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Posts posted by Corners

  1. 13 minutes ago, Agent Green said:

    - Support

    >The Evidence Contains Hate Speech/ Racial Slurs, therefore making it against Medal TV's ToS, therefore the post shouldn't be up in the first place

    >As a person who served 3 years on a different server as staff, everyone makes a mistake every now and then, complete demotion down to trial mod is not just outlandish, it should be completely out of the question

    >Not to mention, the point that he makes about the staff mentioned attempting to use his physgun for a combat advantage is completely irrelevant, basic training dictates that all D-Class get stripped before getting to a SCP, therefore meaning that the D class would have no chance regardless of the Physgun abuse

    In Summary, while Ireland did commit Physgun abuse, the way the player reported this is entirely disrespectful to the server, the community, and Staff, Ireland via the clip, was physgunning a d-class, whom by protocol would've been stripped of all weaponry, and cuffed, therefore rendering the claim about doing this for Combat Advantage completely null.


    25 minutes ago, Cintal said:

    1. It was an in-rp thing, the D class was being fed to Shinspin while he was on 682 and was shoved over the fence.

    2. Mf literally put a slur in the title of the clip and broke a rule himself. Even if Ireland was in the wrong, Shinspin would be liable for breaking a rule too and the clip wouldn't be valid.

    3. Tried to blackmail Ireland with the clip and tried to get blackmail him into getting him to open his CC while he was on MTF

    Uh so I was actually the person Ireland physgunned into 682 (I believe you can see my name in the clip when shinspin uses his mic, check top left corner and when I type) and I want to clarify some things.

    There was no RP pushing me into the 682 CC, as you can see quite clearly in the clip I was not cuffed and had not been priorly stripped so I am not sure why you got this impression. 

    I was not being fed to 682, I was actually very close to breaching 682 before Ireland came in and shot me in the back earlier before this clip, I was once again trying to breach 682 but found out Ireland was still in the CC and decided to just wait outside the door before the D5 2LT found me, I told him I wanted to breach 682 but Ireland was in there so he brought me inside, we spoke for like 10-15 seconds before Ireland used his physgun to drop me into the CC, again there was no RP pushes into the CC from either MTF members. 

    As for the title of the clip I completely agree that it was a racial slur and don't understand why he titled it that. 

    Also I DO NOT BELIEVE this physgun abuse is gaining a combat advantage and certainly should not result in a demotion, perhaps a reprimanding but even that I dont think is necessary.

  2. On 9/25/2022 at 9:02 PM, Theta said:

    I think there are better candidates at this time. 

    - Support


    On 9/25/2022 at 8:42 PM, Crunch said:


    There are various reasons as to why I believe you are undeserving of this position. I will explain these down below.

    A.) You currently have a High Command strike meaning during your time as General, you have messed up enough for it to be more than just a "Don't do this again" discussion. As a General, you have already passed the first phase of High Command and should be trusted and knowledgeable about what you do, how you do it, and everything in between. Somewhere along that line you failed and got striked. This shows me to that you still need time within this position before moving up to a higher position.

    B.) You are the newest member of Army High Command (with the exception of Hex) and as such you have less experience than General Bub and General Suns. Both of which have proven themselves as highly competent members of High Command that understand and execute their directive quickly and confidently. You have not yet proven this to me and I presume other members of the community. Being High General is more than just a playermodel and an extra 4 letters. You are directly influencing those below you -- big and small. You are looked at as an exemplary model for High and Low command members and you haven't had the time to prove yourself as such so far.

    C.) I'd like to bring back up something I just said.
    "You are directly influencing those below you -- big and small."

    This is nothing new to you, Kio. You were a long time command member of Nova. You should know this like the back of your hand. While serving as command of Nova you did multiple things that directly influenced the decrease of Nova activity and by extension -- how people viewed the battalion. You logged 57+ SIMs, Trainings, or Missions in a month. This had a SEVERE effect on the battalion via player retention. You had people joining...but they weren't staying. You completely and utterly destroyed the enjoyment of playing on the Nova job for Enlisted, NCOs, and Officers. They dreaded getting on the job because they feared that you would make them do one of the above activities instead of doing what they wanted - to roleplay. You were essentially trying to Kayak across the ocean but weren't patching the holes that were causing you to sink. You undermined two extremely important things. What it meant to be in Nova and What Nova did all for some brownie points and to say "I beat someone in a competition." Beyond this, you didn't set up the Nova command team for your departure. They were severely overwhelmed once you left and have been since. They didn't know what to do. This isn't 100% your fault but ANY command member has the responsibility to properly ensure their predecessors are correctly set up for taking up the mantle. You failed to do this to a degree.

