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Map Suggestion - The D-Block Airlock. [Completed]


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What are you suggesting?

First of all, before I go on with this suggestion, I ask that you read the ENTIRETY of this suggestion because this is of course, going to be controversial and every d-class main is going to immediately -support this with "gensec coping fr....."


So why do we need an Airlock?

Because GENSEC as a branch is dying

Yeah, I said it. Security right now is probably in one of the worst states in terms of activity that we've been in since I joined the server last year. Almost nobody is on, PT's and Off-meetings are few and far-between, and most of all, GENSEC can never leave D-Block.

GENSEC is pretty much stuck in d-block 100% of the time. There has not been a SINGLE security patrol in the last 4 months, and that is not an exaggeration by any means. Nobody has been stationed, no NCO's have taken enlisted to HCZ, everybody sits in D-Block. Sitting in D-Block is incredibly boring, literally everybody agrees on this. We hear people constantly talk about "GENSEC is boring to play it's just sitting in D-Block all day", and you're not wrong, it wasn't always like this. Back on Site-50, GENSEC left D-Block all the time and patrols were incredibly common. I personally as an NCO stationed people all the time at the Medical Bay and whatnot, yet when the map changed, we seemed to lose all of our patrols.

So why did we lose all of our patrols?

Because GENSEC is now always in combat. There is no grace period where GENSEC can just relax and go on a patrol without worrying "is a D-Class about to snipe me from the back corner of D-Block?" or "If I leave D-Block is it going to go completely to shit?" Everybody has to be on their toes constantly because slipping up for even a second will result in the poor GENSEC OFC who joined the server 45 minutes ago getting insta-killed and have to wait for 2 minutes to leave bunks. Back on Site-50, there was little room for a D-Class to hide behind a corner and cuck you because there were only 2 viable spots (outside of LDB) which could be easily countered by placing a sniper in the tower, and it was a fun gameplay loop for GENSEC and D-Class where one would snipe from the bar, and because it was much more difficult to sneak-up on GENSEC, which gave security the opportunity to go on patrols throughout LCZ and even HCZ sometimes.

Back on Site-50, MTF didn't sit outside of D-Block nearly as much as they do now because they didn't need to, GENSEC could handle it for the most part and they only really came down if it was obvious we were having trouble. Nowadays, we have an issue with people sitting in the D-Block intersection which is also annoying for D-Class because it's an incredibly long corridor where they can get immediately sniped and have little counter-play. Escaping D-Block is simultaneously easier and more difficult.

Security also has the unfortunate issue of having to go through D-Block in order to leave their spawn. The only exits to Security bunks are through D-Block, either near the medical area inside of D-Block or through the catwalk, meaning that GENSEC has no ability to really "push in" to D-Block because D-Class can always see them coming and there's no ability to really coordinate a push into D-Block without forcing GENSEC to group up outside of D-Block (where they will inevitably be caught up in combat and probably die)

Essentially what this means is that SECURITY CANT DO THEIR JOBS.

We want to go on patrols, and we want to station people. I and many others talk about it all the time in both Command and amongst the Enlisted, but it simply isn't possible because removing even 1 person from D-Block now compromises the security of the entirety of D-Block, and gives D-Class the perfect opportunity to snipe the poor guy sitting on the barricade and charging with mobsters, cc's, and whatever the hell else.

If D-Block can be secure more often without the constant threat of a mass d-class escape, then MTF can also focus on handling SCPs and CI as opposed to being forced to sit in D-Block intersection because Security will inevitably die.

So how do we fix this?

We force D-Class to go through an airlock of some sort. Of course, there should be some way to get past this, such as hacking the airlock open and being able to keep it open for an extended period of time, but this gives GENSEC the opportunity to do its job and go on patrols without the issue of compromising the Security of D-Block. This also makes it easier on new players. 1 problem that causes new players to leave is they'll join the server during a partial lockdown, not understand what it means, get killed a bunch of times, and leave because "this is boring/unfun", and this happens among an extensive amount of people from what I've seen (at-least the ones who even know how to type in chat).

