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Cammy's Goodbye


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So this is the day...

Today is the day I end my time here after re-joining just over 3 years ago now, just looking for something to kill time on with a friend from school (who never joined btw), I ended up working my way up in government yeah I had my ups and downs and lots of people who struggled to understand me (most still do), I eventually worked my way up to SM where I decided to branch out and join ARU and then State Police where I found my place in the community thanks to many great guys that I will also try to remember. I ended up holding 4 high command positions ( D.O.C, C.E.R.T, SCO19 x2 State Police x2), so fair to say I got around a bit and I hope I made these department's enjoyable to play for others, I taught many people about the Famous Glasgow Celtic, The IRA, Scotland and UK Politics, I also sang many songs and many great moments and I will go into some here before then doing mentioning.

State Police: Part one

Where else to start but the greatest department there is in my opinion (I am allowed to say that now, I have kept my mouth quiet about it for long enough) , I joined in August 2019 through a try-out and never looked back, I reached the rank of SGT quick where I then joined then Tactical unit C.E.R.T (at the time I left ARU for it but we will return to them later), anyone I eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant under Colonel Ghostly and Eventually Captain under him, he then left and I became closer with the new Colonel Yobo which I did not know at the time but a person I would learn so much of off and have so many great nights with. I was then given DOC Warden ( at the time I knew nothing about) I believe like with all my roles I gave my best to make the department the best it could be and I think now looking back it went pretty well, eventually a lot of stuff happened and when ended up with someone who shall not be named become colonel and I moved up to CERT Co Commander where myself and CERT Commander Andrew had some pretty good times, then it was time for me to get Lieutenant Colonel which would of been a great time had it not been with the person who shall not be named, eventually I got forced out of state however during that time I did get to know a certain person better and we became good friends (he likes to ribbit) , so I left State Police with nothing to show at first and I did think about leaving then but some people helped me decide to stay. I forgot to put it in, but I also met who I would call my closest and best friend on here Max Holland (eoin) who is a great guy I always got on with ("demoted maxipoo you say") but fr max is class and someone I will always remember.


ARU/SCO19 and PD Command

So After State I got into PD Command as a Lieutenant at the same time I met my joint Favourite person Char Char (please leave your comments of favouritism till after I am gone I am sure Bruceyboyo is happy to take any reports) anyway me and carrots had many amazing night ( 😉 joking he is like 9 ) but yeah carrots is another great guy and I feel we both got the best out of each other and learnt a lot from each other with me having experience and carrots being a good person. I think we done well with ARU turning it into SCO19 and it ran really well and we made many new friends. However during this time myself and Carrots both also ranked up in PD both reaching the rank of Colonel and eventually a assistant chief spot opened up this tested our friendship but we stayed strong, we also made many new friends and SCO19 members in PD ( to clarify for legal reasons nobody was ever player poached into SCO19 by myself), during this time we also met Bruceyboyo (who is now chief wow they grow up so fast) and he also JOINED SCO19, anyway Carrots got Assistant Chief and the dream team was over for now ( Thanks Solomon 😉 ) so I took control of SCO19 as Chief Constable and kept it stable I then made Jamie my Deputy Chief Constable however it was around this time I needed a break and left the community, anyway this is already getting long however this led to Jamie leaving as well as he did not feel he could run a department, I did plan to leave for good then but Max Holland took over SCO19 as he was SMT at the time and convinced me to come back (player poaching the player poacher) I eventually got back up to Chief Constable which I held a little bit longer this time till someone came along and gave me a offer I couldn't refuse, so I left SCO19 again this times in the hands of Bruceyboyo sadly not long after I left SCO19 disbanded. GBNF


