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SCP-049 On heavy amounts of cocaine


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GRADING -- 7/10

Lore: ???/10 - Um... hm... okay.

Layout: 8/10 - Like the layout, a bit short though. Cutting off in the top, could be fixed by adding extra spaces. Could use some more images, more details on what was said, etc. It doesn't have to be exactly with what happened in the game. You can be creative with it.

Idea: 6/10 - Mhm... giving cocaine to a hyper-lethal, unpredictable entity doesn't seem like the best idea to me, but at least it went well. I don't think we'll be giving cocaine to 049 to try and restrain him though. Interesting idea. Ethical? Who am I to say?

Grammar: 8/10 - Minor grammar mistakes, no visible spelling mistakes.


Notes: Try to keep the tests ethical. Don't just drug up the SCP and see what happens. Stuff like "Could we hook 096 up to a treadmill and power the facility." or "Can we utilize 173's extremely high speeds somehow.", stuff like that.

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