How would this change better the server?

1. It allows Security to do their jobs. Instead of having to sit in D-Block all day, it gives us the opportunity to actually patrol the site and make sure things are secure. After all, this is the Security Department. It's in the naem.

2. It allows MTF to focus on containing SCPs and not have to sit outside of d-block. MTF can patrol HCZ and spend more time setting up checkpoints and managing the security of HCZ/EZ as compared to having 4-5 MTF sitting outside of D-Block incase GENSEC falls apart (because it typically does)

3. It allows Researchers to grab D-Class without fearing "Am I going to get immediately gunned down when I try to grab a d-class?"

4. It allows D-Class who actually want to ROLEPLAY and aren't exactly interested in the "SCP-TDM" that we have set up to actually go through a testing line without the worry of "Oh boy, a D-Class CC is going to snipe right behind me and I'm probably going to get crossfired and die."

Most importantly, it will inevitably BRING MORE ROLEPLAY to this "SCP-RP" server

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.

D-Class Mains, and D-Class in general will probably be unhappy with the increased difficulty in rioting.

This would also take a FUCK TON OF A TIME for SMT. However, I think this change is worthy enough to bring up because failure to address this problem will likely bring the complete death of Security as a branch.

Who would this change mostly benefit?

Security, MTF, Research

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion

This is a 1 AM suggestion, so I may have not been as clear or used the correct wording in some places. I'd appreciate feedback where possible so perhaps I could make some edits to this.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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I will give it a Neutral 


We have seen what SMT can do with Map edits, putting a big Door inside of D-Block which open and closest , is something they can even do sleeping. At least in my opinion. 

On the other hand, I don’t agree with your reasoning, I don’t thing D-Class are that strong , and a lot weaker then on the last map since they have a way harder time getting better weapons. Or even getting out of it, without slowly burning there Money to the ground, at least for the average player. 

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Honestly, I kinda agree with this. As MTF, I do see D-Block a mess most times because GENSEC gets spawn camped outside the door. And I have been it happen as CI as well when the poor GENSEC OFC gets rushed by 3 BIOs and an E4 right as he opens the door. Honestly, if the door was moved towards the left side (where the safe SCPs have their spawn), I feel like it would give them a fighting chance to group up and rush it instead of being spawn camped. I want them to be more around the site, I love seeing NCOs take people out of D-Block, as it was very fun on the old site-O5 map.

While I do not think D-Class are strong, as they only have 100 hp, at the most 100 - 100, I do think GENSEC should be able to have a fighting chance against them. I do not want MTF to just sit there, as I have done it was MTF because we have to something which causes CI to sneak in and kill us. If MTF didn't have to sit there all the time, we would be able to patrol more and find CI before they can get too deep. I want MTF to be able to do what they are supposed to do and not just sit in a small intersection waiting for either CI to raid or D-Class to finally push with CCs and modsters. 

I do like the idea of an airlock, maybe a level 2 gate going into a room from intersection that has a medbay to the left and an armor station to the right, or maybe a place for research to line up D-Class and get their escort. In the front would be 2 airlocks, 2 on each side with the sniper tower door in the middle for easy access. This way, it gives GENSEC access to the tower without having to face D-Class. It gives them a chance to regroup and get together before rushing on both sides. It would make things better for everyone.

I will +Support this.

Edited by Mary
spelling mistakes go brr

Free From GL ❤️

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+ Support this server has changed way to much and wants to help D class so much and anyone that disagree's is just cause they are here only for combat and escaping as D class...

It is so easy to just go up the elevator pull out pistol and shoot some gensec, kill 1 and repeat this. I have played gensec before and it is boring asf, there is no RP in d block most of time and people just keep trying to shoot you.

Username: Stryker

Status: Resigned

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4 hours ago, Stryker_ said:

+ Support this server has changed way to much and wants to help D class so much and anyone that disagree's is just cause they are here only for combat and escaping as D class...

