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PoliceRP Rule Addition - Accepted - In Progress - Completed


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What you want to see? - It should be against the rules to kidnap a negotiator. 

Why should we add it? - A loophole is created when a negotiator is demanded to be alone, and government complies. Once the negotiator is in a RP situation and can not be protected by government because of rules, they should not be allowed to be kidnapped. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Removes a loophole being used recently. 

Who is it mainly for? - Government

Links to any content - N/A



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While I like the idea, I feel that it needs some revisions need to be made. I personally feel like the addition of interrupting negotiations (i.e., purposefully running past police barricades and attempting to disrupt negotiation efforts) should be a rule as it does happen ever once in a blue moon, and does disrupt RP and immersion quite a bit. 

To add to what you were recommending, if a negotiator is alone and by himself, and no discussion relating to the hostage's release or demands have begun, then they can still be kidnapped.


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4 hours ago, Will said:


While I like the idea, I feel that it needs some revisions need to be made. I personally feel like the addition of interrupting negotiations (i.e., purposefully running past police barricades and attempting to disrupt negotiation efforts) should be a rule as it does happen ever once in a blue moon, and does disrupt RP and immersion quite a bit. 

To add to what you were recommending, if a negotiator is alone and by himself, and no discussion relating to the hostage's release or demands have begun, then they can still be kidnapped.


The Bad UPS Driver


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21 hours ago, Will said:


While I like the idea, I feel that it needs some revisions need to be made. I personally feel like the addition of interrupting negotiations (i.e., purposefully running past police barricades and attempting to disrupt negotiation efforts) should be a rule as it does happen ever once in a blue moon, and does disrupt RP and immersion quite a bit. 

To add to what you were recommending, if a negotiator is alone and by himself, and no discussion relating to the hostage's release or demands have begun, then they can still be kidnapped.


PD MSGT Retried FBI Assistant Director The Operator $100 Donator Gang UMC

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."



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23 hours ago, Will said:


While I like the idea, I feel that it needs some revisions need to be made. I personally feel like the addition of interrupting negotiations (i.e., purposefully running past police barricades and attempting to disrupt negotiation efforts) should be a rule as it does happen ever once in a blue moon, and does disrupt RP and immersion quite a bit. 

To add to what you were recommending, if a negotiator is alone and by himself, and no discussion relating to the hostage's release or demands have begun, then they can still be kidnapped.



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5 hours ago, Damien said:

Dude the only reason I don't want this is because its funny lmao
and it rarely happens, this suggestion just brought light to it though

it happened twice when i was on today because people heard of the suggestion lmao

The Bad UPS Driver


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On 3/18/2022 at 3:44 PM, Will said:


While I like the idea, I feel that it needs some revisions need to be made. I personally feel like the addition of interrupting negotiations (i.e., purposefully running past police barricades and attempting to disrupt negotiation efforts) should be a rule as it does happen ever once in a blue moon, and does disrupt RP and immersion quite a bit. 

To add to what you were recommending, if a negotiator is alone and by himself, and no discussion relating to the hostage's release or demands have begun, then they can still be kidnapped.

I can agree with this idea. The only proof of burden is on the many police officers with video evidence, or require an advert. I have seen a few adverts like "ALL GOV LEAVE BANK/LEAVE AREA". If a negotiator gets kidnapped after that, then it's definitely against the rules.

In the very niche case where no blame could fall onto the kidnapper (Whether due to confusion, or people talking, or it not being a rule at all) then video evidence is the only thing probable to move forward with discipline.  



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