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Posts posted by Nagasaki

  1. In-Game Name: Hiroshima

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67919358

    Rank: Moderator

    Reason for leaving: I got burnt out indefinitely from Imperial RP and decided to take my leave before I become inactive 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree to contact your Manager/Head of Staff once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes 

    Do you agree, that after you put this up, there are no "take backs"? Yes

  2. What do you want to see?: One of the many things IQ and RG have pride in is their dueling capabilities. They want to boast their proficiencies in lightsaber combat and they want to have bragging rights when being the best in the art of lightsaber combat. This system will not only allow more competition within Inquistorious branches, but also allow people to acknowledge the best duelist on the server.

    Here is how this system will work:

    - Every week at a specific date and time, IQ Command will host a dueling tournament to determine the duelist of the week

    -   The person who wins the duelist of the week tournament will hold the title of "Duelist of the Week" and they will receive a special spot on the roster and will receive 1 FREE SITH HOLOCRON from the Holocron registry system

    - Everyone who partakes in the dueling tournament will switch to Apprentice Job and GM will give them HP 2000 and Armor 200

    -If there is already a Duelist of the week, the winner of the dueling tournament will fight the current Duelist of the week to claim the title for themselves

    Rules and regulations:

    - You have to be apart of IQ, Purge, or RG to partake in the Dueling Tournament

    - People can still challenge the Duelist of the Week on their own time with the following conditions:

     - GM must be present to set HP to 2000 and Armor to 200

     - IQ VCDMR+ must witness this duel for it to be valid

      - Both players must be on the Apprentice job for the duel to be valid

    - If the Duelist of the week loses the challenge, he will lose the Duelist of the week title and it will be given to the challenger

    - Duelist of the week MUST accept at least 1 challenge per day to keep their title (If no one challenges the duelist of the week, this rule is voided)

    - After the 1 challenge, the Duelist of the week doesn't have to accept any more challenges unless the player wishes to accept more challenges

    - If the Duelist of the Week is on LOA/ROA, the title will be automatically stripped from the player

    - If the Duelist of the Week is inactive for 3 days or more, the title will be stripped 

    - Holocrons will ONLY be given out after the dueling tournament has concluded

    - If the Duelist of the Week does not show up to the Dueling tournament, the player voluntarily is stripped of the Duelist of the week title and the title will go to the person who wins the Dueling tournament


    Why should we add it?: We should add this because it gives more incentive to IQ to improve their dueling skills in lightsaber combat. Usually, I would see lightsaber users use force reflect, lightning strike, or other force powers to fight instead of dueling Jedi. Although using force powers is a viable strategy, it weakens people's ability to conduct lightsaber combat which is one of our many skills to be proficient at in IQ. The Second reason is to add more reasons for people to join Inquistorious branches. Whenever I get on the server and it is Defcon 5, IQ doesn't really have anything to do. Sure, there may be an occasional SIM, but other than that, we either AFK in bunks or duel each other. Instead of dueling each other to appease our boredom, I want to create competition and ambition for people in IQ to strive for. I want players to want to play IQ more and having a duelist-of-the-week system will get that to happen.

    What are the advantages of having this?: There are a lot of advantages to having this system in place. The first advantage is to give more Holocrons to people. I have noticed that GMs don't give out that many holocrons on off-ship events because it either doesn't fit the narrative of their event or doesn't think it is important to spawning holocrons for Inquistorious. If we have the Duelist of the Week system in place, the utilization of the Holocron registry will become much more apparent and will give people more rewards for becoming better duelists. The second advantage of having this is getting bragging rights. I always love competitions and competitive spirit and believe that the Inquistorious branches will also have competitive spirits. Hypothetically, if the duelist of the week is an RG member, the RG branch will be very happy and IQ and Purge will have the incentive to practice dueling to reclaim their spot as the best dueling branch. This system will create a friendly rivalry between IQ and RG which will spark more people to join Inquistorious and create an exciting environment for people to partake in.

    Who is it mainly for?: IQ, RG, and Purge

    - Lord VI Hiroshima

  3. What Is Your In Game Name?: Hiroshima

    What Is Your SteamID?: STEAM_0:1:67919358

    How Long Have You Been In IQ?: 3 weeks

    Have You Been In Purge, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?: I was a Purge BDS SFC 1 year ago

    Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT/Lord VI?: I would like to become the rank of Lord VI for a couple of reasons. The first reason I want to become the rank of Lord VI is to be able to give out more rewards and commendations to IQ Enlisted and NCOs. One thing I've noticed as an NCO is IQ isn't being fully recognized for its accomplishments on this server. This includes missing out on promotions in events, not receiving Galactic Credit rewards, and not feeling a sense of drive to move up the ranks of IQ. This is not the fault of IQ Lore as they have multiple duties they have to perform, however, I wish to alleviate their responsibilities by becoming Lord VI. I will frequently give out promotions to apprentices who do well in events, regularly conduct simulations for IQ, and overall, give a sense to the IQ enlisted of a command structure to look up to. All I need is a chance to make that happen. The second reason I wish to become a Lord VI is to have my voice heard within the Inquistorius. I have multitudes of ideas when it comes to the IQ branch, but my ideas would never fester if I stayed as a NCO. Me giving ideas to the command teams is kind of like an ST PVT entering Purge Bunks. They try to convince you that you shouldn't kill them for multiple reasons, yet you take it with a grain of salt and still kill them. In order for my ideals to be heard, getting to Lord VI is necessary as my voice will hold some weight in the room instead of a ST PVT waiting to be ignored. I want to give suggestions and ideas to make IQ the best branch on this server, and I need Officer rank in order to make that happen. The third and final reason I wish to become Lord VI is to get further through my ambitious plan to become HCOM. I'll admit that I am aiming for a high rank, but I'm just not the type of person to be satisfied with an officer rank. I'm not the type of person to be stuck at an officer rank and do the minimum amount of work to maintain my rank. I aim to be higher than that and hopefully, I will get Grand Inquisitor at some point in my Gaminglight Career. However, in order for me to achieve this goal, I must prove myself as an officer by working insurmountable hours on the job and showing to the command team that I am willing to work my way up to High Command. I view Lord VI as the way to get me to my goal of HCOM and I wish IQ Command will give me the chance to make it a reality.

    What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Officer Team?: From the previous question, I mentioned that I can give out ideas for the IQ branch. One of the responsibilities of an Officer is to make the branch the most fun and most excited thing for new players on the server, which is why instead of being passive and only conducting minimum amounts of work for the branch, I will become proactive and make the branch better through suggestions and ideas. My first idea is making IQ Assassin an actual sub-branch instead of just a random job. One of the appeals for a branch is to join a sub-branch within the regiment you are joining and the reason behind that is you can get promoted in other ways instead of just normal promotions. For example, for Purge Brawler and Purge Heavy, both sub-branches have a rank structure and a Command team for those sub-branches, and yet, Inquistorious doesn't have an equivalent. I believe IQ Assassin should be made a sub- branch in order for more people to join IQ and to give people the opportunity to rank up in IQ besides normal promotions. This is one of the great ideas I have in mind for the IQ branch and if I become IQ officer, I can make these ideas flourish. The second idea I have in mind is working with RG a lot more in the future. Through my time as NCOs, I've noticed that Royal Guards and IQ never do anything together. Sure, we might have the occasional dueling tournament, but when it comes to Royal Guard Hunting Simulations, missions, or just regular SIMs in general, IQ and Royal Guards don't do anything together. As Lord VI, I will be conducting a lot more cross-battalion SIMs in order to increase the reputation of IQ and to improve branch relations on this server. I will make sure that IQ is a branch that will be invited to partake in SIMs and missions and that is a promise. The third and final idea I have is to be able to have IQ Lore mark people for assassinations on Defcon 5. In the current SOP of IQ Assassins, it states that only IQ HCOM can mark people for assassination which makes sense as only HCOM can order kill orders. However, I still believe it should be lowered to IQ lore characters for a couple of reasons. The first reason is I believe the people in the positions of IQ Lore are trustworthy enough to not abuse this power. My logic is if they were trustworthy enough to get one of the top ranks in the IQ branch as IQ Lore, then they should be trustworthy enough to not abuse marking people for assassination. My second reason for this idea is it will make IQ Assassin a lot more appealing. Currently, there are only 2 people who can actually order a mark for assassination which is the High IQ and the Grand IQ. If those people are not on or AFK on the server, then the job of IQ Assassin is essentially useless. If we have more people that are able to give out marks for assassination, then the job will be a lot more appealing to people and they will play more IQ. The third and final reason is to give more RP to IQ. When it is Defcon 5, there is essentially no RP that IQ can actually do on their jobs. All IQ actually do is either AFK in bunks or duel in bunks but other than that, IQ has nothing to do. So, I propose that enabling the RP of assassinations will give people a reason to get on the IQ job and play.  

    Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?: Yes. As of right now, I have currently 8,246 hours on Gmod and 80% of that time is me playing serious RP servers. I have been in multiple leadership positions on multiple Serious RP servers, but I will only focus on this server and my experiences here. Back in December 2020, I was in the lore position of "Tenn Graneet" and I was a Commander in Naval at the time. I was also the Naval Overseer for Havoc (which made me have the power of about Havoc COL at that time). Not only did I have to present leadership to my subordinates in Naval, but I also had to conduct leadership within Havoc as well. Anyone who has a leadership position or had one in the past knows it is extremely difficult to present leadership to your subordinates. You have to have your subordinates respect you, you have to give out orders in tense situations, and you have to discipline your men if they step out of line. Luckily I have a lot of experience when it comes to leadership, so I generally know what I'm doing when I become an officer. However, the biggest thing that people don't tell when you are an officer is you will fail at some point. You are going to mess up an order, give a really harsh punishment when you didn't mean it, let your emotions get the best of you, and among other things. I have failed multiple times when it came to leading men, but I have learned from my past mistakes, so I will never perform those mistakes again when I am an officer. Another notable leadership position that I was on this server was Deputy Squad Lead of Inferno Squadron before it was a sub battalion for Naval. I was also a Deputy Head of Inferno Intelligence while I was in Inferno Squadron so I have pretty accustomed for managing regiments and sub-branches of battalions on Gaminglight Imperial RP. Currently, I am a Shock 2LT and I have plently of experience of dealing with people out of line because I constantly have to deal with STs out of line xD. Anyways, I believe I have the nesscary experience to conduct myself as an officer as I have multiple experiences to my name as an officer.

    Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?: Yes

    How Many Strikes Do You Have?: 0

  4. What is your in-game name? Shock ERUT SFC Hiroshima SK666

    What is your current rank? SFC

    How long have you been in Shock? 2 weeks

    How much time do you have on the server? 3 weeks play time

    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? There are a couple reasons why I deserve the position of officer. The first reason is I have an insurmountable amount of experience holding RP leadership positions on Garry's mod server. Currently, I have a total of 8,535 hours on Gmod and about 70-80% of that time is playing on serious RP servers. I have the knowledge of conducting myself as an officer, have the correct applications of leadership, able to display professionalism, and a lot more traits that officers are required to possess. The second reason I deserve the postion of officer in the Shock Battalion is I can organize the enlisted and NCO. Throughout my time as an NCO, I have noticed all of the Shock are chaotic and have no sense of order when performing Defcon 5 responsibilities and duties. Shock Enlisted just go wherever they want as they have no sense of guidance when performing their duties and Shock NCOs do not actively enforce orders upon their subordinates. If I become a Shock officer, I will ensure there is order within the Shock ranks. Every time I get on active duty as a Shock, I will give out sectors to Shock Enlisted, have NCOs do Shock tryouts, and ensure all Shock Personnel follows their SOPs. I will make the Shock Battalion the most dominant battalion on this server and strike fear into all of the other battalion's heart. All I need is a change to make that happen. The third and final reason I deserve the position of officer is to have some decision power within the regiment. I have a lot of opinions and ideas when it comes to the Shock regiment, but I do not have any power to make any of these ideas a reality. Me voicing my opinions is kinda like an ST saying I have been false arrestly and yet they Mass RDMed a bunch of people. You take it with a grain of salt and then you simply ignore them after a while. If given the chance, I will have my voice heard when it comes to the future of the Shock regiment and one day, I will get so high in the chain of command that everyone will be forced to listen to what I have to say.

    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I can be trusted to hold this position because I have previous officer experience on this server. For about 3-4 years on Gaminglight Imperial RP, I was a Naval Commander and also the lore position of Tenn Graneet. The responsibilities of Tenn Graneet include the following: Commanding Naval subbordinates, Overseeing my Naval Gunnery Officers, and Overseeing Havoc Company (as I was equivalent to the rank of Havoc COL). I had to control 3 separate branches and made sure all of them were performing smoothly. One thing that all people who were in leadership positions will know is It is not easy to lead. You have to make no mistakes, have to set yourself as a role model for all of your subordinates, and give out punishments for people out of line. Everyone who has gone through a leadership experience has made some mistakes in the past and including myself, I have done some things I regret. However, from these mistakes, I have learned from these mistakes and continue to show improvement in leading my subordinates and displaying myself as a true role model for an officer of a Battalion. I will never make any of the mistakes I went through in the past and will continue to grow under the tutelage of Shock Senior Officers. From my past leadership experiences, I will show complete expertise in the officer role and will not let my Shock Command team down.

    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I believe I can provide a creative mind to the Shock Officer team. Other applicants may have previous experience as an officer or has a valid work ethic, but what most people do not have is thinking of ideas to make Shock a better battalion. I have conjured up many different ideas for the Shock regiment that I want to bring forward to make Shock more fun and appealing to new players on the server. For example, one idea that I would like to see is the rank requirement for entering Purge Bunks when filling out an AOS to be lowered. In the Shock SOP, only SFC+ may enter Purge Bunks when filling out an AOS. However, SFC is a very high rank compared to the Shock on the server so if a Custom Class hides in Purge bunks and he has an AOS, there is nothing that the lower ranks can possibly do. I believe that lowering the rank requirement SGT+ would be sufficient as I believe all Shock NCOs+ are capable of acting mature and able to conduct their duties correctly. If given the chance, I will focus all of my energy on making the Shock Battalion shine and become the most glorious battalion this server has ever seen! 

