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SCP - 513's effect on basic cognitive function


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Lore Name: Pedro Karkonius

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: SCP - 513


Question / Idea: Will a person under the effects of SCP - 513 lose the ability to answer simple questions correctly?

Background Research: Review of SCP - 513's sheet

Hypothesis: SCP - 513 will impair a subject's ability to answer questions while under its effects

Observations: D-2451 was asked a series of preliminary questions before ringing SCP - 513. This list included Name, Year, and Age. D-2451 answered their name was Hiro, aged 27, and the year was 2022. D-2451 was then instructed to ring SCP - 513 once, then remain in the containment chamber and answer more questions. Below is a transcript of the interaction. Questions were asked within 20 second intervals after D-2541 answered.


JR Pedro Karkonius: Alright. What is your name?

D-2541: Hiro.

JR Pedro Karkonius: Good. And what is the year again?

D-2541: 2022.

JR Pedro Karkonius: What is your mother's name?

D-2541: Shannon.

JR Pedro Karkonius: Wonderful. What is your age?

D-2541: 27.

JR Pedro Karkonius: And what is your birthday?

D-2541: Uhm.. 1994. [It is of note that at this point D-2541's eyes were darting about the chamber and they began to perspirate.]

JR Pedro Karkonius: Month and day?

D-2541: December 2nd.

JR Pedro Karkonius: And your name is?

D-2541: Hiro.

JR Pedro Karkonius: Great. And your mothers name?

D-2541: Shannon.

JR Pedro Karkonius: Excellent. I would say that concludes the test.

/end [Transcript.1001.11220.222.]


Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): N/A

Analysis / Conclusion: It would appear based on this test that SCP - 513 has no effect on the ability of a subject to correctly answer simple questions. The subject saying "1994" as their birth year is to be noted, however this may have just been due to being startled by the other effects of SCP - 513. This will require additional testing to be certain.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.

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Lore Name: Pedro Karkonius

Rank: Associate Researcher

SCP: SCP - 513


Question / Idea: Will a person under the effects of SCP - 513 lose the ability to answer simple questions correctly?

Background Research: Review of SCP - 513's sheet

Hypothesis: SCP - 513 will impair a subject's ability to answer questions while under its effects

Observations: Test performed on two D-Class sequentially. The first, identifying themselves as Simba, (D-0987) the second as Bini (D-0092). To begin, D-0987 was instructed to ring SCP - 513 once, then answer a series of simple questions. D-0987 answered correctly on questions regarding name, current year, mother's name, and age. Though it is to be of note that D-0987 paused for extended periods before answering, seeming to be in thought.

D-0092 was instructed identically. Enter SCP - 513's containment, ring it once, then answer simple questions shortly after. D-0092 was capable of answering questions about name, age, year, and date of birth accurately. However when first questioned about their mother's name, D-0092 answered her name to be "Jolyne". On a subsequent inquiry, D-0092 answered after a long deliberation, and seemed to merely guess at their mother's name, while still answering correctly. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): N/A

Analysis/Conclusion: It appears that some minor form of impairment was observed through these two tests. Though to be absolutely certain, one more test will be conducted to round off and finally say for certain the potential impairment effect of SCP - 513.

Was your hypothesis correct?: Under review.

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