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Posts posted by Foxxx

  1. -support


    He's allowed to spawn in things. Fame has no control over the actions of others. If it was a minge fest, which it really wasn’t, make a report on the people who were minging. You only took screenshots of the shootout after the 3-5 minute police chase. It was quite fun until it ended in the shootout, which the 3 state troopers that were on NLR’d a lot in. In fact, if there was minging going on, why didn’t you remove those minges from the situation? Especially the gun dealers assuming they didn’t have a shop. 

  2. How recent is your ban? -support

    1. Donating does make you immune from the rules. Punishment for YOUR actions is not based on how much money you spend.

    2. Like I said above, if it was recent, you should wait a while before appealing.



  3. damn son! I go to a private school and get 1/2 day Thrusday, Friday-Monday off

    Might be because we are Christian but still

    its not my fault my school strict and has only 300 students and i get out at 4 with my intervention and its in those rich places

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