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Jihadist Expert

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Posts posted by Jihadist Expert

  1. Steam Name: The Hentai Supplier

    Ingame Name: Jihadist Expert

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120321312

    Ban Length: Permanently

    Admin that Banned you: Fame King(STEAM_0:0138952293)

    Reason for Ban: Mass Minge | Mic Spam | NCWS | FailRP

    Dispute: In 2018, I was banned for a number of things that I regret. I can still remember the events leading up to my ban when I was in the server. I want to say that with this time I've spent away from the server, I have shaped into another individual than from that day and beyond. I regret ruining other players experience on the server and for giving a hard time for the admins that have dealt with me. I remember playing on this server and actually having a pretty amazing time while on here, the raiding and hostage situations with the officers on the server that actually roleplayed it like a real hostage situation was really crazy to me comparing to other servers. It really gave me a look on the PoliceRP section of GMod and got me infatuated with the roleplay experience. I know that I have done dumb things to get myself in the position I am now but I would like to change that and come back into the community and server.


    Steam Name: Jihadist Expert

    Ingame Name: Smuggler

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120321312

    Ban Length: PermaBan

    Admin that Banned you: Fame King (STEAM_0:0: 138952293)

    Reason for Ban: Mass Minge | Mic Spam | NCWS | Fail RP

    Dispute: This was a month ago and I remember everything that had happened. I remember I kept kidnapping some guy every 30-40 minutes, he got mad and asked the admins to help him. Fame teleported to us and started to babble about how I couldn't do this or that when I really could. I let the guy go and then attempted to re-kidnap him. A cop saw me do it and arrested me and took me to the station, until I started to argue with the cop over what happened. He called for admins and Fame came again. He yelled at me again but than turned angry when I kept laughing about the cop saying non-sense things. Fame had enough and finally told me if I did something again, he would ban me. I finally got fustrated and just left. I returned after a month had passed to find myself staring at the ban log screen. I know what I did wrong and I do take the reprocussions for doing so but I want to know if I could possibly be unbanned from what had happened.

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