• Forum Rules



    Welcome to the Gaminglight Community Forums!

    The Gaminglight Forums is the main communications hub for each of our main servers. We welcome all members of the community to discuss topics of interest, suggest improvements to the community, and learn about the exciting new changes that we make to our servers! While using the forums, you are required to abide by the following rules. Failure to follow these rules may result in your posts being hidden, being required to receive moderator approval before posting, or having your forum account suspended.


    Child Exploitation

    Zero Tolerance Policy: Our community enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy towards any form of pedophilia, child exploitation, or grooming. Any individual found engaging in, promoting, or supporting such activities will be immediately blacklisted and banned from our platforms.

    Reporting Suspicious Behavior: All members are encouraged to promptly report any suspicious behavior, content, or conversations related to pedophilia or child exploitation. Reports will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.

    Consequences of Violation: If an individual is found to have engaged in actions related to pedophilia, they will be blacklisted and permanently banned from our platform without the possibility of appeal. Furthermore, any relevant information may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities.

    Ensuring a Safe Environment: We are committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all members. As such, we will continue to monitor and enforce these rules and regularly review and update them as needed.

    Educating Members: Our community will provide resources and educational materials to raise awareness about the dangers of pedophilia and child exploitation in order to empower our members to identify and report potential threats.

    Collaborative Effort: The safety and well-being of our members, particularly minors, is a shared responsibility. We encourage all members to actively participate in maintaining a safe community by adhering to these rules and reporting any violations they may witness.



    General Forum Rules: 

    1. Use common sense when using the forums

    2. Do not argue or bicker with other forums members, keep conversations constructive.

    3. It is prohibited to insult, flame, or harass other community members.
      • Threats of violence are prohibited at all times.
    4. Abusing the forum reputation system, or encouraging others to do so is prohibited.
      • The most common infraction is disliking multiple posts from a single member on the same day.
    5. Necroposting is prohibited.
      • Necroposting is defined as posting in a thread that has not been active for one month or longer.
    6. Making spam posts or continuously posting content in incorrect locations is prohibited.
    7. Publicizing private messages with another player unless the messages are used as evidence in a player report, staff report, warning appeal, or ban appeal is prohibited.
    8. Posting copyrighted material or images of others without their consent or crediting them is prohibited.
    9. Posting responses in Custom Job posts that you do not own, or are not attempting to purchase is generally prohibited.
      • Gaminglight staff members and community members may respond to Custom Job posts to provide assistance or correct mistakes if they exist.
    10. It is prohibited to use non-English characters in your username or forum post.
    11. Responding to RP or staff applications without recent experience playing on the server, or recent experience with the player making the application is prohibited.
    12. Do not openly argue with Forum Diplomats or members of the Senior Management Team. If you disagree with a decision made by a member of these groups, contact the Head Forum Diplomat, or the Senior Management Team member via a direct message.
    13. Do not tag members of the Senior Management Team on the forums at any time.
    14. Backseat forum moderating is prohibited. Please use the report function to report any posts that violate the forum rules.
    15. You cannot use our site to sell your services/others services.
    16. Whenever leaving an opinion on a topic / thread, ensure your opinion is clear & definitive. -/+ Supports (also known as 'Neutral Support') that are not constructive or in any way helpful are not useful & is generally prohibited.
      • If a situation arises where you believe a -/+ Support is appropriate, Ensure that you are listing clear & unbiased factors which entitles you to your opinion. -/+ Supporting for an invalid reason will result in your post being hidden.


    The following actions will result in an immediate suspension of your forum account:

    1. Posting personal identifying information of yourself or others
    2. Posting links to phishing, porn, or other unsavory sites
    3. Creating alternate forum accounts
    4. Usage of racial, homophobic, or other slurs
    5. Discussion of piracy, warez, or leaked content
    6. Publicizing or usage of cheating software, exploits, or hacks
    7. Soliciting, selling, begging, auctioning, or otherwise advertising outside communities, products, or services.
      • A server manager may provide authorization to use to do so on a case by case basis.


    Signature Guidelines:

    • Signature may not include inappropriate content.
    • Signatures may not utilize text greater than size 36 font, nor extremely bright colors.
    • Signatures may not contain pictures or gifs. Graphic signature art is permitted.
    • Server Managers may edit signatures not complying with these guidelines, or that they judge to be inappropriate at any time.


    If you observe a forum rule violation:

    Should you observe a fellow forum member breaking these rules please report the post by clicking the Report Post button located to the left of every post. This will flag the report for review by the Forum Diplomat team, who will review the post for any rule violations.


    Important Links

    List of Official Gaminglight Discords

    Official Gaminglight TeamSpeak Server

    Gaminglight Staff Handbook

    Community Introduction Area

    Common Tutorial Section

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