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Posts posted by :chester:

  1. i got banned cause in the crash chat i said ni and someone finished it by saying gger and i got targeted by one admin, when i was waiting for a ci member to train me and some of my friends.
    the ni was a miss type and the admin had it out for me even saying when i was a scp he was using !spec to watch if i exploit out. while the argument can be made that i typed ni for the intent to be racist that is not case i was talking to people on the crash chat and the ni came out by accident, and for the mass racism that is just not right and i even got a perm ban this is a sad way to get banned for something that I did not even want to talk about cause this is dumb, the first ban message i did get was a 4 hour ban which i was fine i did think it was a little low for the "intent" of being racist but to come back 6 hours later i see a perm ban that is a bit much for something i did not even control.

    Name: Hungry Chris
    Steam ID: 76561198288079475


    Name: papa johns

    Rank: LCPL

    Reason for not attending (put private if private): im going up north for the weekend

    any concerns within CI: when will we get radios, and party mode so we cant kill each other

  3. Name: TOUCAN SAM

    Rank: SO

     Status on the roster(Active, Inactive, etc.): Active

     What Specialty Classes are you: Security guard

    What can security improve on: i am a ike main and the other S.O. should not be mean to me cause of it

  4. 8 hours ago, Igneous said:

    I don't really think that I need to defend myself too much, you literally admitted to saying the n-word. The fact that you think it is ok in general to call people it with a hard -er, just proves the ban was just in the first place. You don't go around calling people "F*****s" and "N*****s* and say that you are justified because of context, they are offensive to a lot of people regardless of when and why you say it. Also, the guy who was "Warned" for RDMx18 was also issued with a ban, we just issue warnings alongside bans in order to better keep track of them.

    i feel like you did not read the hole thing just because i said the n-word does not mean i should get a ban and i did not call people F*****s in your word and why would you give a ban after a warn that defeats the hole idea of warning them. and you are looking at the fact of that i just said the n-word like i said the context matters so just because i said it does not mean shit why do you care if i said treat that one word like the same with any other swear word cause that to me makes your server even worse then it is, if anything give me a ban or a warn dont go over and treat it like i just walked up and called poeple the word you care so fucking much about no i said it near a friend where no one was but me my friend and a admin that was invisible and we made a joke about it so why does it go to such a extant that i get banned.


    discord : ?Papa Johns?#0879

    Ingame Name: the gayest boy chester
    SteamID: 76561198288079475

    Ban Length: perm ban
    Admin that Banned you: Security SGT Igneous 
    Reason for Ban:  Racism | Homophobic Slurs | Staff Diss | Player Diss | NITRP
    Dispute:   the admin that banned me he jumped the gun and gave me a perm ban and not even a kick, 1 day ban, or a warn there are people who has 18x rdm and i get banned cause a admin said i was disrespecting him and players i was not disrespecting players if any thing those players where my friends in a discord call and we where playing checkers as d-class so i dont see how and disrespect was there and i did not disrespect him ether he was just trying to add more to the ban so he cant just have racism there yeah i said the n-word but how i say it matters more then the fact that i said it, if i say the n-word in context that is me just saying it cause i hate blacks then that yes ban me but if i am saying it cause i just said it with no context then warn me i dont need a ban. now in the other part of my ban it says how i was using homophobic slurs this ties up with my other statement of he added this so there are more reasons to ban me so i dont know why he added this cause he might not know what a homophobic slur is if he will put that in my ban.

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