It is so easy to just go up the elevator pull out pistol and shoot some gensec, kill 1 and repeat this. I have played gensec before and it is boring asf, there is no RP in d block most of time and people just keep trying to shoot you.



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Me when MTF camp d block😡.

Me when MTF actually patrol site and contain scps😁.

Escaping as D class is too easy anyways and not rewarding at all(in feeling), IMO the challenge will make rioting more fun.

  • Skull 1

Former Ranks: Medical AHOMSSEC Major AJG WL LucillaD5 Vice CommanderCI R&D Archivist DHBICI Lieutenant Colonel


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1 hour ago, styx said:

just coming out of the dark but gensec has 345 memebers and the next most is ci combat with 120 memebers. just want to point that out

GENSEC has 345 members but none of them are ever online. GENSEC doesn't do activity requirements / activity purges (Which is why we have a bulk of SM's but you never see them online). Some of our people haven't been promoted since August last year (over 150 days without a promotion) because they're never online.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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1 hour ago, Ein said:

GENSEC has 345 members but none of them are ever online. GENSEC doesn't do activity requirements / activity purges (Which is why we have a bulk of SM's but you never see them online). Some of our people haven't been promoted since August last year (over 150 days without a promotion) because they're never online.

then maybe you should do more active purgres 

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4 hours ago, Ein said:

GENSEC has 345 members but none of them are ever online. GENSEC doesn't do activity requirements / activity purges (Which is why we have a bulk of SM's but you never see them online). Some of our people haven't been promoted since August last year (over 150 days without a promotion) because they're never online.

Perhaps activity requirements should be implemented. Sounds like its a self perpetuating problem.

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Every since I got back into gaming light and rejoined security, ive noticed one thing. Gensec is dying and that is a fact.

But something else ive noticed is that d class also seem to be dead?


I personally believe d block is too hard for gensec to hold, but too hard for d class to escape. Let me explain.

Gensec loses d block, so they then hold outside in the interesection, where it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for d class to escape due to the giant fucking hallway leading to the door. This just creates a absolutely horrible gameplay loop of d class taking d block, then this stupid cat and mouse game of peeking the hallway trying to get a lucky snipe on gensec outside.

It is also just so unfun for d class as since gensec can't hold by theirself, classes NOT BALANCED around d class combat have to guard d block (Nu7, E11, ect.)

These branches are NOT balanced around d class, and will absolutely destroy them every time.


Implementing a air lock will encourage gensec activity, get MTF out of LCZ and d block, and encourage d class activity due to not having to deal with every mtf branch and only security. 

As well as encouraging, research, maintenance, AND medical activity (since they wont be killed by d class every 5 seconds)

The best D class player to ever exist

UwU >:3

Security best branch

Owns: D-3621

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D-block is already very bias to security, unless d-class get more places to hide from security instead of 2 fucking hallways that are very easily rush-able I'd allow having an airlock but I'd also like a different option to exit d-block isntead of a single doorway because I sure love (I do not love) having special forces sitting on the 1 and only exit to d-block. maybe like a vent or something could be worked out with gensec being stationed inside the vent or on a balcony near the vent or smth idk.

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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19 minutes ago, Tazza said:


D-block is already very bias to security, unless d-class get more places to hide from security instead of 2 fucking hallways that are very easily rush-able I'd allow having an airlock but I'd also like a different option to exit d-block isntead of a single doorway because I sure love (I do not love) having special forces sitting on the 1 and only exit to d-block. maybe like a vent or something could be worked out with gensec being stationed inside the vent or on a balcony near the vent or smth idk.

I agree with the issue of SF's sitting at the exit of D-Block (or literally any combatant group just sitting in D-Block intersection). I've constantly been pushing to get Wardens and GENSEC out of the Intersection and on patrols more often because I hate seeing people sitting in intersection. I recognize how unfun it is for both D-Class and MTF.

It falls in line with the issue of the entire server being centered around LCZ. SCPs are always trying to get to LCZ, CI raids are always going for LCZ, etc etc.


