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  1. I felt like it was irrelevant to the unwarn application. If you would have let me explain what happened instead of instantly warning me this whole situation could have been avoided.
  2. You never apologized to me you just said theres nothing you can do about it. I can paste the whole chat log if you want.
  3. What do you mean by "Where is the evidence that it was RDM? That just shows you died it doesn't show it was RDM.". That is very irrelevant and nothing to do with the fact that he falsely warned me and didnt even bother checking the logs that I was indeed killed and it wasnt a false @ call. To add to this later on Gaur brought the offender to a sit and gave him a verbal warning. 1. Correct, its not necessery but its how I feel about the case also it does no harm on telling how I feel about it. Why give a neutral on an unwarn application if it was a mistake. 2. You are taking my words out of context. What I meant by it was how Gaur helped me by directing me to the websites and how Voxis King just put me down and told me he can do nothing about it. 3. He wasnt the only staff member online so your statement is incorrect. A simple mistake wouldnt have occurred if he had checked the logs and done the sit properly. The drama in OOC wouldnt had happened if he would have dealt with it close up personally instead of just dropping me off and tossing me like I was nothing but trash to him. It is still correct I started some bit of drama for which I apologize for. Look, I'm not here on a witch hunt I just want my false warn removed. I expect an apology from him due how poorly he dealt with the situation. If he does apologize I will be most delighted by his corteous manners and forget about the whole ordeal. If not I will be upmost disappointed on him and his abilities to monitor the server without proper procedures.
  4. Questions Your In-game: Wolfgang ( It was "OFC p u j a" when the false warn took place) Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:45418462 The admin's name in-game: Voxis King The admin's steam name: [GL] Voxis What warning did you receive: " FALSE USE OF @ " Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Screenshot of the warn.Screenshot of the fact how fast he warned me.Proof that it was not a random @ call and in fact RDM: "02:02:53 CHIKEN(STEAM_0:1:114115699) killed OFC p u j a(STEAM_0:1:45418462) with tfa_csgo_nova" Why do you think this warn was false:I called staff using @ and almost instantly he TPs to me and puts me to a roof. He freezes me for no reason and tells me that I falsely called staff. I try to tell him how I was RDMed but he ignored me and gave me the warning. Shortly after I explain him that he didnt even bother checking logs he tells me he can do nothing about it and puts me down.I am bitter and baffled how staff can give warnings out of the blue without checking the logs. Any extra information: I'd like to thank Gaur who is a superadmin that abetted me on making this application shortly after Voxis refused to assist me.
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