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Shock PFC Sharp's NCO application


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What is your in-game name?
Shock PFC Sharp SK101


What is your current rank?
My current rank in shock is PFC


How active can you be?
I am able to be very active during the week, unsure about weekends, but due to my timezone i might not be seen as much as others sadly. but i will give it my all to be as active as i can


What is your timezone?
My time zone is GMT+2


What can you bring to Shock as a NCO?
A year ago when i first became a NCO within shock, i brought so many new troopers to the battalion and was a very respected NCO. I am able to make us even more active, and help out new troopers, ensuring that they read the SOP! and guiding new troopers who is having a hard time in shock


Why should you be trusted?
I believe that i should be trusted as i have been a 1LT before and that i try to show that i am hardworking, and i also try to get a good friendly base with every shock trooper so that the are able to trust me so i can further help them with their issues in shock. i strive to make shock a safe and friendly space for every new player that wishes to be shock, i have been in shock now for a few weeks and i try my best to talk with others and influencing the ship with positivity, one example of this act is that last night me and a TRN called Minty went on a "Hug patrol" and that means we went and hugged everyone we saw!

Do you have any warns on the server?

I currently have 0 warns and have never been banned.

| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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+ Active when i am on late at night (for my time zone)

+ Friendly 

+ responsible

+ I believe he would make a great leader again

+ Seem hardworking and willing to give it is all

+ prior experience 

Edited by R.Wolf

Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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                                                                                                                    please speak to an Officer to receive your training                                                                                                                         

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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