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Name's Darth Vader Application


Name's Darth Vader App  

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-=Section 1=-


In-game Name: The Grand Inquisitor

Steam Name: [GL] CollectiveWorld

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:218861100

-=Section 2=-


 What Is The Role Of Darth Vader?

As Darth Vader, you must be observing High Command members, make sure they are doing what have been asked of them, keeping them on track. You must ensure you are up to date with everything that is going around. Server updates, Battalion updates and what is happening with current command. You Task High Command members with weekly meetings to really understand what is happening with every branch and what is happening with current command. You are to be professional and uptight, not having any bias opinions towards the people you engage with, treating everyone fairly. As Darth Vader you are ensuring that High Command members do not disintegrate or fall too far behind what you have set in place. You want to keep the team running until it reaches a position where you can take a breather but be ready to jump back in if necessary. Battalions and Command requires someone to assist in rebuilding and guiding it through these difficult times. if the Commander/High Command member leaves the battalion or position, you should have a  good idea with current experience to decide who should lead the battalion to ensure that it does not fall apart and that it can continue to operate. Becoming Darth Vader means you oversee the work of your Fellow command and High Command members, ensuring that they are staying on track and doing what you have set for them, whether its rules or a personal issue. As such a experienced member of the High Command Team you track all progress for all branches, setting other High Command members within other branches to certain tasks and/or duties to oversee a branch every month if their Command rep isn’t there. You will need to track Sim and training count and make sure they meet the expectations of a Commander/High Command member, dealing out the right punishment when needed to.

The main purpose of being Darth Vader Is that  you must make sure to obtain and keep that level of trust and work within your designated group of High Command, making sure you put all your work and ideas into making sure the team stays a float and/or stabilised/improves.

Being a member of Senior High Command and Darth Vader you are seen as a major figure of all Gaminglight branches, serving as a role model and source of assistance for people within the High Command and Command to look up to and seek instruction from. Senior High Command oversees all branches and reports any misconduct of a High Command member to SMT which is when they make a choice or decision as a group discussion to figure out what happens with that person, still having to go to someone eeven at such a high ranking. You watch High Command to ensure that they are doing their duties, as well as appointing new and responsible Commanders, under discussion with the High Command Representatives who are capable of leading both new and future members of their Battalion, closing in on a valid option. You constantly look for improvements and methods to better the work ethics of the command team as a whole, reminding them of the responsibilities they have and what they need to complete these.


You oversee all reports or difficulties within your High Command team, as a Global overseer, or at least the ones handed to you, ensuring that everything is dealt with and not pushed aside, reassuring the stability of your team. Within the problem put to you , you respect both parties, allowing you to quickly turn the problem into a solution. Returning your battalion's/Branch’s best appearance.


As Darth Vader you will have leadership. Leadership also acts as a source of a motivation tool by showing the right path and bringing confidence in one another. it helps in attaining better relation among the team members. It helps in better utilization of working in the organization as motivated members are willing to give their 100 efforts. As Darth Vader you must realize that they you are always on stage and that every little move is going to be scrutinized meaning to not muck around and take every situation as if everyone is watching. A consistent leader maintains the same demeanour whether things are going well or everything around them is crumbling. Leaders that can maintain a consistent demeanour inspire far more confidence in their teams than leaders who noticeably panic. A leader with being a rank such as Darth Vader will mean you choose to lead a group of people, showing them, you trust and have faith in your manner and decisions. Overall to be responsible as a big leader among a battalion, show courtesy, professionalism, leadership and lastly care towards all accounted for. I have had many experiences with this as a Sovereign, High IQ and current Grand IQ, being able to act as a role model and leader to my lowers and superiors being able to set an example with myself having no warnings or strikes. I answer any questions and get through trainings like any should, while of course leaving them to my lower ranks to better their skills and work ethics


Overall, the main goal of being Darth Vader is to ensure that day-to-day operations run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, while also maintaining positive relationships with other battalions and ensuring that those in other branches or battalions are satisfied and eager to always work to their full potential. Darth Vader must monitor their High Command and  Command to make sure they are doing their jobs along with tracking activity within the roster. The Roster should be updated and kept up to date. You must also be accepting any apps leading to High Command, discussing applicants with Management, SMT. This also goes with knowing when to step in as acting Role model when the Branches or ideas need you the most. A member of Senior High Command should be able to manage themselves with the current work of High Command. You must make sure High Command are doing their jobs and if they are either not doing their job or on an LOA/ROA, you must act quickly on it so it doesn’t crumble and fall. Knowing when to do this is very important as you need to be able to keep the Branches up but if you do so when not needed to it might not be taken very lightly.



