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Posts posted by mousel9

  1. Your In-Game Name: Morty Goldbergstein

    Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:59154597 

    Staff member's In-Game Name: Zayn

    What did they do? - Printer farming in an area only accessible by noclip as a staff on duty

    Evidence (REQUIRED):

    4000_screenshots_20180525012517_1.thumb.       name is on the bottom4000_screenshots_20180525012151_1.thumb.steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.thumb.jpg.40asteamuserimages-a.akamaihd.thumb.jpg.1a14000_screenshots_20180525012137_1.thumb.4000_screenshots_20180525012158_1.thumb.4000_screenshots_20180525012143_1.thumb.steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.thumb.jpg.7f2

    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? - Let the community decide / 1 rank demotion / demotion

    *photos are not in chronological order*

    Just got a video of the whole thing that happened. Ill admit, we did prop climb and could care less about the punishment on that, thats not the point. I made this report to show that Zayn was printer farming while a staff on duty and said how he said we raided a guy and put them up there but he cant prove that. There is no evidence of that. Jewly Goldbergstein said his textures didnt load in and he saw a bunch of error signs ontop of whatever this thing is called. We were curious what was up there so we prop climbed to investigate. We did no harm to the server by prop climbing ( we didnt kill anyone or put printers up here), but an admin could say we shouldnt have done it in general which is agreeable. The video im about to post shows our process of how we got up there, and can also show the order of the photos taken. If i were to be lying, i wouldnt pursue into this as much as i should. I dont find it fair how i cannot reply to my own post and reply to Zayn lying, so i will reply to everyone right now that has replied.

    In response to Zayn - You claimed you gave some kid 3 emerald printers to make some money on the server, I do not know if that is factual or not, but you should not even have printers spawned as a staff on duty. If you wanted to give him some quick money to start with, then give him money, not a printer. You then claim that we pm'd you saying we found printers in a warehouse we raided and said you are going to get demoted. This did not happen. We never raided a warehouse, and when we did find the printers ontop of the thingy, we NEVER messaged you. Even when we threw them off the thing, we still NEVER messeged you about it. The way you found out about it was you were helping someone with something & we saw you so we said "whats this?" and we were like "uh oh" then you said "what the ****?!" then stunsticked them and flew away. Why were you so scared? Second, you said we called you to the roof cause we found it. As previously stated, we never called you. If we did call you onto the roof, why do the screenshots not show you on it / the VIDEO, + we jumped off the roof with your printers. You are saying we found the printers on the roof and let us jump off with them and take the money which is silly. To answer your first question onto why we are making effort into this when we "supposedly put the printers up there ourselves" is because we didnt lol. I am putting effort into this because YOU put the printers up there, and are denying any knowledge of that. If we were just a bunch of kids causing havoc on the server, dude, we wouldnt care and I am making this statement about your lies because I really do feel like you are gonna get away with it. 

    In response to Rhenic - You are right, a staff member did not bring us there. We prop climbed. The photos are not in chronological order.

    In response to Freeze - Jewly Goldbergstein claimed he saw some error signs up ontop of the "roof". We wanted to investigate on what could possibly be up there so we did. Go ahead and warn me, thats not the issue, the issue is Zayn farming while on duty. We should keep our focus on that.

    In response to th3 - Again, the focus is not about me prop climbing. Go ahead and warn me its not the point of this post.

    Responding to Zayn 2.0- We didnt start recording after. We were recording for the whole duration of the server which was 1hr long so we cut it down. we can extend it if you want. & you keep saying "or you couldve just put them up there youself"..... or you could have put them up there since you have noclip perms, and cloak. 

    Zayn 3.0 - 1. Because in your first post you stated you "barely get on" which we can infer you dont care anymore so you say "if i get demoted i get demoted" so you printer farm while on duty

    2. You realized how easy it is to make money without it getting stolen or caught. 3 Emerald printers with 100k each fully upgraded. Sounds like something to take advantage of

    Response to Rhenic 2.0- As previously stated, we were curious on why there were error signs ontop of a random building. The goal was the find out what it was

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