    D.) There was an instance wherein an unnamed member of the community had consistently proven themself as a exceptional command member and was more than deserving of a promotion. Myself and multiple other members of High Command wanted this person promoted however you fired back at us denouncing this person due to personal bias so much so that we had to tell you to put your bias aside.

    E.) You don't display yourself properly. You recently got warned for "Inappropriate conduct in OOC". During this time you were serving as both a Brigadier General, Admin, and AHGM. You should have known better and that's the end of it. You shouldn't have to be warned when you're in high trusted positions. You were given each one of those positions for a reason -- because you display the characteristics of what it means to be a community representative and you failed at being such in that moment.

    F.) When you were promoted to General, your first sentence was an undermining comment towards another High Command member. You didn't even go 1 minute without letting your ego get to you. You got promoted and immediately had this to say to a High Command member that was in their trial period.

    "Did you hear that [name]? I'm a General now...I passed my trial period."

    You SPECIFICALLY called out someone who didn't get promoted. Extremely gross behavior.

    To close, this is not a personal attack against you, Kio. This is simply just me expressing my opinion. I don't think you are ready to hold the position of High General.


  3. 1 hour ago, Noodles said:


    Hex is seriously a great person to interact with every interaction I've had with them has been a truly great one. They've shown a great amount of compassion and care when in the position of medical senior commander and i believe they'll bring the same to HC 

    Big +Support!

  4. 1 hour ago, Noodles said:


    Good app

    Nice person 

    Lots of previous experience 


    However this app has a few minor spelling mistakes and is a little short however I believe wolf would make a great vice admiral 

    Best of luck hope your get the position 


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. On 8/13/2022 at 4:50 PM, Jump said:

    Diabeto: The guy I consider to be the best diabetic.

    OHH the betrayal and the ignorance of this statement 🤡  


    You were by far the best Commander I have ever had the pleasure of working with, through all the resignations and bad situations you kept your cool through all of it. I thank you for all those experiences we had together on the server, I wish you the best of luck.  You are still bad at the game though >

    ~The ACTUAL best diabetic ❤️ 


  6. I will keep this short. Quite frankly I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, especially health wise, to the extent that I neither have the time nor desire to get on the server. For the most part I've enjoyed my entire time on the server and experiences I have had with others. 
    Thank you to all members of IC for making it the best battalion on the server! 

    Special Thanks to the following; 

    Caine & Ravix: You two were by far some of the friendliest people during my entire time on the server, you both made my experience that much better in IC.

    Jump: You have been an excellent Commander so far, don't stop doing what your doing. Hope you get as far as you want on this server. Fix your fookin grammar though. 

    Diabeto & Diamondback: You both made excellent Omega Vice Lead's/Lead's, I have faith you will do nothing but good as VCMDR's.

    Wraith: Even though you've had your issues on this server you still made every minute that I was on the server with you incredible, learn to read. 

    Nimo: Not sure you'll read this but if you do I've known you since your Nu7 VCMDR days and I think you did nothing but good for this server when you were Head Of Staff. Sad to have seen you go. 


    I appreciate everyone on this server making my time as good as it was.

  7. 6 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


    + Very well written Application
    + Always helps people and is very friendly
    + has done many updateds in Purge, IQ and RG battalions
    + Has a Strong Leadership 
    + he is a man with a lot of experience
    + Dedicated to this Community
    + Great guy

    Good Luck Vertigo


  8. 13 hours ago, WanHeda said:





    -Has been a great Grand IQ to work with!

    I haven't and am not IQ, and I haven't interacted with you much, if at all. But from what I have heard you are experienced and generally friendly.. 


  9. 15 hours ago, Theta said:

    + Massive Support!!!!!