As biased as D-Block is towards Security, we still don't have the ability to do our jobs.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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It simply won't change anything, the current dblock is boring. The only way you can achieve something like this is by using a sniper or something similar, you can't even use a knife or any other melee for the simple fact that you have to advance a considerable amount of distance to get to some gensec, by the time you reach it you are already half hp or dead. Dblock should not only be done by gensec high command or site admin it should also have feedback from the community to avoid this type of problems.

                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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1 hour ago, MexicanGuy said:


It simply won't change anything, the current dblock is boring. The only way you can achieve something like this is by using a sniper or something similar, you can't even use a knife or any other melee for the simple fact that you have to advance a considerable amount of distance to get to some gensec, by the time you reach it you are already half hp or dead. Dblock should not only be done by gensec high command or site admin it should also have feedback from the community to avoid this type of problems.

This isn't the point of the suggestion. The point of the suggestion is to get something added that will allow Security to do their jobs. By effectively putting a "cooldown" on rioting, or extremely limiting it (via the airlock), not only does it make riot events more fun (and it justifies giving d-class bigger and better guns), but it allows GENSEC that grace period to do its job (Patrolling, Stationing people, etc) and get people out of D-Block. The overall point of the suggestion is "Get GENSEC out of D-Block", and this is currently the only way of doing so without enforcing a hard riot "cooldown" which would be difficult to enforce and annoying for D-Class.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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1 hour ago, Ein said:

This isn't the point of the suggestion. The point of the suggestion is to get something added that will allow Security to do their jobs. By effectively putting a "cooldown" on rioting, or extremely limiting it (via the airlock), not only does it make riot events more fun (and it justifies giving d-class bigger and better guns), but it allows GENSEC that grace period to do its job (Patrolling, Stationing people, etc) and get people out of D-Block. The overall point of the suggestion is "Get GENSEC out of D-Block", and this is currently the only way of doing so without enforcing a hard riot "cooldown" which would be difficult to enforce and annoying for D-Class.

Well , he makes a good point , the average D-Class Gun is the pistol , from the D-Class. Which makes it pretty hard to kill GENSEC and escape. 

While we have a lot of CC D-Class we shouldn’t build D-Block around them, but on the one average D-Class which are new players freshly joining the server. 

The airlock might be just more of a hurdle for them, which makes them leave. 

But tbh I think it would be awesome, but for the airlock to work we should remove the upper D-Block railings.  And put it where the long hallway out of D-block is. Since then it would be an amazing d-block. 

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+ Support

An air lock would encourage more roleplay from everyone overall as d class now need to find more ways to escape and need to work together instead of just ending up in a loop of dying then rushing up the elevator to try and kill someone before dying again. MTF/Security now get the opportunity to go about doing other things instead of deciding that they want to sit in intersection all day. 

However, I do also agree that this would make d block incredibly 1 sided so I believe that there should also be some other side door/vent system that d class can use to aid to their escape as otherwise they would all just be funnelling through the same door to an easy camp from combatives who have decided that they want to sit there during their whole time on the server. This also encourages them to now patrol around LCZ as there is more then one exit point with a vent system.

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3 hours ago, Volt said:

An air lock would encourage more roleplay from everyone overall as d class now need to find more ways to escape and need to work together instead of just ending up in a loop of dying then rushing up the elevator to try and kill someone before dying again.

OR, we can sit at the airlock and kill whoever enters


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A lot of the issues found here are self inflicted. You talk about how you can’t send people out on patrols. Why can’t you? You claim its because D-Class overwhelm you, yet you say D class is Dying? Additionally D block is VERY one sided and makes it almost impossible to riot. You have layers upon layers barriers and angles compared to d class. You have classes that have more Hp/Ap then an MTF class. GENSEC dying is not a server issue but more of a command issue. If people aren’t leading enlisted on patrols that’s your fault. As you have said MTF sit outside D block, you have the forces to keep D class in check so send them on patrols. 