    How active can you be? I can be on pretty much all of the time on the weekends, and on the weekdays, I can be on a couple of hours per day

  5. 1. What's your in-game name? ST SCTI SFC Hiroshima 1064

    2. What is your SteamID as shown on the roster? STEAM_0:1:67919358

    3. How long have you been on the server?  I joined this server around December 2020

    4. How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have? I have 16 warns on Police RP, but all of them are like 4-5 years ago

    5. Why do you want to be an Officer? There are a couple of reasons why I want to become an officer. The first reason that I want to be an officer of the Stormtrooper Corps is to organize the regiment. During my time as an NCO, I have noticed that it is really chaotic whenever Stormtroopers do events. I can't blame the officers as most ST Enlisted are not in TeamSpeak and some of them are complete minges. However, I will do my best by organizing the ST Enlisted. If given the chance, I will take the lead of all of the new players on the server and ST Enlisted in events to show the dominance of the ST Battalion. I will make the ST battalion the most feared and the best battalion on this server that will make the new players want to stay in the battalion and all I need is a chance to prove that. The 2nd reason I want to become an officer for STs is to be able to have some power within my voice for the ST regiment. I have a lot of ideas when it comes to the ST Regiment, but I don't have any power to voice my opinions within the branch as an NCO. Me voicing my opinions is kind of like an ST PVT trying to order an Officer around. You take it with a grain of salt and you ignore them. However, when I become an officer, that will change because will opinion and voice will actually matter to the branch. NCOs do not have a say in what changes go on in the branch, so I will become an officer to make my voice heard by my Senior Officers and the Commanders of the ST battalion. The 3rd and final reason I wish to become an Officer in STs is to improve relations with other regiments aboard the ISD. I've noticed during my time in NCOs that there are some branches that are not too friendly with our regiment. For example, one of the branches we are not friendly with is Purge. I have seen countless times of ST PVTs running into Purge bunks and STs shooting IQ while they are fighting Jedi so it is safe to say that we are not on the best of terms. I want to reshape the image of STs as being mingy and incompetent soldiers to a battalion that can actually rival other regiments when it comes to discipline, combat, seriousness, etc. I don't want other regiments to hate us for being annoying or mingy, so I plan on using the weight of an officer to show these regiments that STs can be on the same level as them.

    6. What time zone are you in? PST

    7. What can you do to improve the battalion? There are a couple of ideas that I have to improve the battalion. The first suggestion that I have for Storm Troopers is lower the required rank for TeamSpeak in Stormtroopers. One of the problems I see in STs is that there is no communication with ST Enlisted for events from NCOs or Officers. Most of the time, I see ST Enlisted not being in the correct positions for off ships events, not going to their battle stations on Defcon 3, etc. I want to lower the required rank for Teamspeak because NCOs and Officers can easily give orders to their subordinates and Enlisted can easily communicate call-outs to their higher-ups. It will make events less chaotic and more orderly for most STs so I believe it is a good idea. The second thing I can do to improve this battalion is to conduct more Simulations and Training with the entire ST Battalion as a whole. As an NCO, I really only see simulations and training that are specific to Scouts and Shore Troopers. Because of this, all of the normal STs don't get to partake in fun activities when there are no events and eventually join other battalions because of it. I want to change this by conducting more and more simulations for all STs, so their impressions of the regiment will be positive, and will more likely stay in the battalion because of it.  The third and final thing I could do to improve this battalion is to host joint training and SIMS with other battalions. The image of STs currently is there are mingy, annoying, disobedient and other negative connotations you can think of. I would like to reshape the brand of STs by improving branch relations with other regiments to make people think STs in a positive light instead of a negative one. 