State Police: Part Two

Well Mr Yobo offered me to come back to State Police as LT COL and after Permission from SMT it happened and we went about trying to bring State Police back to its best I think we have done a good Job and changed a few things and Yobo even made a bike, so it is pretty cool, most importantly we also choose Quality over Quantity and try to provide great RP in the department, there are so many things I could say about State and I have had good and bad with them but I also got my second chance in it and I honestly had my best days in the server while in State Police first and second time. anyway, after a while Yobo left me again but we did have many great times again and have given State a good foundation to go on with. with Yobo leaving I took control finally becoming Colonel and this is when my 4th closest friend came along and has been amazing for the last 9-10 months I am talking about Billy another great guy, however first I made Carrots my LT COL and went about keeping the department going and making a few tweaks here and there but sadly Carrots left after 3 weeks as he got busy in life (being a super strong man, I wouldn't mess with him if I was you) . anyway, eventually I made Billy my LT COL and we have added Carrots player models to CERT and other things I couldn't of done without him, I know I slate him a lot but Seriously he is a great LT COL and a better guy and I am sure he will make an amazing State Colonel and continue on the Scottish Legacy and State's great place in the Community. Anyway, I have had many great times and after a year and one month back as State Police High Command and 9 months as Colonel (damn time flies) I will go down as only the 4th State Police Colonel not to be Blacklisted Hopefully (Please Jimmy not now), I will also be the joint longest serving as well. However, I believe billy will be here for a while and keep state going and improve it in his on ways and I wish him the best of luck but yeah, I am hopeful that will mean he will also leave on his on terms unlike many others

Reason for Leaving:

I am leaving due to life getting more busy and being unable to commit enough time to GMOD, if I kept going on it would be unfair on State Police and its amazing members, I also just don’t want to play anymore with little to no energy to get on GMOD, I have mainly been focused on outside GMOD stuff for State Police as I can enjoy that but I can no longer get myself on to play as I have little to no enjoyment anymore (which is expected as I have been here basically 3 years straight)

So that was my time here in gaminglight. I hope your still here and understand my time here a bit more, I may get in TS every here and there.

Special Mentions:

Everyone’s favourite part, go look in the comments quick I bet you will see “hey where is my mention”.

“Special Special mentions”

Max Holland: The Main man, from the Start he was there, a great guy, hope everything goes well for you mate you deserve it. we have snapchat so we will probably message there time to time. Always my Deputy Warden xx

Carrots: The Second Main Man, from the middle, man saved me and mass promoted me in SCO19 (well Solomon says so) , we had many great times mate hope all goes well for you and if I ever need a big man I will call on you babes. Love you Char Char , same as max we still talk on snap. “makin progress”

Yobo: “/demote Cammy Reason: Moaning over the Radio” – Yobo 2K19 , FR tho hope your family is well man, you’re a great guy and a good friend, we had many great nights and good times, you have my snap so I am sure you we will keep in contact, Best Trooper Colonel ever

Billy: The Fourth Main Man, there for the end, Second best Scot in GL history, know we joke a lot and I would never say this to you through voice but you’re a great guy and deserve your position as much as anyone, you were the best LT COL I could of asked for and I know you will do well as Colonel feel free to message me for anything. Mon Eh Sellick

Normal Special Mentions

Jimmy James: Still FBI Director in my eyes all am saying, hope all is well for you and wish you the best for the future man.

Drippy: Yo Drip Drip, the real best LT COL ever, soundest guy out there , wish you all the best man, you have always been fun to be around and a good friend.

Mikey: “Migay” – Cammy always, great guy, been here forever, Top SRT Commander

Phil: NGL nearly forgot about the bald man, “MY HOPES AND MY DREAM” , Philliam , BTW Australia is pretty cool I ain’t saying that cause the Celtic manager is from there totally

Frog: Great guy and Friend, wish you all the best in life man, my snapchat DM’s are always open for you man, love you for real

Solomon: Silent but Violent, never sides with me but a good friend, wish you the best man, Still heartbroken from you leaving DOC

Bruceyboyo: Wow another Scotsman lets player poach him, best Grammar Police, wish you the best man.

Seb: Been here forever, I Remember the DOC days still man, wish you the best.

Masterson: Great guy, always remember that day in the bank, wish you all the best with SRT, wish you were in state though ☹

Kitty: Never talked a lot, always had a respect for you though, good SRT Commander, your English that is a big negative, wish you the best with SRT too

Tactical: Great guy, hope your doing good man, my snapchat is always open for you too bro.

Maddog: Best Trainer, Maddog last day on gaminglight part 2 coming when???

Ghostly: Great guy, Great Colonel, “who are you” – Ghostly every time he joins TS

Miniepic: The EMS Pair, good guy, only attends meetings for promotions

 MJTHEOG: The EMS Pair, great guy, wish you the best of luck, ARU days

The State Police Guys

Kevin: Great guy, been a good major and someone to talk too, wish you the best man, keep your head man, keep up the good work ma man, good friend

Dry: This guy is something else honestly, I know I have been hard on you a lot but you are a great command member and a friend keep up the hard work and I am sure you will be High Command in State Eventually, please don’t do anything stupid. “Okay.” – Dry 24/7

Recs: “You’re in the Army now”, Good guy, Great Former DOC Warden, been good spending time with you again, keep going and help billy.