Throughout my time in RG, Purge and IQ along with being a current High Command member in the Inquisitorious Branch I have really enjoyed my moments and experience, wanting to take that into higher initiative, being able to show that to others in the Inquisitorious branches. I have as well joined IQ and Purge, being able to show that I am willing to work within each IQ branch to better my understanding in both battalions to know who does what and what needs to be worked on. I have worked with many people in missions along with working between former Commanders/Vice Commanders that have exceeded their rank, being able to work alongside them and do many missions and sims to help our battalions regulate and be efficient with what they do, along with bettering their skills.

I have overseen all of the battalions individually in Inquisitorious many times and I really enjoy being able to help and work with command as a whole. I believe the IQ HC we have currently stand really strong and I would like enforce and do more as a member of Senior High Command to push more out across all branches. I really would like to take charge and show my limits as Senior High Command as I am very experienced, being High Inquisitor for 5 months and Grand IQ for 3 and still going strong.

talk with the Low Command of these branches to make sure you all have a mutual agreement and understanding of what needs to happen. You are to be friendly and reliant, being able to do whats set in front of you, dealing with reports or issues in a professional manner.

I am looking forward to keeping up an expectation to follow with rules and regulations, being able to unite all branches together to better their team work and skills. I look forward to doing this by having daily missions with prizes and promotions to make them feel endorsed and happy with their better selves. I look forward to constantly updating battalions within each branch, keeping its member happy and encouraged to jump on their jobs, making it feel like fun and not a job. I look forward to being their lead in certain blind spots while also assuring they all work accordingly and do their best, no matter the outcome of the mission and/or training/situation. bringing both parties the interest of communication and strategy, maybe using it later in an upheld battle.


With my time as a Command and a High Command member, I have held the responsibility of keeping the Inquisitorious branch a float. I have been spending countless hours going through the roster and discord making sure everything is correct, working with my High Command and command team to ensure that everything stays in line and that nothing slows down. With my prior knowledge I still reach out to those ahead of me to make sure that I get the correct answer and/or strategy put in place but am ready to take full control as Darth Vader

Therefore with all my time on the sever I can say that I am a responsible, well known person that knows what they are doing and the oddities of their rank, answering all issues in a professional manner.  I wish to take my knowledge and experience even further with a chance of being Darth Vader.

 Why Do You Want To Become The Role Of Darth Vader?:


I really do enjoy my time as an active High Command member, giving it my all every time I jump on job or get on my PC, I always make sure I am constantly checking forums, discord, and the roster so that I have something to do as a High Command. I hope to assist Bon and Bear and the choosing of a better command team along with helping decide a new HC member, stepping in as an overseer whenever needed. I can also be online at odd time as well as active times due to my time zone, so I can really see any problems that occur that any given point and if I do miss them, I make sure that it comes to me VIA Discord or through TS.

As a High Command Representative of IQ I have helped share opinions of others or given my thoughts to help Bon and Bear.

With my time as The Grand Inquisitor, I can say I have overseen majority of the Inquisitorious branch. The stuff I would like to bring to different branches as Darth Vader would be first. I make sure to connect to every branch meeting at least 1/2 times a week to make sure I don’t miss anything. I would like to set up more High Command meetings often as I believe it could help generate more trust and engagement. I always converse with command members about any issues or suggestions before the meeting, so we all know what is going to happen and that we are on the same page, making sure we all agree before passing up an idea. I have also made sure to read Command meeting notes if I do miss a meeting.

