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Joey Hoodinie

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Posts posted by Joey Hoodinie

  1. 2 hours ago, Joey Hoodinie said:

    I Mean.. I don't want to seem like I'm immature but I made my own decision on the punishment.. I don't think it was wrong. I think im the Mod and I get to decide the punishment


    My Opinion!

    Sorry! Wrong thing. Ment to post on something else, But =Support Reasons Above


  2. +Support 

    It's not fear RP. 



    But tbh.. I'm getting tired of people shooting instead of RP. Not saying you are in the wrong, but RP situations out instead of gunning the PD down. (I'm at fault too...)

  3. -Support

    If what I am reading is entirely true, then it would be RDM on your part and NLR on his part. It works both ways. Killing someone over an insult or anything of the like is classified as RDM. BUT if what you say is true about him being revived and immediately shooting you is true, then that is where the NLR would take place. 

    Now, for the player diss thing. I don't handle the "He said, She said" scenarios for player diss. If I hear it come straight from their mouth is when I will handle it. Otherwise, I don't really say anything about it. (Mind you, I would like proof if it can be provided) BUT there is my look on it. 

  4. -Support

    • Don't see you on much
    • Application needs more effort in it!
    • Wrong answer for question 15
    • Forums account is semi-active
    • Improve activity and actually put effort in this application

  5. -Support

    • I've had a lot of problems with you
    • You ask for ranks
    • You also started rubbing your ranks in my face saying "Oh look what I got now see hahaha"
    • You are also a bit cocky in the Police Department when you said to me "I'm also proud to be in PD Low command soon"
    • You also asked people to "+Support+ Your LT Application you even said that to me....
    • Its a -Support for me because how the way you acted to me for those past couple of days/weeks really made me mad and I do not want someone in PD Command wanting to have more power and thinks he can get away with anything, I also felt really disrespectful when you were rubbing your ranks in my face all because I didn't promote you to a rank you wanted it shows me you're in it for the ranks and that you're power hungry.


    The Mexican Cartel Mission is to smuggle drugs into the city of Rockford. We are not here to protect. We are here to fight. We will make sure to not RDM, but

    SOP(Fixed): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTeYe2JQXZcLI4WcM8_3YGoxYvREe0o0fAjGg-0SoPnndc2KUmywI0ZrK8s-cPN-o3p_rnYL9acg39J/pub


    Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ridVCohgxkwZn4sBKiF0NLJ8Ef6ZLBK2VgiSMJgYF9E/htmlview

    Remember! We are here to have Fun!

  7. I mean.. I'm Joey

    I’m bored and looking through old stuff but who are you again? Are you that staff guy that no one has ever heard about? Like I mean it’s not like I’ve ever seen you or interacted with you or posted on your t-mod app or anything. I’ve never heard of you before. 

  8. Hello.. my name is Joey and I want to help.. if you ever need anyone to talk to.. Talk to me.. I've been through the shit most people have.. And IM being real.. If you need to talk, just PM Me or contact me on TS.. I may come out harsh sometimes.. But I don't want someone to end up dead on the streets or end their lifeline be self inflicting. Please. Come to me or help.




  9. +Support

    +Decent Effort in Application

    +Previous Staffing Experience

    +Q15 Was very well done.

    +/- I have not seen a lot of him, but that could be entirely due to timezones.

    -Q14 Could use some work.

    Overall, I think that this application is well enough and that you have potential to be a good member of the staff team. Best of luck with your application!

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