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Posts posted by Zooguy4111

  1. Name:Mafia


    Time (please specify):Hopefully a week at most.

    Reason (if private write N/A): My Gmod has been having issues connecting to severs so I can't really play Gmod.

  2. What you want to see? -  CI scouts similar to the foundation scouts. 

    Why should we add it? - It adds more to CI and makes sense as they could tell CI if MTF was raiding.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It would most likely make CI more active and make MTF raids less one sided.(In all the raids I have been in CI get stuck in their spawn and after NLR they get sniped or they get sniped in their spawn. It also means that CI will be able to prepare for MTF raids before they get to base.

    Who is it mainly for? - CI 

    Links to any content -  It's really just MTF scouts just change the gun and player model. 

    If anybody is confused I mean scouts/snipers

  3. Name on roster:Ceaser

    Rank on roster:LCPL

    How active are you: Pretty active

    What can Security improve on? Awareness as most security are very unaware 

    Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words)       You should keep me in security because I do what is told of me when I am told to do so. I also try my best at keeping SCPs contained, and to make the RP experiences fun for those around me while I do what I'm supposed to do, namely to keep D-Block contained, and to patrol LCZ when it is appropriate to do so.

  4. 5 hours ago, Jet TZ said:


    Just give LT+ medkits like Security tbh. No need for another job and you guys have had an update recently also.


    Also, in lore MTF/Foundation really get more funding (Hence why they have more jobs) then CI so there would be no point in adding this. Most doctors for CI are like surgeons and they don't really have a combat medic portion...


    Let's also start talking about weaponry. CI has better weapons then foundation. They also haves something foundation doesn't, cloaks. If your aim is to "balance" things out this not a way to do it. Adding a medic class only just allows healing and serves no actual balance at all. On top of this, foundation medics really aren't active. CI also has their own version of MTF that has elite weapons. These are reasons I feel like this isn't needed.


    (P.S. Everytime we add a class in, it breaks other spawnpoints so Admin+ have to fix it so I don't see a need to break spawnpoints when you could just add medkits to LT+ classes...)


    While yes balancing is something I want to, that isn't the main reason. I want to add medics or doctors to CI so CI can be more diverse. Right now CI has RND and Combat which is the same as MTF and Researchers. I don't know what you mean by MTF that have elite weapons in CI because at best we have shade or Infiltrators and there are 2 or 3 members of Shade and I rarely ever see an infiltratros. I won't deny that CI has better weapons, in most situations CI will out gun MTF. This being said there have been times where I have gotten on and MTF are raiding us and we can't leave our spawn due to us getting sniped and the fact that MTF had medics there to help them. And the cloaks I believe are for Infiltrators which is diamond+ only which, has about 2 to 3 members that aren't very active. It would make sense that a lot of CI medics would be surgeons I can't find anything in lore that actually says that they are. I do get that the foundation gets more funding, I mean they are funded by the rest of the world. I do get that the spawn points would be trouble some and I would love to help out with that if I could but I doubt I can. And I don't know if I'm just really forgetful but what update did we get?

  5. 2 hours ago, Coco1929 said:

    I personally believe that CI have way to many classes / jobs. If this where to be added i think that you would have to get rid of one, Just my opinion.

    Like what job/class? And MTF have way more.


  6. 17 hours ago, タイムレス?スパルタ said:

    This seems like an great idea. but not really needed. I know that the Foundation has all these great and more powerful jobs than CI but, not much CI can do. We do have 2 branches but those two branches hold strong on the tree. having a connection and not falling down.

     RND can't really do anything combative. All they do is test 049 make equipment and reason deals with the foundation. 

  7. On 2/28/2019 at 9:00 PM, Coco1929 said:


    - Would be a great addition

    - Would be hard to enforce (as Jeffe said)

    - Would help minimize the amount of lock-downs needed due to riots

    - Could/Would help enforce NLR


  8. What you want to see? - CI combat medics as their own branch of CI.

    Why should we add it? - Because, right now CI have RND and combat and that's about it. There aren't many special jobs and NU-7 have medics, juggernaut,heavy's, and snipers. Compared to CI's two branches NU-7 have a massive advantage. And it's not just that branch of MTF others are also way stronger than CI.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Helps diversify CI and helps the balance of the fights.

    Who is it mainly for? - CI but this can make more people want to join CI.

    Links to any content -  N/A

    I didn't know if this counted as a branch update but Conner told me it wasn't so I'll just trust him.

    1. What is your in-game name?:RND SRIC Mafia RCO1

    2. What is your steam name?:Zooguy4111

    3. What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:420619620

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was a Admin for a military RP server called "Northstar". I was an admin for about 5 months till Northstar closed.