I would like to again assist each branch. I have had some little thoughts about what I would like to happen or think of doing when Darth Vader/SHC.  I am on more than ever as I have made sure to get everything I can implemented and put in before I take my chance as a possible SHC. I have done my all in Royal Guard, IQ and Purge making sure I give my part in everything even as small as a document.


What Experience Do You Have That Would Be Relevant To The Role Of Darth Vader?

I Have been officer in many battalions, I have been a Commander, High Inquisitor and Grand Inquisitor. I believe my experience as a Command Rep is my best pick for the role of Darth Vader, as you are already as a command rep, watching over High Command and showing leadership in assigning them to certain branches and making sure that everything that is set for the month is done without major issues.

My accomplishments as Low Command . I managed to bring RG back from its inactive state, being able to bring more officers into the Royal Guard battalion along with raising both our sim and training count. I have managed to involve RG in many missions with other battalions along with helping aside the Inquisitorious duelling tournaments. I managed to raise back the Shadow Guard and get them active along with having a good officer team to maintain that standard. I also helped create a new Royal Guard Handbook with other RG command and IQ high command, adding all the new necessary rules and information along with being able to maintain any problems that would have majorly struck the battalion.

My accomplishments as High Command. I managed to bring out a lot more sims and training than majority of other command in previous months. I managed to bring back and revive a donator class which was never used and used the product of advertising donator branches/classes which pulled in people on black Friday. I still trained members in purge/IQ, and RG as well as stepping in as a command member when someone was away or to lead a branch. Managed to pull up an RG command team and bring back some of our old members. Talked with other command to get operations and missions done. With help of IQ HC we brought back old ideas that pushed activity up and enforcing missions which overall brought IQ back to its previous stage, whilst still going strong right now.


I manage to push across messages between all command and IQ HC that gets done faster than light as we all have that trust within each other due to of course that communication and talks that we have had prior.


 Why Should I Pick You Over Other Applicants?

For the last Year I have been actively conversing and working each IQ branch, doing my best and being active whenever I can. I have done my part really well as High Command Representative by making new and up to date documents and having new rules that needed to be fixed or brought upon by new instances, and even updating dead classes to bring them back into the game. I have made sure to keep up my sim and training count along with enforcing it within the Command, officer and NCO team. I have stepped up my work in many instances when needed to, mainly with upcoming issues. I always have fun too as a High Command member, making sure that I am not scarce to come up on if having a question, showing people I am too a normal person willing to converse with anyone I come up upon but that can change whenever I am needed.

I have shown a very friendly ongoing side and a serious side, making sure that I get a message across to people in a serious matter either by pulling them up about it or talking to them in a TS Channel. With my work with school, it has not impacted my activity greatly as even though I work and do school I am able to be this really active dedicated High Command member that I have always wanted to uphold which I have, in my opinion. I have made sure to converse with other command members about passive RP within the battalion along with having a genuine conversation with them about problems or issues that I can help with. I make sure to apprehend meeting with other command to talk about upcoming events.


I have nearly two years of experience, with no warnings or strikes in RP or on record.


At the end of the day, I take my responsibilities as The Grand Inquisitor really serious and respectfully. I never argue with any of my other High Command applicants, merely obeying their suggestions and ideas and responding when appropriate. I am always the first to assist the low command in getting in line, showing them what to do and how to do it, as well as taking responsibility of any difficulties or actions they may have. Even though I am a High  Command I still look to help with any situation even if it is light as a love being able to work for battalions or help in anyone was as it’s a passion of mine to being able to help work with different people which is why I love being a Leader and especially in The Inquisitorious branch. I look to help the IQ Battalions strive with activity, skill and greatness while being assisted with The other High Command members. I currently always did go to my other team members with any problems or ideas I would like to put in to.


Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader:

-More Flag ups. With flag ups it could really bring the people in different time zones to get online and represent their battalion. Strict rules to really regulate the professionalism within the branch as in Lore. I do see a lot of players that get on with a flag up ping and not just the sentence flag up but the ones with images, long detailed descriptions that really makes a player get on along with rewards and promotions as a treat for getting on.

