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About DarkSniperHD

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  1. So i am perma banned, I been accepted on my ban app for 6 days i think, Now when someone try unban me is says im not banned, I look on the ID Finder and found a new Steam ID. If any staff can try unban me with it and see if it work, If not, My ban is bugged and i can,t be unbanned :( Been banned for a year SteamID(The One I Found): STEAM_0:0:47552973 Proof of i was accepted: http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/22649-my-unban-appeal/ What i used to get find this SteamID: http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20852-how-to-get-your-steamid/ This is just so you can say if i used wrong stuff. Becuse i used Steamidfinder and on that SteamID is says im not banned I miss the server :(
  2. He warned me so he could ban me, He have also ban me and warn me alot of the times, Don,t renember how many times, But yes
  3. Thanks for the support, I really wana be a part of the server again, Thanks so much.
  4. Steam Name: FroZty Ingame Name: Is to long ago to renember SteamID: STEAM_1:0:47552973 Ban Length: Perma Admin that Banned you: Valkyrie Reason for Ban: 30 warns, NITRP Dispute: So for about 1-2 years ago i played on the server, had alot of money and really liked the servers, Then me and 2 other guys based at the club house, We put up a nice base [Is was nothing wrong with the base, And i know it becuse i got 4300 hours on gmod] So then a staff come and said is was wrong builded, He warned me without tell me anything, Then he has been very mad on me so he said i got 30 warns, and perma banned me, Is weird i renember it becuse is has been very long ago i was on, Now im perma banned and i wana ask for a second try, Im sorry, I would report the him, Becuse hes not freindly to players, But i got perma banned and was giving up on the servers, -Thanks so much for reading this and sorry for my bad english, Any questions PM me on forums or on Steam-SteamName-FroZty, If i get unbanned i hope we can have a good time and that i can be freinds with all of you-
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