    8. How do you differ from other applicants? There are a couple of things I have that make me better than most applicants. The first trait I have is experience in leadership positions. As of right now, I have currently 8,246 hours on Gmod and 80% of that time is me playing serious RP servers. I have been in multiple leadership positions on multiple Serious RP servers, but I will only focus on this server and my experiences here. Back in December 2020, I was in the lore position of "Tenn Graneet" and I was a Commander in Naval at the time. I was also the Naval Overseer for Havoc (which made me have the power of about Havoc COL at that time). Not only did I have to present leadership to my subordinates in Naval, but I also had to conduct leadership within Havoc as well. Anyone who has a leadership position or had one in the past knows it is extremely difficult to present leadership to your subordinates. You have to have your subordinates respect you, you have to give out orders in tense situations, and you have to discipline your men if they step out of line. Luckily I have a lot of experience when it comes to leadership, so I generally know what I'm doing when I become an officer. However, the biggest thing that people don't tell when you are an officer is you will fail at some point. You are going to mess up an order, give a really harsh punishment when you didn't mean it, let your emotions get the best of you, and among other things. I have failed multiple times when it came to leading men, but I have learned from my past mistakes, so I will never perform those mistakes again when I am an officer. I will use my past experiences to become one of the best officers in the Stormtroopers Corps and that is a promise. Another notable leadership position that I was on this server was Deputy Squad Lead of Inferno Squadron before it was a sub battalion for Naval. I was also a Deputy Head of Inferno Intelligence while I was in Inferno Squadron so I have pretty accustomed for managing regiments and sub-branches of battalions on Gaminglight Imperial RP.  The second reason I am more fit than most applicants is dedication. Whenever I put my mind to something, I am usually obsessed over completing said thing and my eyes are currently locked on the ST battalion. I am currently very active as an NCO and will keep on being active and performing my duties as an ST NCO and will certainly still be active if I become an officer for STs. I also only focus on 1 battalion at a time instead of focusing on multiple things at once. I follow a philosophy where I put all of my energy into one thing instead of doing multiple things at once and half-assing all of those things. I will spend my entire energy on performing my duties as an officer for Storm Troopers instead of joining 2 battalions and splitting my focus on 2 different battalions. The third and final thing that makes me superior that other applicants is I have ambitions. Sometimes, people will become an officer and there are "content" or "satisfied" with their officer positions. From my experience, these people will usually do minimal work as an officer and will become inactive later on. I am not like this as I biggest goals in mind on this server. I am aiming to become General one day on this server and I will not just be content with a 2LT rank or a 1LT rank in Storm Troopers. I have a vision of bigger heights for me so I will gain a reputation within the Storm Trooper battalion so people will respect my character and my actions on the server. Storm Troopers is a stepping stone for me and I will make full use of the stepping stone so I can achieve the rank of HCOM on this server.

  6. - Support

    - Did not reach the required word count on "How can you assist Inferno Squad with your rank

    - You have barely been in IF

    - Not specific on what previous NCO experience you had before

    - You are also repeating the same Information in "Why do you want to become an NCO" section. For example, you've repeated  " I want to help inferno recruit more members" twice.


    - Junior Squad Lead Deputy Director of Intelligence Naga Saki IF10

  7. +/- Support

    - Most Tryouts this week

    - Shows potential leadership

    - Active

    - Applicant has made an LOA for 3 days, which means if he is accepted right now, he won't be able to perform his officer duties for a couple of days

    - Junior Squad Lead Deputy Director of Intelligence Naga Saki IF10

  8. What is your In Game Name? Hiroshima


    What is your In Current Rank? Special Agent


    What is your Agent Name? Naga Saki


    How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 1 week and 4 days


    Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]

    I want to become an officer of Inferno Squadron because I want to show my commitment to my fellow troopers and superiors that I am dedicated to Inferno Squad. Whenever I put my mind to something, I spend a ridiculous amount of energy and effort working towards that ideal and Inferno Squadron is one of those ideals. I have conducted the most tryouts in IF, participated in multiple SIMs and training for IF, and displayed a professional and serious demeanor to my fellow enlisted to follow. I have proven time and time again to my superiors and subordinates that I am ready to join the ranks of the officer team, and I will continue to show my dedication if given the opportunity.


    I also have an interesting mindset when it comes to having 2 lives on the server in which the thought of having 2 lives is stupid. My reasoning behind this is I would rather spend all my time and effort working in IF then splitting up my focus onto 2 different branches and become mediocre in both. As an officer, you will have to carry a lot of responsibility and duties, so it is unfair for your subordinates if you spend your time on another branch instead of IF. I’ve stuck with this branch for 1 week and 4 days and I am not going to join another branch to have a negative impact on my performance in IF.


    Throughout my time in IF, I have also noticed that the officer team seems to be lacking in activity. While reading through the LOAs for IF, I noticed that 50% of the officers are on LOA. This is a problem as IF personnel are going to suffer because of it. The general consensus for enlisted is whenever there is a ranking structure/Chain of Command in place, most Enlisted would want to rise up through the ranks. However, if you do not have an active officer team, the enlisted will wait longer for a promotion and eventually will leave the branch to find a more active branch with active officer personnel. You need an active officer in order to have an active branch. I am shown that I am one of the most active NCOs in IF and I am willing to perform the responsibilities and duties as an officer.


    Another reason I want to become an officer is to have an officer who gets on EST times. About 33% of the officer team are in GMT time zones which is a problem because not many people on IF get on at GMT times. It is no surprise that most of the people on the server have EST time zone because the server is usually the most active at around 7:00 PM EST (80+ people on at that time). Because of this, whenever I recruit people into IF, I would usually get the most recruits at that time of day, so if no officers in IF are active at that time, they will probably not get any recognition. If I were to become an officer, I would be able to oversee the enlisted on EST times and would be able to carry out my officers duties while I am online with them.


