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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2024 in Posts

  1. -Support -Short -Uninspired -Plenty of spelling errors -Doesn't seem like a good candidate for ST VCMDER
    1 point
  2. - Support Basically what Krüvz. • Although I’m happy to see you actually wrote this app, I’m a bit disappointed due to how short it is because I know you can actually write an app. For example your Purge Vice app Once you add more and fix this app overall my -Support will 100% turn into a +Support.
    1 point
  3. Massive + Support amazing VCMDR came back to IC to help it when it was down in the dumps overall a amazing and helpful person to be around best pick for CMDR super cool dude This guy deserves to be Boss good luck scorchy worchy
    1 point
  4. + support rasputin is a real good vice commander, he is very helpful and is overall a good guy, give this man BOSS!!!
    1 point
  5. +Support Waaaay too excited to see a staff app from Mr.Ion, extremely dedicated and knows the rules well. Would be a great addition!
    1 point
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