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The Mercenary

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  1. Thanks, anything else I need to know for the purpose of the appeal?
  2. Steam Name: Lucifer SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149473437 Ingame Name: I was known back then as 'Blackstone' in the RU MILRP server, but I forget what my name in the SCP Server Was. Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: He was on an SCP, so he was named 'SCP-173'. So I do not know. Reason for Ban: Player Poaching. Dispute: I am the first MTF Alpha-01 CO back when the server first launched, it's all I can remember. I was a very argumentative person back then, challenging decisions that I disagreed with, with a passion. Now, I don't remember at any time every player poaching, maybe I was talking of another server I liked? This was maybe a year or two ago, but details that long haven't returned. Even as I make this unban appeal, I continue to remember very small details and am informed of people inside the community. I would like to return and have a second chance. I am very interested in wanting to participate in the current state of Gaminglight's SCP Roleplay. With this being known, I understand that if I get denied, I get denied. But I will not let that stop me from trying, as I will continue to appeal until I can no longer, yes I read the '3-strike rule' for ban appeals. I have matured and I am now seventeen years of age, a job, and a pursuing career in being a major in singing once I get out of highschool. Even though I may not be on often, I still wish to be on from time-to-time to continue living the SCP dream. I will say this, that I heartfully apologize for any innapropriate actions in my past and those whom I have offended. I promise to do my best to uphold what I've said today and be a better person than my 15-16 year old self. I now leave my fate in the hands of the Senior Management Team, and I ask with sincerity, to revoke my current ban. Sincerly, - Lucifer
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