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Change my Mind

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Posts posted by Change my Mind

  1. IG Name:Change

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198798629818/

    How many warnings do you have: 1

    What departments are you in and what rank: Police patrol officer

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 Words Minimum): So i wan't to be in here because im a very good medic and i like to help people out so they don't have to do things. I like to help out the gmod community as much as I can. I like to play gmod alot and im starting to get to that point where i want to sign up for things to enhance my experience. Gmod gets boring you know. So I needed something new,RP's. I like your server alot like for example people arent as dumb as darkRP is. And your admins are nice and warm heart. They care about people and work really hard to do their jobs. Im proud of them. I have never been able to Find a good server to get a job on a good server and now i have found the best server. I really like this server. I want to be a part of it,to help the community and have fun its just i really like this server. I really love your admins. (no homo) I really just want to do something new for once,like talk to people and have fun.I just want a change for once in my life, I like talking to salty people and doing fun stuff.

    Made with care -Change

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