-More Sims/trainings. With my time walking the ISD I have seen troopers just standing around or just AFK in the middle of the hallway watching shit on their phone, with them occasionally being stranded, walking around the ship with only one thing to do but guard. I would love to introduce troopers to new things like the classes or even weapons. I want them to try with new and improved weapons and even training up to a good standard with Enlisted/NCO/Officers being a major role in the each battalion, giving them aim practise, daily missions and situations for them to better their skills and understanding to really set the standards

-I would also like to see more tryout pings as a lot of the times lower NCO’s just do the tryout adverts and get it over with without doing the ping in discord which a lot of people, like me look for as it shows what battalions are doing what and how dedicated they are to their tryout conditions

-See more Enlisted given the chance to take charge as a lot of good enlisted are really NCO material. A lot of our Non-Commissioned-Officers rank up really quickly and become very good officers but that’s when our NCO team struggles. NCO’s need to be the most active out of all of them, giving enlisted something to do whilst training and motivating enlisted.

-I would like to bring more sims/trainings especially with these new members rolling in with massive rewards and prizes that they actually earn by showing their skills to our officer and Command team.

-I would love to put passive RP within each branch as we have weapons/sabers/grenades or equipment that can be looked at with Engineers as surely your saber has been hit a fair amount of times by blasters or even go to med-bay with your branch to get them checked out due to injuries or worries, as I have not seen enough of it

-I would like more Saber discipline training throughout event situation along with defcon situations

-This has changed a lot recently though due to the rise in the new donation job for Inquisitorious the Inquisitorious Assassin, as a lot of our members have jumped on that and seem to really like it, bumping up our activity but then again it is yet to improve. This goes also with the new 501st job as with its new creation it brought a lot of new members.

-In the Royal Guards I have seen that many suggestions or ideas are brought through that ultimately get denied either due to it not making any sense with lore, or that it takes away from other branches of course. After working hard fighting for suggestion or brainstorming with Command it was all together really hard to try and get a good idea pushed through. I would like to use other models like the Saber guard models or just trying again to get another sub branch to RG to really increase activity and make Royal Guard active how it was when I was Command.

-I would love to see more VIP training with DT, IF, IC and even RG, as then again they serve and protect not hunt and devour. Protection battalions seem to forget what they do, as there are a lot of Assassination sims and not many VIP protection sims with them running of their VIP to kill these targets which of course is good, but again it’s not our job

-I would love to see more dedication between our NCO and Officer team especially to those lower Officer members with a lot of them currently just sitting it out and just sailing through the ranks after giving up at a certain point.

-We only usually do Assassination and PVP as they are the most interactive and fun but that only leads troopers to be more aggressive, could bring more ideas to the table.

- I would love to push out updates for all battalions and speak with every since command member about how they think their battalion and running and any suggestions they would like to bring, possibly even getting a suggestion doc for every battalion and sending that in every now and again.

-within our meetings I would like to see more clarity over things not just good activity or good job I would like people to show what they really think or see and overall the teamwork within each branch with more missions and linked sims between the each branch which I am really looking forward to in the near future.

-Bring more trainings and SIMS towards to new players of the server, so getting stormtroopers involved to show them that they can actually have fun here and not be projected as a minge or a player that doesn’t take the server or members seriously. When I joined the server I straight away thought I would never play it again but after having a good experience with one player I straight away joined a battalion and found actual fun and challenges within the server which Is why I stayed and ultimately found out how dedicated I was to the server.

More cross battalion relations. With the new special forces group and missions that happen along with other special forces battalions is great. Missions/sims should be spread out towards more battalions, doing public missions instead of private ones or involving other people in your simulations. This really does bring battalions together, stimulating better attack strategies and plans that could be transformed from a sim to an actual mission.

Being basically the Overseer of all branches means you must oversee the whole operation meaning you focus on every branch and not just one, getting your ideas and thoughts ready for every meeting to every discussion, conversing with other Command members about documents, tryouts almost anything you can think of to better the battalion, being ready on standby to assist whenever needed to and to not slack off.

