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Posts posted by Toxic2

  1. Name: Ryan 


    In-Game Name: Toxic


    How many warns to do have: 0


    Why do you want to be EMS (150 word minimum)

    I would Like to join the ems Service As i have past experience in Many Ems services i believe i can make a good Paramedic cause of my past skills my knowledge And i believe i can use these skills in the ems department i have watched players die and ems are very responsive i'm very active at most of the days and i would really like to join the ems i love helping civilians and giving them medical care i want to be a good paramedic and help out the city i'm very responsive to all things i have past  Leadership skills in others Departments i know a lot about medicine and i love role playing and tell them there current state and they are i have done med school in other departments i was deputy chief and i took a good standing of the role i was fir for the role but then the server was closing down so it was time for all my Paramedics and Senior doctors to Leave EMS and i have had a break for some departments so i'm ready to be back in a department i would like to have a chance In EMS 


    Can you attend the meetings on Saturday at 6pm EST? (Mandatory): Yes

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