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garrett the nonminge

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Posts posted by garrett the nonminge

  1. 19 minutes ago, Loaff said:


    -Exceptionally responsible, has previously contacted me about several valid issues and problematic people 

    -Never had to have a talk with him about anything, he's been a model enlisted the whole time he's been in maintenance

    -Good and reasonable answers to the 3 questions

    -I believe he would be a very capable command member if accepted into command 

    Overall would be a pleasure to work with in command!




  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Garrett

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:154311442

    3. What is your Rank? Maintenance Adept

    4. What’s your time on the Server? Over 1 week

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 7 (0 active)

    7. Who gave you permission to apply? AMM Spring

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9

    9. Why do you believe you are fit for Mobile Mop Force (75+ words)? I know I am fit for MMF because I like to think I'm pretty good at combat; I have the layouts of every sector of the map committed to memory, I know how to recontain pretty much every SCP, and I love RPing and working for Maintenance. I believe I have proved with somewhat with my work as an FTO thus far, and my dedication to helping this branch grow. 90% of the time I'm on this server I am playing some sort of maintenance, so I will provide exceptional activity to the Mobile Mop Force, and I will execute the duties of the MMF to the best of my abilities.

    10. What is the main purpose of MMF? The main purpose of MMF is essentially deal with anomalous entities that make a mess. This includes stuff like biohazardous materials and or residue left behind. As a roleplay example, MMF could deal with residue left behind by a SCP-008-1, and disposing of any bodies thereof that could possibly incite a containment breach. They also ensure secrecy of the site by cleaning up any mess left behind off-site, such as dead bodies, bullets, or any trace of the Foundation.

    11. What would be your preferred pseudonym (name) if you are accepted (must be a name of a cleaning product/brand)? Mr Clean

  3. 1. What’s your Ingame Name? Garrett

    2. What’s your SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it)? STEAM_0:0:154311442

    3. What is your Rank? Maintenance Adept

    4. What’s your time on the Server? Over 1 week 

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 7 (none active)

    7. Who gave you permission to apply? AMM Spring

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)? I really do love this branch and I think I can contribute to the enjoyment of the members within, and encourage activity. HLPR Bots provide a lot of RP and creativity to the server and Maintenance and I want everyone to have fun. I love rushing into RP situations to help out my fellow Maintenance and repairing anything that needs to be repaired. I'm confident with the rules that go along with HLPR Bot Alpha, and I will stick to them religiously at all times. I know my credibility may be hurt a little by my warnings, but I promise you I will not abuse this class in any way, as I never have with any Maintenance class. I have combat experience as E11, and I know the site very well. Lastly, I'm pretty dedicated to the job, and I'm confident I can execute the duties of a HLPR Bot effectively.

    10. Chaos Insurgency is raiding and you see them breaching a Keter SCP (like SCP-035). What do you do? I would get away from them, call it out in /site like "/site Chaos Insurgents are attempting to breach SCP-035 in HCZ", and then I would help any Maintenance that may be nearby. If they try to attack me or a fellow Maintenance, I'll engage them.

  4. In-game Name: Garrett


    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:154311442


    DiscordID: lego star wars at st#6969


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: Out of 10, I would rank it at around 9. I started reading and contributing to the SCP wiki probably 3 or so years ago, and since then have read many, many SCP files and tales, and even created a few of my own. I understand all the factions, the SCPs, and how they work.

    Why should you be in the Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): Because I'm an active, dedicated, and professional applicant. I've always seen the Chaos Insurgency as an elite combat force due to their ability to attack in smaller numbers compared to the Foundation, yet still survive due to their superior skills, weaponry, and tactics. I understand how the server works, and how the combat system works, so I think I would be a good candidate for the Insurgency. I'm very active and always ready to participate in raids to help the Chaos Insurgency achieve their goals. I'm competent, have common sense, and can execute orders swiftly. I know how the Chaos Insurgency operates, and I believe I can meet their standards.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: Well, I'm always ready to get the job done, swiftly, and above expectation. I'm self-motivated, and have a strong work ethic. I can promise you I will be one of the most active enlisted CI will have, if not the most active member. I'll work my ass off to prove myself to everyone else, and I won't stop until I do. I'm professional, disciplined, and I can get shit done. I have great grammar, a good understanding of the site and the SCPs within, and how to counter Foundation security forces and how to properly carry out a raid. I've participated in CI raids already on the CI Heavy class, so I have prior experience and skill, and this isn't just talk, I will prove it to you.


    How active can you be?: I am on my computer around 10 hours a day, (not much else to do) and for around 6 of that I'm usually playing on the SCP-RP server. I'll be ready to flag up as CI for any raids or trainings, and I'll make sure CI is my #1 priority.


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.

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