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Triangle's Resignation

Big Daddy Triangle

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Name: Triangle

Warden Name (If Applicable): Antonius

Juggernaut Name (If Applicable): Triangle

SteamID (If Resigning): STEAM_0:1:431614122

Rank: 1LT

What needs to be updated (Rank, FTO, Wardens, Strikes, Activity, Promotion date, or notes): Resigning

What is the new entry needed?: Well goodbye everyone. I have played on this server for a couple months and have grown to become somewhat attached to this server. But I have also recognized all the flaws. I am happy that HCMD try their best to fix what is wrong with security, and SA with the whole server. The problem is that some things are unfixable. These little frustrations quickened my burnout and I don't think I will ever play until the beginning of next summer. My original plan was to get to Cpt and then resign when the school year started. But I maybe forced myself onto the server even when I didn't want to once too many times. Everybody in Security is great. But most command members try their very best to get everyone to have a good time on this server. If you ever want to say something to me, I'm open to discord DMs. See you all.

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I didn't learn to know you well and I wished I had done so as you are gone now. 


o7, another command as fallen.

SCP-RP: E-11 SSGT | EXM | CE | DoRCU | Senior Ranger Canadian | CI LCPL | JFTO | CQOP | Platinum

PoliceRP: SNR Lafleur 1D45 | FBI Probatory Agent | Diamond
Retired: Medical Supervisor | E-11 SM | Nu-7 SM | DHFTO | HTF Mark II | Security CPT | Warden Centurion |
 Senior Moderator

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Current Ranks Chaos Insurgency CMDR Jrshafer | Security 2LT | Assistant Chief of EMS 

Former Ranks!
Former Alpha-1 Captain Former Physician Former Deputy Head of 
Security Armored Shield Former Member of the Community Blacklist Team

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