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Khan Shock Officer Application

Donny Core

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What is your in-game name? Shock HVY 1SGT Khan SK387


What is your current rank? 1SGT

How long have you been in Shock? I have been in shock since 9/10/2022.

How much time do you have on the server? I have about 3 months' worth of time within the server.

Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I feel I deserve the chance to be officer as I have taken initiative on multiple tasks, and I feel like I have the leadership to further Shock into an even better place as a battalion. I feel the changes I can create within Shock can be proven by the change logs I've already submitted and my commitment to both the newer people, and the older guys within Shock. My whole philosophy is to have fun, but when on the job, we have to be serious and show the ISD what we can do as both a serious battalion but still allow for fun, crazy events! Professionalism is my main focus within Shock, and I feel I can contribute to that in a big way. I feel Shock currently is a little too lenient on some things and not others and I'm trying to teach that we can't allow that, and we must follow our jobs! I have been trying to teach other NCO's and other enlisted what Shock can be within the ISD with both trainings, tryout numbers, and the general attitude and leadership I know I bring within Shock as well as being the man they can go to for questions as per the chain of command. Shock is a hard battalion to endure on the daily basis sometimes and I know that as a leader, as an officer, I can prove to the others even more that you can't let the mingery and general BM towards Shock discredit you and your battalion, as we all deserve to have fun and not be ridiculed. I know I will not be dismayed from moving up regardless, because I feel like I have a duty to the ISD, and the general population of GL to handle this position with finesse, and a general caring attitude towards all of our troops and I hope to spread that attitude upon all the new Shock and the ISD as a whole. I believe I started this by cracking down on who enters Brig heavily, whether it be verbal by asking politely or arrest on the general offenders, and the feedback has been generally good from it.  I also feel like my enthusiasm for change has shown through Shock and I am willing to pursue that more and encourage more of the positivity within Shock by both relations with other battalions and within our own as well. I believe I can bring forth a change that will assist the leadership push shock into its max potential and encourage other to do the same! I believe what I can offer to the battalion in both knowledge and my general willingness to see it prosper is enough in supporting Shock grow to a better place and I enjoy teaching the newer shock members things I have learned on my journey and believe it will be a benefit to Shock and everyone within it!

Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I feel like I can be trusted as I am a Captain on my other life of the Imperial Commandos and have had no problems with both my attitude and my performance on both my Shock career and on my IC career. I have showed leadership within Elite Squad in IC and have proven to the VCMDR's I can get the job done well and efficiently. I am a very respectful individual and believe I can assist well within the necessary discretion within Shock while also keeping the attitude of not allowing crime within the ISD and Imperial Occupied settlements. I have assisted the growth of IC and helped get it to the prosperous place where it currently is now and believe that with the assistance of the Shock team, we can grow and prosper to a very high degree! I have always hit quota, whether it be IC or Shock and encourage other to do the same on a regular basis by reminding them to host missions and other fun SIMS and tryouts! I lead by example and only want to show others what shock can truly be! I believe I have earned my trust in the positions I've been laid in and I hope I can prove it even more within Shock! I also feel like my professionalism can speak for itself as I do my best to not do any actions considered mingey and try to keep a generally professional behavior at all times within Shock. I know that this position requires a certain kind of mindset to never be rude back and to stay professional at all times and I believe I can do that well and efficiently. I want to assist in the general growth of all of Shock and have no ulterior motives for this position other than to help change the culture of shock as a whole to a more serious battalion, as is our SOP, and to bring joy and peace within the ISD so they don't have to worry about illegal crime and people annoying them or causing general disturbances upon their already stressful days upon the ISD!

