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SCP-173 Pickle Test Log


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Alright this is my first grade since getting off of LOA and... 173 ate a pickle. What?

No color coding for you, because formatting is hard and I'm lazy right now.
ok maybe a little.

Grammar & Spelling - 9/10 - Very minor grammar errors. No spelling errors were seen if there were any.

Format & Length - 6/10 - Format is a bit clunky but it has a nice fit to it. I like the style, but it needs a little bit of rearrangement and polishing. Space some information out a bit but keep relevant bits grouped together. Try to make it look more professional. Could also use some extra visual stimuli outside of the kill agent.

Test Idea & Lore - 8/10 - Can't really fault you for SCP-173 eating a pickle because eh... I don't think it can eat but, who knows if it can or not. Neat idea I suppose just... a bit off-putting at first because "SCP-173 Pickle Test Log" is a very menacing test log name.

Overall - 6/10 - Well-written but your format and such need work. Take a peek at other test logs that have received high grades, see how they're set up. Keep up the great work Doggo.

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