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Rocker T

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Posts posted by Rocker T

  1. What is your in-game name?: Rocker.

    What is your steam name?: The Dog I Think?

    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:73906679.

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain), Yes I do, I have a wealth of experience in the various community which is still large and valued in their respected categories, their roles reign from Moderator positions to staff manager positions. My history is below.Server(s): Imperial Gaming, Galactic Gaming, Gateway Gaming.
    Position(s): (IG) T-mod to Staff manager, (Galactic G) T-Mod-Sr Admin, (Gateway G) Tmod-Mod.
    Time as position(s) IG-11-12 Months) (Galactic Gaming-5 months) (Gateway Gaming- 2 and a half months)

    A brief overview of my positions, position(s): (IG-When I was on the Imperial gaming staff team I started off as a normal Duty mod but over time proved myself,
    as a well educated and competent staff member and started rising through the ranks and when I Achieved Staff manager, I lead the imperial gaming staff team for around
    2 months before my resignation, I was responsible for leading staff members in their duties and making sure that my staff team held their high standard I
    also acted as a mentor for new staff members that are still going through their training phase and I watched them as they went through their
    trial stage.) (Galactic- On Galactic, I was part of the first-ever batch of staff members recruited and I stayed there from start to finish, my job was
    normal duties until I had hit admin. Once I hit admin I had become the head staff training officer and I was trusted with helping create new staff into
    educated and professional staff members.) (Gateway- when it came to gateway I was your normal staff member who did his job and got no special tasks or duties
    and I had left gateway due to the corruption in the staff team.)

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around Early 2019, I played a lot in 2019 but after mid-late 2019 It has been on and off till recently.

    What date did you make your forums account? February 19 2019.

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? User.

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 1, https://gyazo.com/06eedfb48413977329286b95279cfc27

    Have you donated? No.

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator.

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No I am not.

    Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes I have read the Guidelines and have it bookmarked and saved.

    Timezone: AEST.

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    When it comes to senior staff members supporting applications you have to use your intellectual judgment and use your reasoning, and when it comes to the choice of staff members you normally should choose the fittest for the role you require and id ask if you could support me on the basis that I have very vast experience in the fieldwork of staffing a Gmod server and I also have vast experience with Gaminglight and the people who play this fine server, I understand the culture of the people who populate the server and I have been known to be quite charismatic and welcoming to people from what I have been told I am easy to approach but do not take me as soft because when I am required to be I will put my foot down and get the job done effectively and efficiently, I would also like to add that Iv seen staff not handle situations correctly with certain types of people and I have given them advice on what to do with them and In turn, I have calmed the situation down and made sure it did not progress into something that would have made more of a hassle and possibly the police rp experience people are here for, In conclusion, I would like to be supported due to my vast personality skills and my past experience in this work field

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    Well Unfortunately unlike normal cases of RDM mass RDM is almost always a person who has no intention of roleplaying and is just here to ruin the experience and playtime of others within the community, as the staff it's our job to deal with this but as a Lower ranking staff member you would only be able to so so little, So what you would do is warn the person for Staff disrespect because of the cursing and freeze him because it's more than likely he will run off to continue trolling. What you would do is maybe Gag the person and contact a higher ranking staff member because this is still a little above your paygrade and even if it was not it's not any harm to have someone with you that has more experience.

    Thank You all for reading and please enjoy whatever your doing and have a wonderful day.

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