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Posts posted by Ye****inget

  1. You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban.

    Steam Name:  W-G YeEt

    Ingame Name: yeEt

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191350408

    Ban Length: Permaban

    Admin that Banned you: Snar

    Reason for Ban: Killing 7 officers out of RP (Minge to the highest degree)

    Dispute: I have learned over the past couple of months (3-4) that what i did was wrong and i would like to do right and start over as a cleaner, more less minge player in the server. I'm very sorry for what i had done and never want to act that way again, i acted inappropriate and stupid with my time at Gaminglight and would very much enjoy a second chance to change my ways. If the Administrative staff would accept me back it would be appreciated and much obliged since I have some time to think about what I did and why I shouldn't have done it. I would love to show the server the new and improved me and how I've changed and become more of a help to the role-play community and not a burden on the RP community.  I've learned from other servers that i should be more caring and nicer when it regards speaking with admins and other players of the like. I was disrespectful and I don't like the way i acted towards Fame, Snar and the other admins that had to constantly deal with me. Hopefully the staff could turn the other cheek and invite me back into the server once more so that I may have a chance to show my good side. Thank you.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Vizz said:

    was talking to you at the time about that custome class thing you have been doing for people it could be about that 

    No, the exact reason was Ddos threat, heres the thing from chat:(Someone) banned steamid STEAM_0:0:156998341 permanently (Ddoss Threats)

  3. Steam Name: YeEt

    Ingame Name:yeEt King


    Ban Length:Permaban

    Admin that Banned you:Fame or Snar

    Reason for Ban:Ddos threats

    Dispute:Okay, lets get this straight.. I have NO clue how to ddos and why would i ddos the gaminglight server while im on it? Thats straight up dumb.. I also never would if it would have me on the edge of being banned, I've spent 1.3k on this server and have no reason to ddos in the first place. I hope to talk to Snar or fame and explain this in more in-depth detail since i NEVER once threatened to Ddos the server. I have no knowledge of how to ddos and wouldn't if i could. I have a semi-large status on the server and would never think of trying to hurt the server in any way. There also was never a Ddos yesterday, I'm pretty sure it was a host difficulty.

    (I've told as much as i can about this, i was indeed falsely banned, i would like evidence of me saying i'd ddos the server unless there's no evidence i'd like to be unbanned.)

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