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S05's Officer Application


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In-Game name: S05

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11475939

Rank: 1SG

How long have you been in your current rank?: 2 days


What experiences in leadership do you have?: I have experience in leadership on other servers, most notable to me is a CWRP server named BLN where I was the ARC Vice Lead. On other servers I have experience leading as low officers or NCO's. While it doesn't translate exactly the same as a battalion officer, I think Head GM for a server is something worth mentioning. Some of the many traits such as leadership, understanding, teaching, taking others into account and helping them out is all things that I've learned from those servers. While battalion leadership is different, those traits remain a core tenet of leading others. On GL itself I have experience leading as an NCO helping the officers of DT lead and taking control of missions when no officers are around to do so. 


Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) I want to be an officer for a few reasons which vary. The main reason I want to be an officer would have to be that I love DT and I want to help DT grow and flourish. Our Command team does amazing work and I want to help them keep what I believe is the best battalion on the server at top form. Wether that be trainings, SIMs, tryouts, or any other form of help needed I want to keep helping DT. Another main reason for this is I want keep pushing and challenging myself not just as a DT trooper or a player but as an individual and I see the Officer Corps as the next logical step in this regard. I believe I have a good grasp on what needs doing as an NCO and want to now take the next step. Sadly many of our beloved DT officers have left for one reason or the other recently. I want to step up and do my part to help fill the void that is left over. I push myself to be better and better and take any talking to or failure as an opportunity for learning and growing as a person. I think that is a good trait for an officer to have as well as the ability to listen to and help the lower ranks with any issues. Listening attentively and caring about people's problems within the battalion is a good way to foster trust and respect between Higher and Lower ranks and as an Officer I want to help bridge that gap between DT Command and Enlisted. To listen to and then help others succeed is something I very much like to do and being an officer will help me do that. Regardless of what happens I will continue to push myself to excel in whatever current role I have been given.


What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) As an individual I believe I stand out from other candidates because I already have leadership experience from other servers. Having been a battalion Commander in the past I know what leadership should look like. I think I've done good work as an NCO and have the in's and outs of being one down. I always hit my NCO quota and as an officer I will not only hit my Officer Quota but also want to continue doing tryouts for the battalion as a whole as this is a time that such tryouts are sorely needed with us having low numbers. I have not just helpful but fun SIM's and trainings for everyone to participate in. Things like teamwork building trainings and morale boosting trainings are good for battalion cohesion as a whole. I also am a very easy going and friendly person to talk to and like to help people no matter who they are or what they need help with. If someone needs someone to talk to about something I have no issue doing so and helping them out and I keep that same mindset for officer and NCO duties. I like to think I am understanding and helpful person as a whole and no matter what happens here I will continue being so. Another reason I think I stand out is my willingness to learn from mistakes and grow from those. We as people, grow when we face challenges and making a mistake is not necessarily indicative of a bad person or a failure. I learn from past failings and grow as a person with each one and I want to extend that to all those around me. If someone is making a mistake it may be best to gently nudge them in the correct direction instead of taking a hardline punishment stance though obviously there are cases where punishment may be needed. 


Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? Yes of Course


Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? Yes absolutely 

Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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On 7/7/2022 at 5:48 PM, ejharvey813 said:


He is a good NCO and he would be a great officer 


                                                            Current: R RG Senior Guard R DT MAJ TO3, Seeker SH46

                                     Former: Nova COL, MML RG Elder Guard Kir Kanos , SHGDT COL TO3, Seeker SC01


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On 7/7/2022 at 12:48 PM, ejharvey813 said:


He is a good NCO and he would be a great officer 



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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This was a well written application. You went into detail with your experience and the traits that you believe you are strong in. I think you would do well with the reasons given for wanting the position. DT officers are very important in keeping DT together, and you seem to understand that well.


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 7/11/2022 at 8:58 AM, SilonMist said:


This was a well written application. You went into detail with your experience and the traits that you believe you are strong in. I think you would do well with the reasons given for wanting the position. DT officers are very important in keeping DT together, and you seem to understand that well.



                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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Your application is very well written, and you have been valuable to the NCO core, but I do not feel completely comfortable giving you my 100% full support simply because I feel I do not know you very well. You're around on DT often, and I know you are fairly active, but you remain very quiet and reserved. While this can be a good trait to have, it is very difficult to get a reading on your personality. Going off the work you have done in the NCO core, your activity, and the well written application, I give you my +support. Best of luck to you moving forward.


-DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman), previous SN04


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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14 hours ago, darkstarson12 said:



Your application is very well written, and you have been valuable to the NCO core, but I do not feel completely comfortable giving you my 100% full support simply because I feel I do not know you very well. You're around on DT often, and I know you are fairly active, but you remain very quiet and reserved. While this can be a good trait to have, it is very difficult to get a reading on your personality. Going off the work you have done in the NCO core, your activity, and the well written application, I give you my +support. Best of luck to you moving forward.


-DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman), previous SN04

If you ever wish to talk to me more and hang out I am always more than willing!! I like to think i'm a pretty approachable person so just lemme know!! 

Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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cool guy was there when i started and taught me some stuff along the way. The application is well written and is a great NCO making me +support this application.

                                                                                  Current:  DT SC01

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