    I believe that Mann brings a lot to the table, and it may not be as much as others but nevertheless a lot. He has always been kind and easy to reach and speak to, never reclusive in a locked channel, and every time I have asked to speak with him when he was in such a channel he was very quick to move down to me or move me in. He shows a level of dedication that all High Command should possess. I see Mann on nearly every day I am on, so he isn't lacking in the activity or involvement sections. Overall, I think Mann is a great candidate for this position and I'd love to see how he'd do as SHC. I believe Mann, unlike Vaders of old, wouldn't fail to utilize the battalion fully at his disposal (501st) and for that, he's got my support.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Ghoul said:

    - cool dude
    - hard working
    - Respectful
    - Never heard anything negative about the guy, would make a great Vader.

    +From my fairly limited interactions with you, you have come across as friendly and respectful. 
    +Hard working
    +Has only improved the server as a HC member, and I think you could do even more positive things as Vader. 
    +Never had a bad experience or heard anything negative about you
    I think you are would be an excellent choice for Vader! 
    Good luck

  11. 1 hour ago, Kio said:



    -Has done a lot of work

    -Good Community relations 

    -Fantastic Worker

    -Does everything in his Power to make the server better.

    -Still Kinda New to AHC...


    Bub has always tried his best to help others out, and to say that's fantastic. Bub also doesn't allow people to Minge on the server as he's always finding ways to improve everyone by Coaching them, all in all Bub has shown great work within AHC and also the Community. Good Luck Bub 

    Exactly what I would've said! Good luck!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Brand said:

    + Support

    Since I have met Sainty, he has been nothing but kind to me and others, and he has given everybody a fair chance within this server I believe. Sainty knows when he has to be serious, but he can also be very fun at the same time. I personally do not speak to Sainty much (Either a skill issue on my end or I'm just not cool enough) but every time I have spoken to him, it was a positive experience. He seems to want this rank not just to better a certain aspect of the server, but rather the server as a whole. I believe he will do great things as Darth Sainty!

    +I haven't interacted or spoken with you much but from those limited "encounters" you have been nothing but respectful and kind.
    +You are also one of the most active members of HC I have seen. 
    +Knows when to get serious and when to fuck around and have fun. 
    +I think you have done nothing but bring good experiences and good times to this server.
    +One of, if not the most well suited and best candidates for Darth Vader. 
    Think you are ready for this position and I think you will be an excellent SHC. 
    Good luck Sainty! 

  13. 14 hours ago, SawickM said:

    *Payed for Nova Commander (No disrespect but it's very disingenuous to say you received the rank when it's a battalion you payed to be added)


    Has hardly been a year since joining the forums.


    Convenient that the first person who plus supports you is sitting in a TS channel with you and obviously talking to you about you application. Pretty blatant advertising.


    Here you are saying you want to activate your Nova reserves (joke or not) shows you don't care for being High Command so why would you be better in SHC?


    Here you are just having no Idea what is even happening in you own High Command team so do you like not read messages or something or are you just playing dumb? Both make you look bad.


    Overall (again no disrespect) I think you are in no way cut out be Darth vader and I can name about 20 other people who are (some not even Command members yet let alone High Command.)


    Huge -Support!    

    brb gonna AFK on the server so I'm "Active enough"

    I agree with most of what is said in this
    -Has only been in the community for a little over a year. (If the forums join date is indeed when you joined)
    -I have hardly seen you on
    -Doesn't seem too engaged in the server or community as a whole.
    -Simply better candidates.


  14. I didn't have many interactions with you, but from the limited time I got to know you, you seemed like a chill and nice dude. I am very sad that this has happened to you, I have lost loved ones before as well and know at least somewhat how you must feel, stay strong. I and many others wish you nothing but the best.

  15. On 6/17/2022 at 1:52 PM, Firekirby said:


    Crunch is one of the most capable and competent people applying for this position. He has done amazing in leading DT, and, no doubt, would do amazing things as Fleet Admiral. He was also previously in Naval in a rather high-up position. He's no doubt one of the best picks for Fleet Admiral, and the decision HC makes for this application should not be taken lightly.


  16. 15 hours ago, Theta said:

    Just reading this is a big red flag to me. Absolutely not.


    - Support

    I haven't had many interactions with you but you seem like a chill guy but I just don't think that you are quite ready for Marshal Commander, some of your actions have been negative and some of the things you said in this application are red flags. 


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