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Mr Change

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Posts posted by Mr Change

  1. im making another appeal cause my last one is messed up sorry. 

    Steam Name: Logical Coconuts

    Ingame Name: its been so long i cant remember(prob logical coco)

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198219822079/

    Ban Length: Forever

    Admin that Banned you: Friendly Steve

    Reason for Ban: NITRP, RDM, Minge

    Dispute: I was banned from this server over 3-4 years ago and i am a diferent person now then i was then. I am deeply sorry for how i acted on this server. at the time i was banned this was my favorite server. i have missed this server deeply. i was hoping that i could be granted another chance i would like to come back to this server to show i have changed. It was mentioned in my ban that this was my "41th" warning but that defiantly was not true.

    Thank you for your time had a nice day. 🙂

  2. Hi, im not sure if im posting in the right place or if there is some format im supposed to follow if so plz send it to me i couldn't find it. but i was banned over 3-4 years ago for "NITRP, RDM, Minge" and it stated this was my "41th" warning which was defiantly not true. Im sure i was being a little shit i was alot younger then id like a chance to rejoin the server and be unabnned considering how long its been. i was banned by friendly steve and my ban is set to end "never" my steme link is https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198219822079/  thank you for your consideration. 

  3. Steam Name: Logical Coconuts

    Ingame Name: its been so long i cant remember

    SteamID: https://store.steampowered.com/

    Ban Length: Forever

    Admin that Banned you: Trooper Saultter

    Reason for Ban:Staf Diss, FailRP, x5 Terrorsm

    Dispute: I was banned from this server over 2 years ago and i am a diferent person now then i was then. I am deeply sorry for how i acted on this server. at the time i was banned this was my favorite server. i have missed this server deeply. i was hoping that i could be granted a 2nd chance i would like to come back to this server to show i have changed. I know that the things i did were very bad but i think that it is time to forgive and move past this.

    Thank you for your time had a nice day. :)

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