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SCP-513 + SCP-999 Cross-Test

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Lore Name: Liver
Rank: Associate Researcher
SCP: 513 + 999

Question / Idea: Can SCP-999 alleviate symptoms from exposure to SCP-513?
Background Research: SCP-513 causes its victims to experience anxiety, paranoia, and depression. I believe that SCP-999's ability to cause euphoria will allow more information to be gathered on the appearance and activity of SCP-513-1 by allowing affected subjects to more coherently communicate while under extreme duress. SCP-513 has shown an ability to cure depression, which exhibits long term benefits which may allow life-saving measures for those affected by SCP-513.
Hypothesis: SCP-999 will be able to alleviate symptoms of SCP-513, but likely will not be able to save the life of the afflicted subject.

Observations: After the D-class exposed to SCP-513 began exhibiting symptoms and reporting an SCP watching him from inside the walls, SCP-999 was introduced to comfort the D-class. Under SCP-999's attentive care, the D-class was calm, if nervous. The D-class was able to describe SCP-513-1's appearance and behavior in detail. SCP-513-1 appears to be a tall human with ape-like arms and hands. Its skin is entirely black and gray. It seems to teleport to different locations in the sight of the afflicted individual, increasing its speed until it moves in a twitchy manner towards the individual in the final stages of exposure. SCP-999 was removed from the testing chamber when symptoms became more severe. The D-class was eventually given amnestics and returned to D-block, but jumped from the entrance of D-block and died shortly afterwards.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion: SCP-999 calms individuals that have heard SCP-513, but symptoms worsen as soon as SCP-999 is no longer present.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was correct, although I expected SCP-999's euphoria to last much longer than it did.

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