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Brays Suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - I would like to see all the old printers come back that Gaminghtlight used to have like the big bronze printers and stuff like the custom ones 

Why should we add it? - becasue idk avout everyone else but I really enjoyed them 

What are the advantages of having this? -just everyone liked them 

Who is it mainly for? -everyone 

Links to any content - N/A

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  • Head Admin
5 hours ago, ScruffyPlays said:

-support I didn't really like the old ones the printers in my opinion are better.

For me, the current printers are easier to organize and take much less space.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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6 minutes ago, [GL]MyanDaBeast said:

For me, the current printers are easier to organize and take much less space.


5 hours ago, ScruffyPlays said:

-support I didn't really like the old ones the printers in my opinion are better.



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47 minutes ago, [GL]MyanDaBeast said:

For me, the current printers are easier to organize and take much less space.

as myan stated these printers are really easier to organize less space will be taken and your able to hide these printers these printers are pretty good in my opinion



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