    The final reason I want to become an officer is my words will have more weight to them when I become an Officer. As an officer, you are seen with the utmost respect by other officers and looked up to by NCOs and Enlisted. I have conjured up a couple of new ideas that I could see being implemented into IF, but as the current rank I am, these ideas would be ignored. It is like a Naval Crewman trying to tell you what to do as an IF, you take it with a grain of salt and it is mainly white noise. As a NCO, the command team and High Command would probably take my suggestions with a grain of salt which is why becoming an officer is important to me. People wouldn’t pay attention to what I have to say as a NCO, but they will have to pay attention to me once I become an officer.


    How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [100+ Words]

    The 2 things that I can offer to Inferno Squad Command is experience and leadership. Currently, I have about 7,900 hours on gmod and most of that time is spent on serious RP servers. I have played on so many serious RP servers that I achieved the rank of NCO and officer multiple times and those experiences taught me how to conduct leadership on my subordinates. I am not fearful when stating opinions out loud, able to give out quick, effective orders to subordinates when the situation calls for it, and to make sure that people don’t step out of line in IF. When it comes to my style of leadership, I usually go by the words of “strict and fair”. I make it hard for Enlisted and NCOs when we do training, but I always make sure I don't give out unfair or impossible tasks for them. Many officers might have a different style for leadership, but this is what I follow, and I hope that I am able to display this type of leadership in Inferno Squadron

    How many strikes do you have? 0


    Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so, explain.

    I have had many different experiences on multiple star wars serious rp servers, but I will just stick to one experience I’ve had on this server. Last year, I was a former Tenn Graneet which made me the Chief Gunnery Officer of Naval. I was a former Captain as well in the Naval which means that I was entrusted in commanding the Naval Enlisted, and my Gunnery officer team as well. Also, since Gunnery officers were the overseers of Havoc, I was equivalent to a Havoc COL as well. Basically, I was Senior Command of 3 different things as Tenn Graneet so I had to endure all of it and kept pushing forward. Throughout my experience in Naval and Havoc, I had moments which made me proud of myself and there were times that I have failed and had to learn from my mistakes. Leadership as an idea seems to be easy, but all officers know that it is extremely difficult. All of your Enlisted and NCOs look up to you as to what they should do in the branch, they ask you questions, follow your orders, and a lot of other things you have to do. You have to be on your best behavior and you cannot afford to make any mistakes as an officer because if you do, then the Enlisted are going to follow a bad role model and all of the other NCOs are waiting to take your spot as an officer.


    What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad Officer Team? Leadership, dedication, activity, previous experience as an Officer, hard-working, and a decent personality.


    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  

    (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)


    • Like 1
  9. What is your In Game Name? Hiroshima

    What is your In Current Rank? Deputy Agent

    What is your Agent Name? Naga saki

    How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 4 days

    Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words] I want to become an NCO of Inferno Squadron because I want to show my peers and the command that I am dedicated to IF. Whenever I put my mind into something, I would spend ludicrous amounts of time committed to the thing and my mind is currently on IF. I currently have 7,900 hours of Gmod and most of those hours are from me committing to other Serious RP servers. I know that it is only been 4 days since I've joined Inferno Squadron, but all I am asking is an opportunity to show how much I am dedicated towards Inferno squad.

    Another thing to note is I do not like splitting up my energy between 2 different branches. On this server, there is a 2 life system where you get to join 2 different branch and the 2 life system contradict my thinking and philosophy. My rule is I will not join 2 branches because I want to only focus on 1 branch instead of splitting up my energy into 2 branches. I would rather do my best in one branch then to do mediocre in 2 branches. I even tested my philosophy by joining 2 branches. Before I was IF, I was a Shock LCPL for a couple of days and I wanted to join IF because it looked fun. Soon after I did that, I started to noticed that I had no time to play on both branches and I became stressed to become active in both. After I joined IF, I started to become inactive in Shock and I've decided to leave Shock to solely focus on IF.

    Another important reason I want to be NCO is so I can help with the leadership positions in IF. Right now, Inferno Squadron has only 18 agents on the roster which is extremely upsetting because you can now classified IF as a dead branch. My goal when I become an NCO is to revive this branch and to make it flourish in the Imperial community. I want to see this branch strive for being the best branch on the ISD-GL and making me an NCO will help me achieve this goal.

    How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank?  [50+ Words] I would assist Inferno Squad by doing a ludicrous amount of tryouts. One of the reason why IF is so inactive is that the NCO and Officer personnel is lacking and only a few people are able to do tryouts. If I become a NCO, I will be able to host tryouts for IF and I will be hosting multiple tryouts everytime I get on or whenever I have free time on the server. Either way, my main goal is to revive this branch and make it the most feared branch on the server.

