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A Strong Heavy Main

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Posts posted by A Strong Heavy Main

  1. In-game Name:



    [GL] Fear - http://steamcommunity.com/id/ScaryScrumptiosSpooker


    Security LPCL Fear#1878

    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?
    I would say from a scale from 1 - 10, probably a 6.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

    I feel that I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I am a strong willed person of heart, A believer of our cause, and a strong will for justice shows me this path is the way to go. I Feel as if our cause is righteous and worthy of the worlds presence, against the SCP foundation. D-Class shouldn't be held captive and tested on like lab rats. They Should be helping us in our cause of what is right!

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

    I think my difference is that I am a lot more Willed than the others. If i put my mind to it, it will be accomplished, and I feel as if Helping this cause is my next mission I need to fulfill.

    How active can you be?

    I can be active more than I am now if needed. And yes, I can be active.

    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:

    Yes, I have both Teamspeak and Discord at the moment.

  2. Today, SCP-173 was required to answer three questions related to SCP-173's abilities, and SCP-173's creation. The First question asked, was the creation itself, and how SCP-173 come to be. SCP-173 said It was created By a ritual from the "Gods". The "Gods" Are not Gods, And are not humans either. We dont know who these "Gods" are, but we will get more info about them later. The Next Question was About SCP-173's teleporting abilities. SCP-173 said They were given to It, again, By the "Gods" in the ritual. SCP-173 also said there were others. When I asked this SCP-173 named them off by their SCP Numbers. SCP-682, 096, and 106, Were also part of this said ritual, and were given powers like It's. Details Unknown to this ritual or These "Gods" once again. The Third and final question we asked, was about the "Paint" And markings on SCP-173's head, and the meaning behind it. SCP-173 Then replied, that it was the meaning of the end. The end to not just humanity, but to life itself. When Asked about it further, SCP-173 refused to reply.  Continuation on that further, must be made.

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