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Posts posted by Cheneklov

  1. IG Name: Daniel Cheneklov | SNR Cheneklov 1C16

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/GoodmeepoGreatwin/

    How many warnings do you have: 0

    What departments are you in and what rank: SNR Patrol Officer

    Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum): As an EMS, I would be dealing with the most prevalent problem within the department: efficiency. EMS are as the name stats, Emergency Medical Services. In a Roleplay scenario, an emergency is an emergency. Bullet wounds, chainsaw lacerations, or high-velocity impact is not something that can be waited out. EMS units should be on duty, on task, and working as fast as humanly possible to ensure that nobody misses out a chance on life. Even if they're a criminal, a bystander, or a member of the Police Department, it should go without saying that life is a precious source, and that dying should not be tolerated normally. Every time someone dies, the Medic should always be ready to resuscitate them and ensure that they can either be dealt with under the law or for them to continue their life, both thanking the Medic and to fate to allow them to live another day. I am willing to be extremely active when I am available throughout the day, and even later at night. It is also a very new experience to be a Medic that I am willing to learn and put work in to.

    Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did) N/A

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