On top of this you spawn in D block, if you are letting D class spawn kill you holy shit that’s a massive skill issue. You also have things like partial lockdown that are rarely ever used. You have the materials to control D block yet you don’t use them. Use what your given and if that doesn’t work then make suggestions like this. Don’t make D block anymore harder to escape. You rely on D class for your activity. Don’t kill their activity by making it even more one sided 

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SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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1 hour ago, Rex Velvet said:

OR, we can sit at the airlock and kill whoever enters


Not trying to be mean by saying this, but you act like gensec players WANT to camp d block and camp d class, but we DONT.


We wan't to be in LCZ and involved with all the noncombatants, we wanna actually be SECURITY in LCZ.


A airlock would finally give us that chance, gensec is more then sitting in d block. We already see what gensec could be through our wardens sub branch, imagine that but branch wide. So yeah point is, if people didnt HAVE to camp, we wouldn't.

The best D class player to ever exist

UwU >:3

Security best branch

Owns: D-3621

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8 minutes ago, Its Buck said:


A lot of the issues found here are self inflicted. You talk about how you can’t send people out on patrols. Why can’t you? You claim its because D-Class overwhelm you, yet you say D class is Dying? Additionally D block is VERY one sided and makes it almost impossible to riot. You have layers upon layers barriers and angles compared to d class. You have classes that have more Hp/Ap then an MTF class. GENSEC dying is not a server issue but more of a command issue. If people aren’t leading enlisted on patrols that’s your fault. As you have said MTF sit outside D block, you have the forces to keep D class in check so send them on patrols. 

On top of this you spawn in D block, if you are letting D class spawn kill you holy shit that’s a massive skill issue. You also have things like partial lockdown that are rarely ever used. You have the materials to control D block yet you don’t use them. Use what your given and if that doesn’t work then make suggestions like this. Don’t make D block anymore harder to escape. You rely on D class for your activity. Don’t kill their activity by making it even more one sided 

I think you misunderstood a few things, and maybe thats because I wrote the suggestion at 1 AM and should’ve been more clear.


We cant send GENSEC on patrols because D-Block is too difficult to permanently secure. Killing 1-2 D-Class is easy, but remember that D-Class have no NLR, CC’s have 1 minute, and most jobs spawn with guns.

No matter how many barricades you add, D-Block is so large that its easy for D-Class to snipe you from a corner before you can react.

What this essentially means is that GENSEC is always on their toes and never gets a grace period between riots. Patrols are impossible because whole yes, securing D-Block is easy, but removing even 1 person from D-Block will typically compromise the security of D-Block. We do have MTF in the intersection who could move in, but them they could make the argument of “If GENSEC has the numbers to leave D-Block, why are we needed?”

Additionally, there shouldn’t BE anyone in intersection. Intersection should be a place to pass through and not where 8 different combatants and medics sit.


We also use protocols a ton, Partial Lockdown is used pretty much hourly to be entirely honest with you. But even if we didn’t, we shouldn’t have to call partial every 30 minutes, it is far too easy for D-Class to riot in D-Block and overtake it, but it is also far too easy for MTF to hold intersection and ruin any chance of a D-Class escape.


Im typing this on my phone while at work so once again, I might’ve not phrased things as well as I should have, I’ll probably get to making a more proper response if I don’t forget.

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 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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16 minutes ago, Ashe Fox said:

Not trying to be mean by saying this, but you act like gensec players WANT to camp d block and camp d class, but we DONT.


We wan't to be in LCZ and involved with all the noncombatants, we wanna actually be SECURITY in LCZ.


A airlock would finally give us that chance, gensec is more then sitting in d block. We already see what gensec could be through our wardens sub branch, imagine that but branch wide. So yeah point is, if people didnt HAVE to camp, we wouldn't.

Meant as dclass

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20 minutes ago, Rex Velvet said:

Meant as dclass

ohhh ok, sorry lol (tho my point still stands anyways)

Edited by Ashe Fox
More context

The best D class player to ever exist

UwU >:3

Security best branch

Owns: D-3621

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