    How many strikes do you have? 0

    Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so explain. As previously stated, I have 7,900 hours on Gmod which meant I become NCO+ many times on many different servers, but I will focus on this server only. One notably experience I had as a NCO on this server was in Purge. I was a Purge SFC and I confidently say that I was a good NCO. I was active, dedicated to only Purge, and I grinded out a lot of tryouts (Ask the Ninth Sister/Fennec if you want to ask how I did in Purge). I even was Ground Command for a Public Mission since no Officer wanted to become GC, I volunteered. I have gain valuable experience from my time in Purge, which I use that experience to become a better NCO in IF. I also know that when becoming a NCO or Officer or any leadership position, it is extremely difficult. Some people may think it is easy, but most people know that leadership is the most difficult thing you can do. Essentially, you are the role model to all of your subordinates, so you have to be professional and serious most of the time. You also cannot make mistakes when you are in a leadership position. Most branches deal out harsher punishments to those in high ranking position because they expect them to know the rules and to follow them perfectly. Although this seems unfair, it is true as I have witnessed this occur to many NCOs and officers in serious rp branches on different servers. However, I feel like the hardest thing that a leader can do is to display leadership to their subordinates. A leader is nothing without the respect of your subordinates and the only way to gain their respect is to show you are competent in leading them. You have to know when to give orders, make harsh decisions, change battle strategies when the situation calls for it, and the list goes on. There is a multitude of things you need to consider when leading your subordinates and I have been through that experience multiple times. I have faced the proudest moments when leading my people into battle and my darkest moments when failing so I know my responsibilities and duties as a NCO and I will be prepared executing those duties in IF 

    What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team?  Leadership, dedication, activity, Previous NCO experience, professionalism, decent personality

    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period?  
    (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes

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  10. What is your In Game Name?

    Purge BDS SFC Hiroshima AA01

    What is your SteamID?


    How Long Have You Been In Purge & IQ? I’ve been in purge for about 1 week and 3 days


    Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]

    I want to be a part of the officer team because I want t show how dedicated I am to Purge and IQ. Whenever I put my mind to something, I always follow through on that ideal and when it comes to Purge, my mind has been always trying to find ways to make Purge effective. I’ve been spending a ludicrous amount of time on my Purge job daily as I continue to do tryouts, partake in training sessions, and act as a role model for lower enlisted to follow. I have shown on multiple accounts that I am dedicated and active on my Purge and IQ job and I will continue to focus on grinding hours and hours on Purge.

    I also have an interesting take on never joining a second branch when I am already in one. On the server, you are allowed to have 2 lives and I will never spend the other life on another branch. I believe that putting all of my energy in one branch is better than splitting up my energy into 2 branches as it will make me exhausted and burnt out. I have stuck with Purge for about a week and I am not going to use my other life to affect my performance in Purge.

    I have also noticed that the Purge Junior Command seems to be lacking in personnel. Most of the 2LTs are either on LOA or generally inactive. This is a problem for Purge and IQ because Enlisted personnel are going to suffer from that. The appeal for most enlisted is that they want to rise up through the ranks and if Enlisted are not getting promoted that often, they will leave in order to find a branch that will promote them for excellent performance. You need active officers in order to have an active branch. I have shown to my fellow NCOs and officers in Purge that I am very active and I am willing to endure the responsibilities and duties of an officer of Purge and IQ.

    The final reason I want to become an officer is because I will be able to have more say when it comes to decisions in Purge. As an officer, you are one of the few people who would be respected by your fellow officers and admired by the NCOs and Enlisted. Throughout my time in Purge, I have developed new ideas for Purge that will make the purge more interesting and more appealing for people to join. I would like to share those ideas with the higher ups, but at my rank, that is unfortunately impossible. It is like an ST PVT that gives you combat advice, you take it with a grain of salt and it is white noise. As a Junior NCO, little to no people will take any suggestions seriously, so that is why becoming a part of the officer team is crucial for me. My words as an NCO will not make anyone pay attention, but as an officer, my words will carry weight.


    How could you assist Inquisitorius Command with this rank?  [75+ Words]

    I can assist with Command with my experience with leadership. The first thing I can offer is leadership capabilities. I have been playing gmod for roughly 7,500 hours and most of those hours come from serious rp servers. I have been NCOs for so many battalions on multiple different servers that leadership has been ingrained in my soul. I am not fearful when it comes to public speaking, I am able to give out quick, effective orders to my subordinates, and I am able to keep people in line if they try to go past it. When it comes for me to present leadership, I usually go by a philosophy of strict, but fair. I am strict in a sense of making it a little bit hard for NCOs and Enlisted, but I always make sure that I am not giving them impossible tasks or giving them insanely hard assignments. Other officers have a different leadership style, but this is my personal style and I would be honored if I could display this style of leadership to Purge and IQ as a whole.


