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Imagine Wagon

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Posts posted by Imagine Wagon

  1. Steam Name: Imagine Wagons

    Ingame Name: Wagons

    SteamID: 76561198275932483

    Ban Length: 1 Week

    Admin that Banned you: Russ

    Reason for Ban: Homophobia

    Dispute: I was being demoted for unrelated reasons and then I got incredibly flustered and said "Is it because I am queer?" But in the moment clicked my PTS button too late and it just came out at queer. Then I got moved to citizen and could not explain to Russ before I was banned for the week. I am sorry if I offended anyone but as an openly queer person myself (They/Them) I hope that I can smooth anything over. The demotion is fine I just wanted to explain to all parties what happened. I hope that you all are allies with the community and see it through my lense.

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