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Posts posted by Roz

  1. 3 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


    • Very immature and disrespectful
    • Evidence is clear
    • I have already warned him today for breaking rules
    • Continues to Swear a lot in admin sits and when getting told to do something
    • Should be removal in my opinion!


  2. Your In-game: Roz

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:445043345
    The admin's name in-game: Pull
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):
    What warning did you receive: Lying to staff
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/d266c891a7b37747e2f8b750967c2a6a
    Why do you think this warn was false: I asked armyguy if 5 people surrounding one person and them running away and pulling out a gun is it failrp. Army told me it was Fearrp and No value for Life. Army told Pull a different thing, and pull said I was lying to him. Army came to the sit and said him self IT WAS A BIG MISUNDERSTANDING, and I should get a verbal warning. Death who reported this was mad at me and demanded a warning, because he dislikes me
    Any extra information:
  3. 2 hours ago, Dane said:

    +/- Support

    I do think that a permanent ban is a very harsh punishment for them. I think an acceptable punishment would be a 1 or 2 weeks ban. The evidence shows a lot of things, and I also do see them minge on the server a lot.


  4. Just now, Felix said:

    I brought you to the sit explained everything. I showed you the links he gave me, you looks at them and didnt deny you said that. So its not forged. You said and I qoute "go ahead and do what you have to do" that is why I went ahead and warned you

    Yes this is my bad. I thought you were gonna demote me from SGT, and I did not think there was any way of getting out of it. If you explained that earlier on that it was a warning, not a demotion I would've explained this to you. My apologies

  5. You are not understanding what I am saying, I never said it to offend you. I said it as This kid got me warned. Is there any disrespect in that? No can you please stop replying to the forum now

    You are not making any valid points nor proving your point anymore

  6. Just now, 911dog1 said:

    Frist off we already talk about it in FBI and seconed off i just reready your reason why and it is completly not true we warned you for calling me a kid and felix was there thats why you got warned

    Again calling someone  a kid in context like "fuck you little kid" is diss. I never used it like that I said "This kid is getting me warned" Never meant to degrade you nor offend you

  7. Just now, 911dog1 said:

    Also it shows him player dissing me like more than once bc when felix roz and i were on a roof he called me a little kid and we showed him the pics so that is why he was warned

    I never called you a little kid in context of shaming you. i called you a little kid simply on your age and your voice. i WAS NOT and i repeat WAS not disrescpting you by calling you a little kid. and I called you a kid I said. "This kid is getting me warned for putting him in his place after he disrespected me and tried to make me feel bad cause im only a PA". That is not disrespect sorry to say

  8. I already talked to super admins about it you were disrespecting me and we all didnt like you doing it. You were disrespecting us making us feel bad. FBI is about making people feel welcomed as a family, and having love and support for everybody. You made fun of us, made us feel bad, and put yourself in a commanding position, trying to make us feel bad

  9. 1 minute ago, 911dog1 said:

    I was simply putting you in your place because you were disrespecting me ? you also lied to FBI about me calling you names and got my strike removed on FBI, You are a known liar and a bully. I don't appreciate your actions and people can back me up with your actions of being a bully 

  10. Your In-game: Roz

    The admin's name in-game: Felix 
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):
    What warning did you receive:Playerdiss
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/cedef7066c05264b536327a7aee82efd
    Why do you think this warn was false: While I was playing as SGT he would not stop talking about how he was higher up then me and could boss me around. This really angered me, saying he kept trying to boss me around and just ruin my RP experience. I simply told him, "You aint shit" and then told him stop acting like it and bossing me around when im not even associating with him. He then contacted an admin to get me warned for saying "he aint shit". I feel this is false because I never directly made fun of him. I simply put him in his place for being rude to me and trying to make me do stuff 24/7 and ruining my RP experience. 
    Any extra information: I have 1 warning now on gaminglight and would like it to stay at 0 until a bad situation happens (not that I will do anything)
  11. On 8/9/2018 at 6:44 PM, Jeff M. said:

    + Support 

    -He has been pretty mingy 

    - Doesnt like to listen 

    -Likes to argue with other staff for no reason 

    -i have seen him AFK cloaked and godded as a civ


  12. 6 hours ago, Jeff M. said:


    -I just feel like i have seen you breaking some server rules 

    - Need to be more active on TS and the Forums

    -Warns are a little high 

    -Asked staff to look at application 

    - Quoted on his own staff app 

    +not bad app

    -support been disrespectful many of times/ can be angry at times

    -support not very approachable

    -support asking people in game to look at apps and begging people to +support


  13. Just now, DeathBringer402 said:

    He asked me Put up warrant cause i cant So i did And he got in first than me 

    You also rushed in during another RAID while SRT was on they did not arrive on the scene yet and you placed a warrant and then rushed in even before SRT even arrived on scene

  14. 1 minute ago, DeathBringer402 said:

    u Clrearly see on the vid i am taking cover i never rushed 

    You applied the warrant, which you are not suppose to do on scene while SRT And or SWAT is present, you then threatened me to KOS me while in admins sits next time?

  15. Just now, TimMeMeSSS said:

    Just saying he wasnt warned for waranting. It clearly shows that on the gyazo link.

    Not typically warranting but he also rushed in a raid before too without any permission

  16. -support

    • Was not the first time he's done it.
    • He applied the warrant which is what SRT/swat is suppose to do
    • Screenshot said he allowed you to move in, you got warned for and rushing in before, Which was complained by people
  17. 2 hours ago, Dane said:


    • Active in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums
    • Mature, and is always professional
    • Currently a staff member, doubt that he will abuse his powers
    • Actively trains cadets and helps officers when they are in need
    • Kinda low amount of warns, but he has definitely improved
    • Has been a Sergeant Major for a while
    • Knows what he is doing as a SM, and seems to know what he is doing when he becomes a LT
    • Application is well made with a decent amount of effort

    Overall, Tom Brown deserves a chance on being part of PD Low Command. Good luck!


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