Jon Shoeshiner: Good guy, English, Keep up the good work.

Beans: Good Intentions at heart, don’t become stupid again you have worked so hard, keep your head up and don’t bite if someone says stupid to you.

Joe Goodman: Good guy, Decent DOC Warden, wish you the best

Andrew: 4th Scotsman, been there since the start, we’ve had our ups and downs but your quite good at what you do, don’t be stupid and keep up the good work. Been a pleasure the time we had together, wish you all the best. DM if you need anything

Logan: Good Guy, Hope you do well in State Command man

Josh: Well done on Command mate, keep up the good work, been good getting to know since you been back, wish you all the best. DM’s are always open for you

To Everyone I have played with and not mentioned I wish you all the best but I already hate how long this is so no more mentions.

I now leave the legacy of the Scottish people in the hands of Billy, Brucey and Andrew don’t let me down boys

Mon Eh Scotia

this is 1K17 going 10-7 for the final time

“I did what I had to do
an saw it through without exemption”


  • Sad 2
  • Heart-Eyes 3
  • Gaminglight Love 1


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What is the difference between supper and dinner?

Current: Police Department Captain, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Senior Special Agent Hostage responder Rescue Team Operator First Class , 

Special Response Team Private First Class, Secret Service Protection Officer

Past: A lot/PoliceRP SNR Mod,PoliceRP Event Team, PPD/SS Deputy Director , FBI Deputy Assistant Director , USMS CMA, STREET CRIMES UNIT!! (Chief Soup95 1K-8 😢)

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It's been a pleasure working with you Cammy regardless of our different opinions, good luck with everything!

State Police
Trooper Major 1H03 | D.O.C Assistant Warden 1CC02 | C.E.R.T Team Leader 1TL01 | State Head Field Training Officer

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It's been a serious fun playing with you and an absolute great time serving under you!


It's always sad to see someone we had a lot of fun  with go.. especially someone that you had to work with for most of my time in State!

I hope you thrive in the stuff you love to do and you live the life you want my guy!

See you around sir!


Told ya i don't have feelings don't I

Thanks for your time and your good work it really ment something for a some of us! We will keep your department in good shape!
Bye good friend!

You better come around from time to time!! 


Edited by Kev in
  • Heart-Eyes 1

Trooper Colonel Kevin 1K68
Former C.E.R.T Commander Kev 1K68

S.R.T GYSGT Kev 1R78

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Sad to see you go! Who knows, maybe one day I'll come back to DOC for the 3rd time I think? Anyways, I've had a lot of fun playing with you and got some great memories from it. Make sure to come back and visit us every now and then! 

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  • Head of Staff
4 hours ago, Cammy said:

Frog: Great guy and Friend, wish you all the best in life man, my snapchat DM’s are always open for you man, love you for real

Im not crying, youre crying 😞


Never thought this day would come, please keep in touch, you are a great friend ❤️ 

Thanks again for taking me in as a minge and reforming me

  • Heart-Eyes 1

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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DENIED reapply in 2 weeks 

6 hours ago, Cammy said:

Everyone’s favourite part, go look in the comments quick I bet you will see “hey where is my mention”.

where mine eh? didnt wanna take another shot at me 😞 guess i wasn't that inactive after all

  • Heart-Eyes 1

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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one of the guys i started with is finally leaving, this is a sad day for us all


on a real note cammy, im gonna miss you mf. you were always super fun to be around, and i'm glad i got to see you rise up to all your positions, but as always, good things must come to an end.


do keep in touch lad, i'm gonna miss you 😭

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Man I don't even know where to start throughout my time here we had our ups and our downs but at the end of the day we always came to an agreement, It's been an amazing last few months working alongside someone with this much experience in High Command and to be taking over from you it was a bit of a shock but hey at the end of the day irl comes first. I wish you all the best with your Football Coaching and you are always welcome to come back.
Love ya long time

Moan eh sellick 6-1

Edited by Billy S
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9 hours ago, Billy S said:

Man I don't even know where to start throughout my time here we had our ups and our downs but at the end of the day we always came to an agreement, It's been an amazing last few months working alongside someone with this much experience in High Command and to be taking over from you it was a bit of a shock but hey at the end of the day irl comes first. I wish you all the best with your Football Coaching and you are always welcome to come back.
Love ya long time

Moan eh sellick 6-1




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