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Posts posted by TheRealRoach

  1. Lore Name: Pocket


    Rank: Researcher II


    Clearance Level: 2


    List of personnel involved in testing: JR Researcher John, JR Researcher Taco, MTF Nu7 FTO 1LT Youtube FL3, MTF Nu7 PVT Solid Snake PT12


    Level D personnel involved: D-7543 and D-9864


    SCP: SCP-049


    Hypothesis: if SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B (And every other SCP-049-2) listens to every single order that SCP-049 gives, and SCP-049 tells SCP-049-2 to fight (In a WWE style) will they listen is the question. I want to see if SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B will fight if ordered to do so. I want to see if this will end with no fighting or a fight that’ll maybe or maybe not be in a WWE style match.


    Observation: We put D-7543 into SCP-049’s CC and SCP-049 instantly went for D-7543 and ‘cured’ (Infected him and made him into SCP-049-2-A) him into SCP-049-2, which I’ll refer to that SCP-049-2 to SCP-049-2-A. So after waiting for SCP-049 to prepare for his next ‘cure’, we put D-9864 into SCP-049’s CC and, surprise surprise (not really), SCP-049 ‘cured’ them into SCP-049-2-B. Once SCP-049 ordered them to fight, SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B actually started to fight each other at the start, the fight was for 10 minutes and then SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B stopped fighting and was being hostile towards Researchers and MTF that was watching. So, we cuffed SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B and so, both Nu7 executed both SCP-049-2-A and SCP-049-2-B, SCP-049-2-B was un-cured by SCP-049 but we killed him anyways just to be safe.


    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos):




    Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-049 tried to get out multiple times, SCP-049-2-A hit me a couple of times, chaos in general.


    Conclusion: SCP-049-2 will listen to SCP-049 when it comes to fighting allies, now, this test was confusing since I don’t think all SCP-049-2s will listen to SCP-049 to fight another SCP-049-2. I will continue testing with this to confirm if SCP-049 can order SCP-049-2 to fight another SCP-049-2 but the Conclusion in short is this: SCP-049-2 will fight at first but will either keep on fighting or stop attacking the other SCP-049-2.


    END LOG.

  2. Lore Name: Pocket


    Rank: Researcher III


    Clearance Level: 2 


    List of personnel involved in testing: JR Researcher Salt, JR Researcher Kitton and Security MSGT Crabbo (Thank you Salt and Kitton for the idea, all 3 of us came up with this idea)


    Level D personnel involved: D-8531


    SCP: SCP-1245-2


    Hypothesis: SCP-1245-2 is apart of a whaling ship and he hunts whales, but we don’t know if it goes solo or has a crew, so I got a uniform that looked familiar with SCP-1245-2’s whaling outfit and gave it to SCP-8531 and started the test.


    Observation: Well, once I opened the CC, SCP-1245-2 breached and killed everyone but me and D-8531, then he released D-8531 out of the cuffs...then he killed D-8531, then SCP-1245-2 was throwing harpoons at me like it was dodgeball, but at least I knew the test got a result about it, I managed to escape and SCP-1245-2 was later contained by MTF. SCP-1245-2 is a very hostile SCP, and if you’re going to test on SCP-1245-2. MAKE. SURE. YOU. HAVE. MTF. WITH. YOU. Incase SCP-1245-2 tries to breach.


    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): [DATA CORRUPT]


    Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-1245-2 breached and killed everyone but me, so the danger and safety hazard was the SCP that I was testing on.


    Conclusion: SCP-1245-2 doesn’t have a crew. It’s been on the whaling ship alone, but it isn’t know if SCP-1245-2 was always alone, maybe he had a crew and betrayed them or they betrayed SCP-1245-2. I’m going to continue tests to try to find more information about SCP-1245-2’s backstory. SCP-1245-2’s an interesting SCP but people do not test on it that much and so, I, Researcher Pocket, will spend more time with SCP-1245-2 by testing on and it and trying to find a way to interview it for more information.


    END LOG.

  3. Lore Name: Pocket


    Rank: Researcher I


    Clearance Level: 2


    List of personnel involved in testing: JR Researcher Kitton, Security SFC Weiss


    Level D personnel involved: D-9857


    SCP: SCP-1245-2 (I was given permission by DHOR)


    Hypothesis: I wanted to see if SCP-1245-2 would kill people who looked like his old crew, so before the crew died, but before that, I wanted to see if SCP-1245-2 would kill people in a pirate uniform. This test is mainly to see if we can use this disguise to our advantage incase that SCP-1245-2 breaches.