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) December 20

    6. What date did you make your forums account? March 12 2018

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? user

    8. How many warns do you have on the server? 2

    9. Have you donated? No

    10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Not currently

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it: yes

    13. Timezone: CST

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I feel that I deserve to be on the staff team because I have been on the sever for a while and know lots of the staff members. I know alot of the community and I have been in a few sits before. I feel that as a staff member I can be very mature and that being staff will help me mature as a person. I have been in very fair and peaceful sits and I have been in very tense and violent sits.  I know what a good admin and bad admins look like as I have delt with both before. Being staff would help me get to know more of the community and strengthen my love for Gaminglight as a whole. I love the Gaminglight community as I have been apart of it for years now and I love the people, staff and event teams of every Gaminglight server I've played on and I want to be apart of the wonderful team that makes my experiences on Gaminglight servers great.

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring the player and jail them. Depending on how many they have RDMed I would either warn them for staff dis and mass RDM and minge them or I would call a higher staff and ask if the player should be banned and for how long. 

  9. File Number: 567-75

    Lead Researcher: Mafia

    Assisting Personnel:Papa John

    Test Subject: SCP-173

    Subjects Involved: D 4576,D 3674

    Test Name: Weaponizing of SCP-173.

    Hypothesis:I think that SCP-173 will be very easy to weaponize as it seems to be very obedient.

    Observation: At every chance it got SCP-173 tried to escape. SCP-173 Is very difficult to use if it's even possible to use. My first D class had died in one of 173's escape attempts. SCP-173 Shows extremlty aggressive behavior towards everything, even other SCP'S.

    Conclusion-173 Is highly aggressive and will try to escape at every opportunity. If he is to be kept he needs to be placed in a holding cell at the police station and must be monitored at all times.

    Additional Information: SCP-173 Can really only be used as bait. The way you would do this is you would set him at a checkpoint or doorway wait for someone to try and cuff him then you strike. SCP-173 may be used to weaken stronger SCP's such as 682. This could be used to punish 939 in training.

  10. File Number: 567-74

    Lead Researcher: Mafia

    Assisting Personnel:Papa John

    Test Subject:SCP-999

    Subjects Involved: SCP-999 and a revolver/rifle

    Test Name: Can jelly stop bullets?

    Hypothesis: I think that SCP-999 will stop the bullets with minimal damage done to itself.

    Observation: After shooting SCP-999 with a revolver it was obvious that 999 didn't even feel the bullets pass into him. I asked Papa John to shoot him with his rifle and 999 just giggled. I later saw him drop the bullets on the floor through a method of deification?

    Conclusion: SCP-999 Is very resilient to bullets. This is useful as he could lead a raid by tanking all the bullets. As long as 999 gets treats he should be comply to any command given.

    Additional Information: It may be possible to make a bullet proof vest out of 999, but this may destroy 999 blob form but will help CI. More research is needed to find out if this is truly possible.

  11. File Number: 567-73

    Lead Researcher: Mafia

    Assisting Personnel:Papa John

    Test Subject: SCP-939

    Subjects Involved: Papa John, Jolly the medic.

    Test Name: Training of Sans Undertale the dog.

    Hypothesis:I believe that 939 is very trainable and that he will be an amazing asset in battle.

    Observation: At first 939 didn't want to work with me, although after being promised treats he was very excited to start training. Once we began I had 939 look for Jolly a foundation medic. I was told that I couldn't test on Jolly I moved on to Papa John. After about 5 minutes of searching I asked Papa John to start making noise and moving. 939 Later found him although, the entire time that 939 was looking for Papa John he was playing music. This may be his form of echolocation seeing as he is blind but further research is needed to prove this.

    Conclusion: 939 Is a very good battle asset and proves his status as a keter SCP by being able to kill other keter level SCP'S.

    Additional Information: SCP-939 was taken on a raid right after this test and killed about 5 guard by himself. He seems to have a large bulge under his stomach that grows larger when touched. The only one that can get rid of it is SCP-049. Futher research is needed to find out what this bulge is.

  12. File Number: 567-72

    Lead Researcher:  Mafia

    Assisting Personnel: DHOR Drank

    Test Subject: SCP-049 and SCP-049-2

    Subjects Involved: D-1734

    Test Name: Study of SCP-049-2's.

    Hypothesis: I believe that SCP-049-2 is extremely aggressive to humans. But I also believe that they can be controlled as long as SCP-049 is being controlled.

    Observation: When the D-Class entered he was "cured" by 049 and became 049-2. After this when told by 049, 049-2 rushed out of the testing room and attacked all CI and D-Class in the area. When questioned 049 said that he is able to make a new 049-2 every 2 minutes but can make as many as he likes. 049-2 Also seems to slowy die over time. Further research is needed to find the reason to this death.

    Conclusion: 049-2 is directly controlled by 049. This is helpful because we can bring an army of 049-2's into the facility if we can control 049. 049-2 Is like a glass cannon, they are very weak but can do major amounts of damage. They also seem to not care about their lives and 049-2 are very easy to get.

    Additional Information: If possible we should get as many 049-2's and see if we can control them using 049. They can be used to lead CI into a raid killing anything in their path just as long as 049 is near. It may be difficult to get 049 to cooperate but 049 seems to be afraid of death so pointing a gun at him should force him to follow orders.

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