said before I would do Patrols in LCZ and HCZ. I also understand I need to have confidence in what I say and do and need to be as active as I can on the server. I will try my best to be the best command I can be.

    7. If you saw a Jr Maintenance minging and braking the SOP, how would you handle it: First I would start recording then give them a verbal warning, and if they then carried on and then strike them. If they where still doing it I would tell a higher up to see if I could get them removed from maintenance after showing them the video evidence.

  3. //-----------------------------------------------------------------//

    Form Title: [SCP-513] ~ Research (19/05/19)

    Rank: Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Reseacher 1 Security SO 2 Class D

    Level D personnel involved:

    SCP: 513

    Errors and/or safety hazards : N/A

    Question: Would SCP 513 effect someone on the other side of the testing chamber

    Background Research: Any noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure

    Hypothesis:I belived that this would effect the Class D on the far side of the chamber.

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion:This did effect the Class D on the other side of the test chamber is not effected him more he seemed to be going mental and insase and extremly hostile and had a panic atttack.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

  4. Please, if you have any questions or problems contact your fellow Researchers to help you out. Research Branch is a Family - So if you do have any questions on how to improve your test logs feel free to ask Low-Command or even High Command - They are available most of the time.


    Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (19/05/19)

    Rank: Junior Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Class D 1 Reseach Personal and 1 Security SO

    Level D personnel involved: Class D 7245

    SCP: 173

    Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP 173 escaped Containment But rentered by it self.

    Question: SCP 173 Emotional State

    Background Research:SCP 173 is extremly hostile and is to be kept in a 5x5 Steel Containment chamber at all times.

    Hypothesis:I was lead to belive SCP 173 was not as hostile today because of the results yesterday where it was very compliant

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion:SCP 173 is EXTREMLY Hostile today and will attempt to escape at any chance given.Origin of SCP 173 Hostility today Unkown.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?:No

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

  5. Please, if you have any questions or problems contact your fellow Researchers to help you out. Research Branch is a Family - So if you do have any questions on how to improve your test logs feel free to ask Low-Command or even High Command - They are available most of the time.


    Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (18/05/19)

    Rank: Junior Researcherture

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Reseacher 2 Security 3 D Class Personal

    Level D personnel involved: Class D 7248 Class D 9485 Class D 1327

    SCP: 173

    Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP 173 attempted to escape but swiftly put back in his Containment chanmber

    Question: How fast  SCP 173 move on a average of 3 testes of the sme space.

    Background Research: SCP 173 is made of Creture made of Concrete and Rebarb and is to be kept in a locked steel Containment Chamber.

    Hypothesis: We already know that SCP 173 can move at extreme speeds so I wanted to find out how fast exacally it can move over a far distance to help people possaibaly out run or escaped SCP 173 incase of an insident.

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos):  N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion: SCP 173 on an average can move up to 765 mph Meaning it would be most likey impossiable to outrun SCP 173 on foot but in any standerd vechial at full speed it could be possiable aslong a direct line of sight to help that fact. The one way possiable to outrun SCP 173 on foot would take atleast 3 people that would have to indicate each other  when blinking

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: SCP 173 is alot faster than expected but it is also good to know how fast exacaly SCP 173 is.

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

  6. Please, if you have any questions or problems contact your fellow Researchers to help you out. Research Branch is a Family - So if you do have any questions on how to improve your test logs feel free to ask Low-Command or even High Command - They are available most of the time.


    Form Title: [SCP-####] ~ Research (Date)

    Rank:  Junior Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Reseacher 2 Security 3 Class D

    Level D personnel involved: Class D 3521 Class D 2462 Class D 9143

    SCP: 173

    Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A

    Question: How maney people would SCP 173 kill in 10 Seconds with Direct line of sight at all times

    Background Research: SCP 173 Is an extremly fast Creture made from Concrete and rebarb and kills by Snaping at the base of the neck

    Hypothesis:SCP 173 Would kill 2 of the 3 D Class Personal

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion: Only 1 of the D Class Died during the 20 Second test

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

  7. Please, if you have any questions or problems contact your fellow Researchers to help you out. Research Branch is a Family - So if you do have any questions on how to improve your test logs feel free to ask Low-Command or even High Command - They are available most of the time.


    Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (19/05/19)

    Rank: Junior Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Class D 1 Reseacher 1 Security SO

    Level D personnel involved: Class D 7345

    SCP: 173

    Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A

    Question: Testing to see what would happen if a Class D Looked at SCP 173 But only kept SCP 173 in there perifiral Vision

    Background Research: SCP 173 Is a euclid Class And must be kept in a 5x5 Containment Cell at all time and Direct Line of sight must be kept at all time.

    Hypothesis: Suspeting he would move to D Class Personal.

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion:SCP 173 Was stand still and would not move.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

  8. Your In-game: Ted
    Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:23301308
    The player's name in-game: LARRY THE HUNK
    The player's steam name (If you know it):Non-StopCookie     ( STEAM_0:1:240648459 )
    What did the player do: Spawn killing Security in D Block , Killing in D Block Mulitable times , Using a shotgun as SCP 106 ,Sending 173 to the pocket dimention, Chasing Class D down the elevator into Class D spawn,  Minge, FailRP
    Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/id/858478483566635/screenshot/804367798107176938
    What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban
    Any extra information: He kept on doing all this even when I told him to stop and then I when AFK for 5 mins to load up the forums and he Disconnected

    Property of the Foundation

    Researchers please fill these forms out when testing on SCPs. Please refer to your Senior Researcher for information regarding your research. Ensure that you work alongside your assigned Research Team when making these forms.


    Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (12/05/19)

     Lore Name:John Jams

    Rank: Junior Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of personnel involved in testing: 2 Reseach Personal

    Level D personnel involved: 1 Class D

    SCP: 173

    Hypothesis:We Predicted that SCP 173 Would Attack and kill the Calss D Personal by snapping them at the base of the neck

    Observation:Class D was Screaming and Running from scp 173 as SCP 173 was chasing subject.

    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): N/A

    Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A

    Conclusion: Subject died, Cause of death spine snaped at the base of the neck. SCp 173 was extremly hostile and atemped to escape, But Failed.

    Approved by the Director of R&D and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.


    Property of the Foundation

    Researchers please fill these forms out when testing on SCPs. Please refer to your Senior Researcher for information regarding your research. Ensure that you work alongside your assigned Research Team when making these forms.


    Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (12/05/19)

     Lore Name: John Jams

    Rank: Junior Reseacher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of personnel involved in testing: 1 Researcher

    Level D personnel involved: 1


    Hypothesis: Scp 173 would attack the subject and kill them, But snapping there neck from previouis tests.

    Observation:SCP 173 seemd to move around the Class D But not killing them

    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): N/A

    Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A

    Conclusion:SCP 173 did not kill the class D just seemd to move closer but not trying to kill. The Class D would move away from SCP 173, Subject was not hurt or damged physicaly. Amistetic was provided.

    Approved by the Director of R&D and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.



    And Protect.

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