Honestly these are only a few problems or ideas I have come across in the top of my head but I would love to get more involved with my job getting more and more serious and productive the further I go up. I have a lot of time and dedication to the GamingLight Community  and would love to be the newest member to the Senior High Command Team in GL Star wars RP!


-=Section 3=-


In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across?

I would say in my time as a player I have come across bias, toxicity towards members in a battalion which has lead to many people leaving which is done by command members, officers or anyone that has the chance really


In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues?

I would straight out remove the member from their position and with actually handling the situation just outline it and mention it to command and officers so that it is  more aware, putting a scarce kind of mention that GL isn’t about player dis and toxicity and that you will be removed without question if you are caught doing it. This could be spread multiple ways, in the battalion announcements or in general command meetings that can be enforced throughout branch meetings.


Anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for reading my app!!!!


Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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-Has reached the highest non SHC rank for IQ

-Very nice and has shown to have a great understanding for the server

Overall I believe you would be a great Vader

Current: General Harry, MC R COL Harry, R Pyke Enforcer

Former: Shock CQCS CPT James, naval lieutenant Harry, IC CSE DMS (former DMVL) SSE 1SGT Maroon/Harry, IF Agent Shoto stark, 501st SSGT LENG, DT LCPL AJ8, Nova SGT Conqueror, ST CPL ENG SCT Shore HVY Harry, Deputy Director of Research, MC COmmander Harry 8900, Pyke Sentinel HoR Harry

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+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


Former Purge Commander Luke

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2 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


Couldn't of said it any better

Current: Purge CPT | ST SPC
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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13 hours ago, WanHeda said:





-Has been a great Grand IQ to work with!

I haven't and am not IQ, and I haven't interacted with you much, if at all. But from what I have heard you are experienced and generally friendly.. 


Loves Corners, Corner. Corner. 

Former Imperial Commandos VCMDR Fixer 


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8 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


Best of luck my man


 Retired Purge Senior Commander Ghost.

 Current Purge Commander Ghost

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9 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name



| Super Admin | Senior Forums Diplomat Support Advisor |
| Chaos Insurgency Staff Sergeant | Epsilon-11 Warrant Officer | 
CC Owned: | 47th Clan | Talon | Darth Jar Jar | Banshee Squadron | Door Technicians | CI Banshee Unit

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11 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name



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Name has been one of the most friendly people I have ever met on Gaminglight Imperial RP. He knows how to have fun and be easy going, yet is a strong leader who is serious when needed. He comes off as very quiet and reserved, but once you get to know him he has an amazing sense of humor and is extremely likeable. Name as Darth Vader has been something that I personally have wanted to see for months. There is no better choice for the position of Darth Vader than The Grand Inquisitor himself, because I know he will be the best damn Vader this server has had.


-DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman), Previous SN04 (Seeker Company Sergeant)


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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14 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


Name is literally without a doubt deserving of this mans has grinded for a long time and goes above and beyond for his battalion and the server as a whole


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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19 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


app goes crazy 

Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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On 7/4/2022 at 7:27 PM, darkstarson12 said:


Name has been one of the most friendly people I have ever met on Gaminglight Imperial RP. He knows how to have fun and be easy going, yet is a strong leader who is serious when needed. He comes off as very quiet and reserved, but once you get to know him he has an amazing sense of humor and is extremely likeable. Name as Darth Vader has been something that I personally have wanted to see for months. There is no better choice for the position of Darth Vader than The Grand Inquisitor himself, because I know he will be the best damn Vader this server has had.


-DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman), Previous SN04 (Seeker Company Sergeant)


Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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On 7/4/2022 at 6:41 AM, WanHeda said:





-Has been a great Grand IQ to work with!


| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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On 7/4/2022 at 8:31 AM, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name



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On 7/4/2022 at 10:31 PM, Lukas II. said:


+ Has a huge and very professionally written application
+ This guy is hella Active
+ Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
+ Knows battalions in and out
+ Has great Leadership amongst the people
+ Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
+ Knows what he is doing and how to operate
+ Dedicated to this Community
+ Great guy

Good Luck Name


couldnt of said it any better

Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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