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Posts posted by haden208

  1. Just now, DasCalamity said:

    + Support

    He has not been warned in 9 months, he is very active everyday, he is an awesome dude to play with on PoliceRp. I believe with this information this warn should be removed.



  2. 12 hours ago, MockingBird said:

    Uhhh so what happened is he was healing when cops were outside still so that’s why I think the warn should not be removed but the reason why I dis warn him is because you can not heal until the situation is over and they still had silos so I thought that meant as long as the silo is there the situation isn’t over cus cops can see it and keep on raiding unless you kill all of the cops but there were some outside 

    +support i got warned for nlr and meta game for doing stuff like that

  3. 1 minute ago, Timmemes said:

    .Loopholing is not allowed


    Kidnapping follows under the same rules as Murder, and must be done in a secluded place. While it isnt stated. Ive always been told by SMT that it must be done privately!



    I was never told like i even kidnapped a director before in public   and i kidnapped the cop near warehouse with no one around

  4. Your In-game:  Haden Sosa

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84831477
    The admin's name in-game:  Logan
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):  N/A
    What warning did you receive:   Kidnapping in Public/Ltap
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):    https://imgur.com/nmnPNM0
    Why do you think this warn was false:   No where in the rules does it say No Public Kidnapping {proof} https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000268107208390864/F982954D8CE570295996D3E645583FBE3E109425/   and I didn't ltap my game has been crashing all day due to lag just ask smoke  we where baseing and then poof I crashed    Our convo https://imgur.com/gallery/QCMdCi6 it was kinda dumb I got warned due to crashing  he should have atleast gave me a chance to come back he just warned me when I timed out 
    Any extra information:  and how long do I have to wait to get warns from 2016 removed
  5. Your In-game:  Haden Sosa

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84831477
    The admin's name in-game:  Mocking
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):  N/A
    What warning did you receive:   "1200"
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):    https://imgur.com/nAayonH      https://imgur.com/gallery/r69SXQy   https://imgur.com/gallery/u0c7LsZ
    Why do you think this warn was false: She Meant To Minge Me But Instead Warned Me
    Any extra information: N/A
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