If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I would like to try to revamp the entire K2 program to make it both appealing to new Shock members and allow for better recruitment processes and trainings within Shock as a whole. I believe K2's are a very underused battalion due to their weak kit and I plan on encouraging the changes to K2 to make it more appealing to all the other troops, but not lose that charm within the fear towards K2's. I believe I can bring the seriousness back to Shock to allow for all of us to know what shock is but doing it by example! I will be the one leading patrols, leading missions, setting battle stations, and anything else necessary of a leader as I do a lot of those things already. I strive on being a beacon on what to do for other Shock members and enlisted in particular. They are still fresh and need someone who knows how to lead to lead them, and I know I can and have done it on more than 1 occasion just as an NCO.  I have no intentions of not following my own rules I lay onto others as we are all a team and without each other, the battalion will never grow or succeed! The seriousness is lacking within Shock currently and a lot of enlisted get walked on by disrespectful people and I plan on changing that culture with a couple steps. I would first teach the new recruits to take no disrespect towards them in general, and then, teach them how to handle those VERY stressful encounters in a way where they can leave with there head held high and without the problems of feeling they did something wrong. Lastly, I will show them all the proper ways to handle these situations both in and out of character to allow for them to destress from the battalion at times and allow for greater growth for them and a better life as well. Positivity is a strong thing within battalions and is crucial to the success and growth of especially more serious battalions as it really is stressful. I want to be the trooper my men can look up to and prove to them that Shock can be fun and to follow the standards set out for them within Shock and set them up for success! I would like to continue trying to change the culture of Shock back to a serious one, where the job comes first, and fun comes in other times. I believe I can assist the leadership in a personal way while catering to the ones who are newer within the server and Shock as a whole by being a friendly yet stern face when needed within Shock. I would also like to add more unique trainings and combat scenarios to Shock to allow for a more diversified skillset within Shock and allow Enlisted and NCOs to prosper as well. I believe I can make a difference within Shock and prove to the others that Shock can do their jobs and not feel down because of the words and actions of others.

How active can you be? SUN-WED nights, I will be very active, and I will be active during the days only THUR-SAT.

Edited by Donny Core

Current: I Advisor Core I I IC R COL 3877 Core I 
Previous: I Head Admin I I High General Core I I Senior Commander Core I I IC Commander Boss I  I Delta 62 VCMDR Scorch I I IC ES01 CPT 3877 Core I I K2S4 SK387 I I Shock CSM SK387 Khan I I Senior Forum Diplomat I I Assistant Head Gamemaster I



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+ Support 

I have seen you very active on the shock job. I have had many interactions with you and I do feel like you need to improve on some things, but I still think you would make a good officer. I have seen your decaudation to shock. So I wish you the best of luck and would love to see you become a shock officer.   

Former Grand Admiral| Former Shock Vice Commander| Former F16

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5 hours ago, The Best Tuna said:

+ Support 

I have seen you very active on the shock job. I have had many interactions with you and I do feel like you need to improve on some things, but I still think you would make a good officer. I have seen your decaudation to shock. So I wish you the best of luck and would love to see you become a shock officer.   

Also to add, this is a very long and detailed application which adds on to the idea of how bad he wants to be an Officer

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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Bug + Support

I see this guy so much in my timezone, He is active, gets Tryouts done, does Sims/trainings when he can. I can see this guy fitting for Shock Officer.

I have Worked with you both in IC and in Shock Now and i see you doing great! Keep it up mate and u will go far


+Does Tryouts, Sims, Trainings

+Supports others

+Great Leader

+Knows What he is doing

Now: Naval Captain Wolf|  Mark's Son (<-mom)| Security Directors/Agent Kallus|

Former: Shock VCMDR/Lt Col. IF Moderator X2 | Gamemaster tic 3 and tic 5 | IC Maj Wolf | Naval Lieuenant x2 | Ted's Son| Bon`s favorite | IC Maroon/Volt 

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+Active and enthusiastic

+Does plentiful and quality tryouts

+Plenty of SIM, training, and mission ideas

+Has helped with doing SIMs and done his own Missions + trainings

Good NCO and I think he could be an even better officer. He will have some learning to do but I think he will grasp everything quickly, plus he is good at helping you learn something new. Plus that is a long application, he wants to do this, I think he can handle it.

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Talk with a SNR Officer+ for your officer training

Sadly I've been removed from HCOM and Staff for saying my opinions about the recent issues that the community has been vocal about with Zeeptin and Beckett saying they will go to other people instead because our opinions are bad, sadly it took me to get removed for them to listen same thing happened before and I'm the latest love all of you and its sad to see it go like this. Sadly us hcom dont do enough for free sorry we did not do enough for you mr.zeeptin. 

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