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TN9's Death Trooper Officer Application

The Best Tuna

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In-Game name: Salmon TN9


Rank: 1SGT

How long have you been in your current rank?:

1 hour 

What experiences in leadership do you have?:

I have had two months of command experience as a Shock Vice Commander and one month leadership experience as a shock officer. In the time I have lead shock in battle, simulations, trainings, and over all day to day duties. As the shock vice commander I have  helped wright docs held shock officer meetings and normal meetings. I also have prior military experience. I was a SPC (E-4) and was a team leader. I was a Military Police Officer (MP). My duties as a team leader was I was in charge of four lower enlisted. My job was to make sure that they had all the proper equipment, was on duty on time, they was were they was suppose to be, all issues that they had was taken care of either by myself or if I couldn't handle it that it got up thru the chain of command until the issue was resolved, and the over all wellness of my soldiers. 

Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum)

I want to be an officer because I want to help out the battalion more effectively as an officer. I want to be able to get more involved in the battalion by being able to also do sims, trainings, and fun missions to keep the battalion engaged and at peak performance. I would also like to become an officer so I can put all my leadership experience to good use. I also want to help out my fellow officers, the command officers, and command members with there day to day duties to take some stress off of them. This way we can work as a well orchestrated team. As an officer I can work with the NCO to help them better train the enlisted on becoming the best possible DT they can be and making sure that they are up to DT standers. The biggest reason I want to become an officer in DT is because I love this battalion and everyone in it. I just want to make that everyone here continues to feel like this is a family and that we are all here for anyone. Along with that I also want to continue to make sure that we are the best battalion on this server.     

What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum)

I feel like I stand out because ever since I have become an NCO I have gone above and beyond what has been asked of me for quota. The first day I was made SGT I was tryout certified and made quota even though I wasn't expected to. Over the next couple of weeks I have made quota the very first day and have exceed that every week. I also make sure to attend every training that officers are hosting and make sure that I am learning everything I can form them to make me not only a better DT, but a better NCO. I feel like I am very knowledgeable on most everything that is DT. Not only am I knowledgeable about DT I am also very Knowledgeable on the servers MOTD. I help out anyone who needs help in DT with in my powers if I am unable to help I go through the chain of command until I can get some one who can help. I also stop and help out new player on the server to teach them how to do there faces formations and give them a tour of the ship so they can have a fun time on the server and be able to join a battalion. I also feel like my experience as a command member in shock makes me stand out. I have been asked for my advice from members of command. Even though I am also a Vice Commander in shock I am also very active in DT and will continue to do so.    

Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?

I understand completely and except nothing less. 

Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?

I understand 

Edited by The Best Tuna

Former Grand Admiral| Former Shock Vice Commander| Former F16

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First of all, thank you for serving in the armed forces. And I salute the E-4 Mafia!
You seem to have a well rounded idea of leadership; I have not personally seen it since I am no longer DT of course, but your experience speaks well.
I like that you want to be more involved, and want to help DT improve, especially with the lack of officers. I have taken a look at your quotas, and you have in fact lived up to your word in exceeding your quota by three times every week. This shows your commitment of time, and your dedication to the battalion well. Your Shock position also speaks well of your capabilities.

2 hours ago, The Best Tuna said:

up thru the chain of command

I wouldn't use abbreviations on an officer application. Just make sure you proof read your entire application in the future, since there are some other spelling errors and abbreviations. (Nothing major!) Especially since the Death Trooper Battalion is far more strict, and expects more of you. You also did not include your callsign in the application. Please do so in the future. 

Good luck,

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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+Great Guy


+Great App


                                                    ARC 2LT Akeru 10

                                                      ex DT SGT BC5                        

                                                      Mr Bean Thumbs Up GIF

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You have the expierences as an Officer from previous jobs and the dedication that you have put into Death Troopers is amazing. This Application is also really well done and DT need more officers!. 

Best of Luck!

Former DT EX5
Former L21 of DT TI-23
Retired DT VCMDR EX5

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I've been working closely with TN9 since he joined DT, and from the enlisted ranks I saw great potential in him. He is a natural leader, a loyal friend, and a prominent member in the brotherhood of Death Troopers. I would love for him to make officer, and see him advance even further within the ranks of DT. Best of luck!


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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Major + Support
- Active Even When He Is A VCMDR For Another Batallion
- Great Guy
- Very Good Leadership

Best Of Luck!


                   Shock ERUO Major Banana Jr|DT VCMDR CO2/DT MAJ SC01/DT 2LT SN03/DT 2LT CO2/DT NCO CO2x3|Shadow Guard/Saber Guard/ Senior Honor Guard Cold| IC DME SSGT Cold|Pyke Enforcer SR Cold|ISB:IA Operative Cold

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11 hours ago, Akeru said:


+Great Guy


+Great App


                                                    ARC 2LT Akeru 10

                                                      ex DT SGT BC5                        

                                                      Mr Bean Thumbs Up GIF


Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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