    Observation: I have given D-9857 a pirate uniform and he changed into it, D-9857 was put into SCP-1245’s CC. SCP-1245-2 puts his hand towards D-9857 and touches his face. This somehow made SCP-1245-2 angry, the emotions that SCP-1245-2, from the looks of it, it felt betrayed, like he was left behind or something. Then 1 minute later, SCP-1245-2 pulled out it’s trusty harpoon and proceeded to kill the Class D with it.


    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos):




    Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP-049 and SCP-096 breached but were taken care of.


    Conclusion: The disguise didn’t work, and shouldn’t be used to trick SCP-1245-2, because you’ll end up getting killed by SCP-1245-2. SCP-1245-2 may have some bad blood with the crew it was with, or something like that. But onto the Conclusion about my Hypothesis, no, using a pirate uniform will not prevent you from getting killed by SCP-1245-2, though it feeling betrayed is interesting. So for everyone who’s reading this log, under any circumstances, DO NOT DRESS UP A LIKE A PIRATE TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM SCP-1245-2, and I’m looking at YOU, Dr. Bright. 

  4. Lore Name: Pocket


    Rank: JR Researcher 


    Clearance Level: 2


    List of personnel involved in testing: MTF TAU 5 Leon (Sadly I couldn’t get more MTF to escort me due to the fact that there were SOs and not LCPL+ active and the rest of the MTF were with Dr. Bright)


    Level D personnel involved: D-3574


    SCP: SCP-457


    Hypothesis: I wanted to see if SCP-457 can kill people in alternate ways or if SCP-457 can kill people with a fireproof suit. I wanted to find more ways to keep us safe from SCP-457 and to prevent him from causing harm to High command when doing research. If we used a fireproof suit, how would he kill us, that’s what I wanted to find out in this test and it was a scary test to do when it comes to this type of SCP.


    Observation: SCP-457 was in his containment chamber and I gave D3574 the fireproof suit, he entered SCP-457’s containment chamber and SCP-457 said ‘It seems I cannot kill you’. But then he found a weak spot, the zipper of the fireproof suit, so he began to heat the zipper and he was trying to reach the melting point. After that, with the gas off, SCP-457 proceeded surround D-3574 with fire and smoke, it seems that SCP-457 was trying to suffocate D-3574. The zipper was getting hotter and it was burning on D-3574’s skin, which, unsurprisingly, caused immense pain for D-3574. After a few minutes, the zipper was melting, which caused opening spots in the suit and then SCP-457 proceeded to burn the person to death. SCP-457 is a smart and dangerous SCP.


    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): DATA CORRUPT (Damn you Dr. Bright!)


    Errors and/or safety hazards: Dr. Bright was being an annoyance and trying to open the gate, luckily, he didn’t and he couldn’t.


    Conclusion: SCP-457 doesn’t kill people in alternate ways but he does find a way to burn someone to death who has a fireproof suit on. The firesuit may give you some time to run away from him but it’s best if you have a fire extinguisher with you in case of SCP-457 breaching his containment. SCP-457 is a smart SCP that will work his way around killing people who try to counter flames. But hey, it’ll take a long time for him to kill you if you’re wearing a fireproof suit.

  5. Lore Name: Pocket


    Rank: Junior Researcher


    Clearance Level: 2


    List of personnel involved in testing: LCPL IREFAIL


    Level D personnel involved: D-C5821


    SCP: SCP-527 (He was in LCZ at the time of testing)


    Hypothesis: I want to see if SCP-527 will be affected if a Class D eats some fish in front of him, I feel like if the Class D does that, it’ll do 2 things.


    SCP-527 will get mad and attack the Class D in a state of rage, causing chaos in the testing area. 

    SCP-527 won’t really do anything and ignore the Class-D eating the fish.

    But I feel like the first option will happen.


    Observation: At first, the Class D didn’t want to eat the fish but then after some time, they ate the fish. Someone odd happened, SCP-527 proceeded to lick the hands of the Class D and eat the remaining cooked fish that was handed to the Class D, proceeding to burp and didn’t care about how the Class D ate the fish and now we know that SCP-527 likes to eat fish.


    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): [DATA CORRUPT] 


    Errors and/or safety hazards: No safety hazards, well, riots were happening but they didn’t reach the test.


    Conclusion: SCP-527 doesn’t really care if you eat fish but now he has something new to eat, lets not feed him fish for the sake of people complaining about him eating fish even though he has a head of a fish. We should stick with his regular diet of food. But the Class-D was given amnesics and knocked out and he was taken back to D-Block. I’m going to continue testing SCP-527 if another idea comes up.

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