    How many strikes do you have? 0


    What Qualifications could you bring to the Inquisitorius Officer Team?

    I have dedication, activity, leadership skills, experience as a Command member, and a decent personality.


    Have you had any previous experience as an Officer?

    I have had many different experiences on multiple star wars serious rp servers, but I will just stick to one experience I’ve had on this server. Last year, I was a former Tenn Graneet which made me the Chief Gunnery Officer of the Naval. I was a former Captain as well in the Naval which means that I was entrusted in commanding the Naval Enlisted, and my Gunnery officer team as well. Also, since Gunnery officers were the overseers of Havoc, I was equivalent to a Havoc COL as well. Basically, I was Senior Command of 3 different things as Tenn Graneet so I had to endure all of it and kept pushing forward. Throughout my experience in Naval and Havoc, I had moments which made me proud of myself and there were times that I have failed and had to learn from my mistakes. Leadership as an idea seems to be easy, but all officers know that it is extremely difficult. All of your Enlisted and NCOs look up to you as to what they should do in the branch, they ask you questions, follow your orders, and a lot of other things you have to do. You have to be on your best behavior and you cannot afford to make any mistakes as an officer because if you do, then the Enlisted are going to follow a bad role model and all of the other NCOs are waiting to take your spot as an officer. 


    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? 

    (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)


  11. I apologize for getting anyone's hopes up for me returning to Security because it was my fault for choosing the worst time to come back to Security. First thing I want to point out is I am not leaving Security on bad terms, but I am leaving Security because of me. I have been swamped with schoolwork, tests, and projects that I just cannot get on the server and do my duty as Security Command . If I were to be active in Security, I would have to take like 1- 2 months off from the server and that is not going to cut it as a Command Member. The second thing is I do not have any motivation to play Security anymore. I tried so hard to try and have any ounce of motivation to play Security again, but I couldn't get myself to play it whatsoever. I have lost interest in playing Security and lost motivation to get on the job at all. The third thing for this is to keep my mental health in check. The school work, being a command member, trying to uphold all of the duties and responsibilities of Security put me at my breaking point. Stress has been one of constant factors that drives me away from Security and to be honest, it is killing me from the inside. This is a decision I need to make or otherwise my health was just going to get worse.

    For all of these reasons stated above, I decided that I should really resign from Security. Since it hasn't even been a week since my reinstatement, I will lose my reserve spot and would probably never become Security Command again. However, this is not me resigning from the server as I quite enjoy my other life on this server. Another reason I wanted to leave Security is to focus on my Utility life as well. Utility has been so much fun to me that I am very interested in pursuing it and I don't receive any stress from that life. If any of the Security CMD or Security in general wanna talk or hang out, I will be available  to do so.

    Speaking of Security CMD, It was a blast talking to them again. I had a lot of fun talking to all of them and they are all cool people. I wish the best for all of them in the future on this server. Anyway, I probably written too much in this resignation {since I like typing a lot) so I will shut up now.

    Also, to all of the NCOs that read this resignation, It was not fair for me to take a WO spot. There is no reason for me to be given a WO spot when I was not active for the entirety of this week. I know how it feels to wait for the chance to become Security CMD (since I had to wait like 3 weeks for CMD Application to come out  before lol). So with that, I wish the best of luck to all of the NCOs and Senior NCOs on the Command Application when they are available. 

    To end this resignation, I hope everyone in Security has a fun and enjoyable time and I hope I can talk to some of ya'll on the server


    Former Security JFTO WO Hiroshima

    P.S: Ya'll should make more suggestions for Security. Trust me, Security High Command love the suggestions 🙂 

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  12. 1. What’s your Ingame Name? Nagasaki

    2. What’s your SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it)? STEAM_0:1:67919358

    3. What is your Rank? Maintenance JourneyMen

    4. What’s your time on the Server? 4 weeks

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL? For SCP RP, I have 0 warns, but for all of the other SCP RP servers, I have 16 warns but all of them are inactive and they were warns from like 2-3 years ago 

    7. Who gave you permission to apply? OS Spring 

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)? I think I am fit for H.L.P.R Bot Alpha because I have knowledge on the server. I have a play time on the SCP RP server for 4 weeks. I am fairly confident that I am able to follow the rules and regulations given to me as an H.L.P.R bot. The second reason I want H.LP.R Bot is to experience more roleplay on the server. These bots are able to escort Maintenance in HCZ to fix CCs and is able to get hacked by CI as well, which looks super cool to me. 

    10. Chaos Insurgency is raiding and you see them breaching a Keter SCP (like SCP-035). What do you do? I call the CI out in site comms and I only attack them if they shoot at me first.

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