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Kaizer's RFA Application <3


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In-Game Name: Kaizer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76093028

Current Research Rank: AR (RAS Now :O)

Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only):

I am not 100% sure this applies because it wasn't a 1-10 grading system but if it was it's like an 11/10

Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): First of all, since this is a dangerous and confidential matter most likely including sensitive information and documents I would enlist the help of any available Mobile Task Force operative clearance level 3 and above, that means E11, D5, Nu7 and RRH Alpha-1, not that I know what they are... We would collect as much information as we can using the cloakers in our team before heading to the situation, after getting all the information like: head count, combative count, situation, me and the MTFs would head out to deal with the situation, collaborating and communicating over comms. After eliminating the large part of the insurgents, I would suggest we take one or more hostage for interrogation, who sent them, for what purpose, what did they see, etc... After MTF have dealt with the situation, I will search to find any destroyed/stolen documents and information, I will be sure to report all findings and updates to my direct CO.

There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): If termination is even a viable option, we could use a D Class or an already dead person who was thrown into a volcano (If he teleports to dead people), we could also drill two holes in his head, but, since we are trying to be humane (Ethics is watching this O_O), we should contain this SCP in a sound proof room and have him reside within a redacted facility, or in other words, all personnel on deck have their real names redacted and will only be using name codes, additionally, I would instruct all personnel inside the facility not to speak of anyone within the floor where the anomaly resides just to make sure that no one talks politics and this thing teleports to the purple room mid day... We could also have a facility completely composed of mute people, but that is unlikely just as it is a problem for communication.

An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?
(100+ Words):
Since I'm trying to be discreet, before I unplug the laptop in order to take back into the facility to try and get more information about the situation, I'll first try to understand the it, where are we, who does the camp belong to, what type of paper information is stored here? Following this I will report all findings to my direct CO, and since the computer is still high priority in order to keep all information safe, I'll copy the IP shown, unplug it and get back to the nearest foundation facility, not forgetting to mark my datum-point so that MTF could later arrive, clear the camp site from all SCP Foundation related information and make more findings about this peculiar spot.

Edited by Kaizer

Former: SeniorMod - Security CPT - Research RAM RHH Guardian Alpha 99-Agent Purple Rain

CCs: Kosher Inspectors - Security Black Ops - The Jokerz - Nobody


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