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miniepic false warn report- Accepted

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Your In-game: Soul

The admin's name in-game: miniepic


The admin's steam name (If you know it): GL Miniepic


What warning did you receive: nitrp


Evidence of the warnĀ (REQUIRED):https://gyazo.com/136e0dd12b1301f2c7b2c51d15047b5e


Why do you think this warn was false: to start off mini warned me for nitrp for shooting the tires of a family im beefing with. he did this an hour after it occurred and did not give me a proper sit (i was afk). he later dm me and said i got warned for it. but the way I see this I had no way to defend myself and give my side. The reality of this is they showed mini clips from hours of us constantly taking points and fighting. all of this family was dissing me and shit talking me in game they obviously hate me I believe its reasonable to warn someone for popping someone's tires for like a couple minutes straight but that's not what accrued and I believe mini didn't check the time from the clips so he was showed like 5 clips from hours before and was told they were all from the same time.


Any extra information: they have also been popping our tires its mutual thingĀ 

Edited by ~š¯“¢š¯“˛š¯“¤š¯“›~

Ā PD SMĀ |Ā SWAT LTĀ | SL ConsigliereĀ 

MLG Pro Negev playerĀ 



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Now after getting your side in this which I would like to say for not giving you a side which I take full responsibility for that. From the clips I saw last night It seemed you were just minging and not letting them go anywhere and not letting the player drive. And I would want this warned removed due to me not getting his side and not realizing the whole story. Now I was only showed 2 clips btw during the whole sit.


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I believe that Soul was roleplaying as anyone would if they were fighting with another family. I think DD just got upset with him and called a sit to get at him. I also believe that both sides should have been taken into consideration with a situation like this as manipulation is at risk.

State CommandĀ | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin |Ā SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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3 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


Now after getting your side in this which I would like to say for not giving you a side which I take full responsibility for that. From the clips I saw last night It seemed you were just minging and not letting them go anywhere and not letting the player drive. And I would want this warned removed due to me not getting his side and not realizing the whole story. Now I was only showed 2 clips btw during the whole sit.

+ Support I agree with miniĀ 

Former Lead Admin

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3 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


Now after getting your side in this which I would like to say for not giving you a side which I take full responsibility for that. From the clips I saw last night It seemed you were just minging and not letting them go anywhere and not letting the player drive. And I would want this warned removed due to me not getting his side and not realizing the whole story. Now I was only showed 2 clips btw during the whole sit.



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18 hours ago, Trumpo said:


Both sides should be taken before issuing a warning/punishment.

Can always make reports on the forums if you cannot get both sides to let SMT decide punishment.


19 hours ago, Mag1c said:


I believe that Soul was roleplaying as anyone would if they were fighting with another family. I think DD just got upset with him and called a sit to get at him. I also believe that both sides should have been taken into consideration with a situation like this as manipulation is at risk.



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22 hours ago, ~š¯“¢š¯“˛š¯“¤š¯“›~ said:

Your In-game: Soul

The admin's name in-game: miniepic


The admin's steam name (If you know it): GL Miniepic


What warning did you receive: nitrp


Evidence of the warnĀ (REQUIRED):https://gyazo.com/136e0dd12b1301f2c7b2c51d15047b5e


Why do you think this warn was false: to start off mini warned me for nitrp for shooting the tires of a family im beefing with. he did this an hour after it occurred and did not give me a proper sit (i was afk). he later dm me and said i got warned for it. but the way I see this I had no way to defend myself and give my side. The reality of this is they showed mini clips from hours of us constantly taking points and fighting. all of this family was dissing me and shit talking me in game they obviously hate me I believe its reasonable to warn someone for popping someone's tires for like a couple minutes straight but that's not what accrued and I believe mini didn't check the time from the clips so he was showed like 5 clips from hours before and was told they were all from the same time.


Any extra information: they have also been popping our tires its mutual thingĀ 

MiniEpic admitted to his mistake which I admire. + support


Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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22 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


Now after getting your side in this which I would like to say for not giving you a side which I take full responsibility for that. From the clips I saw last night It seemed you were just minging and not letting them go anywhere and not letting the player drive. And I would want this warned removed due to me not getting his side and not realizing the whole story. Now I was only showed 2 clips btw during the whole sit.


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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profileļ»æ, go to your warn and click appealļ»æ. Fill the information out and inļ»æ theļ»æ ļ»ædescription put the link to thisļ»æ inļ»æļ»æ itļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æ.ļ»æ

Ā PoliceRP SMT |Ā Head Admin | Head Of Support

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