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Birds meet up SCP cross test.

pog Saul

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Grade: 80/100


Efficiency: 22/25

+Got most of the points across quickly, and also managed to get 049 and 194 to the point very well.

Insight: 20/25

+/- Lore accuracy is close but not quite, still gonna give some points for it though!

+/- 194 was very good at holding up his lore in his roleplay character, but he would randomly call others 'cursed' Not a problem of yours, but if you want to fix things that you're passionate about, go ahead!

Presentation: 20/25

Using the format! Very good, I like when people use formats and I highly reccomend you make your own format, gives you lots of brownie points in this category! I won't give a 25 because I want people to be encouraged to make formats and earn that 25, even if that new format never changes

Writing: 18/25

- "IIA Ammonium"

+ Decent length log

+ As the supervisor, I can say that I like the accuracy you managed to hold to what they said when we introduced them and added down some extra motions to push the conflict!
-Punctuation errors



"IIA Ammonium" || Anyways- I think this log was very good, and if you can uphold quality like this with some steps towards maybe length, depth, or looking into an SCP you like and applying some of their lore to your logs, are all AMAZING ways to improve! Very good log though, especially for a JA-OA so I'm proud of you! I tried to avoid bias in this grading even though i was your supervisor, to give every agent a fair grading chance. If you feel these grades were unfair, or have any questions, feel free to contact my supervisors, command, or directly me


Ammonium! 🙂

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