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[??] Aaron

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Posts posted by [??] Aaron

  1. Also just wanted to point out before anyone else does. This is in fact constructive it meets the definition "Constructive criticism focuses on providing constructive feedback, supported by specific examples, to help you improve in some area". I have given multiple examples on why I think some areas of management and staff are flawed. and I've given the solution, simply don't be pricks.

  2. - Apparently you guys allow constructive criticism now. I don't believe it but Imma post this anyway. If you don't think this is constructive then you are smooth brain and you don't belong in the world. Don't be soft.

    - Please note I've only played on the PoliceRP and have had limited time on the MilRP. Also please read before deleting this staff.

    EDIT: I'm sorry if I come across as rude, I'm not trying to be, I'm just trying to get my point across and sometimes the best way to do that is with blunt force. + I've been treated by GL staff in lets say not so savoury ways so I think my attitude is equal to what I've endured as a player.

    Eh hem, aight, so my boys here at gamin' light probably one of the most populated communities in gmod need to fix their shit. Right so, there is a problem, major problem, it's systemic in nature. I just want to address it because its been bothering me for some time now.

    Clearly this community has been doing or has done well in the past, I don't doubt that, but I have noticed that it's not as popular as it once was and I don't think that's just because of dropping player numbers on gmod itself, I think it could be attributed to the management and the needless bureaucracy that goes on behind the scenes and the sucking up that is done to higher ranking members of staff (Like worse than discord mods honestly). 

    Now my boys, I don't claim to be an expert on how to run a business (Because this is a business) but I do know that the customers (In this case the playerbase) needs to be respected by the staff/management and enjoy their time on the servers, and clearly, and I think, I hope most people would agree with me that has not been the case. Boys I've been around since the Valk days, everyone thought that players would be respected once Valk was gone but that was never the case. The bureaucracy was still there just with a new face. 

    Right, so on to the actual argument I'm trying to make here. This community's SMT is basically the politburo of the Gaminglight Soviet Socialist Republic, they feed off each others ego, the majority of the decisions they make are not to the benefit of the server/s but to benefit their own interests, and also the fact that most high ranking staff are also the highest ranking RP individuals on the server/s. That means that most people that want to progress to high rank in-RP either has to buy VIP, play for an obscene amount of time, or try join staff and suck up to the high ranking RP members that usually happen to also be high ranking staff members.

    There is also another failing. The refusal to evolve, the PoliceRP has basically been the same thing since I joined in early 2018, maybe a couple of map changes, maybe like 3 - 4 different managers. But it was always the same bullshit. There was always mods trying to get RP criminals warned for any minor infraction, there was always the Soviet era style bureaucracy in management. There was always the refusal to make any significant changes to the policerp. This conservative mindset ruined the policerp for me and many others and we just gave up and started fucking around, trying to abuse the shitty system the server was built on.

    You guys just need to start treating the players with some fucking respect, let them progress through the ranks in RP, don't make it your goal to warn atleast 5 people each day as a mod,  don't have biases, manage the servers in the interest of the community not yourselves, make people stay on the server, because I can guarantee that a lot of players just leave because of this bullshit.

    There is no other server like this, I feel like I'm in 1950s Stalinist Russia (that's why I keep referencing it) when I play on this server, "I must not criticise the server or I'll get warned". I mean c'mon guys, you are better than this, respect the playerbase its not a hard thing to do.

    Anyway I know this wont change any of you're minds because if there is one thing I know its that the SMT don't care about the community's opinions. Maybe things have changed since I last played.


    In whole, this entire thing is probably going to get deleted, if it does then it proves my point. If it stays up and you don't agree then reply I'd like to see how things have changed. 

    I also want to make clear that playing on gaminglight want some of the most fun I've had while gaming, but these issues always annoyed me and I wanted to voice my opinion (even if its against the rules probably).


    Also please don't point my previous infractions it has no relation to what I said (If you posses a working brain you would know that) and I'm aware I've committed infractions so I don't need to be remined in the replies. (If there is any)


    - Love you Stali...., I mean Zeeptin..


    I'll see you in the gaminglight gulags comrade.



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