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BL4s M36 Application


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[In-Game Name] Bilf

[Call-sign] BL4 

[Rank] 1SG

[Which lore squad member are you applying for] M36 Medical Specialist 

[Why do you believe you deserve this position] I have been in DT for a while at this moment and was in TI-23 before large update. I know how TI-23 works while also being a former MC CPL and knowing how to use most of the healing tools provided in the server. I'm well known amongst DT and I believe I've proven myself to be a good candidate for something such as M36 or any TI-23 member. 

[Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] I want to be part of the one lore squad of DT currently in the server. Aiding our VIPs and my fellow DT during mission and large battles on and or off ship. But mainly I want to be part of a larger squad which is even more elite than the basic DT and even other special forces regiments. 

[What does Unit TI-23 do] TI-23 focuses on special mission and advanced VIP protection 

[How active can you be] I can be on for around 3 hours every day when not on my 501st job and on around the entire day for weekends. 

[Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Yes. I understand. 

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As much as I do enjoy working with you, that has been sparingly, I don't see you on DT anytime except to fill your quota. 
App is pretty short, would love to see more written!

I understand it's very easy to get burnt out, or just not enjoying something when you've spent so much time in it, it happens to everyone, but that isn't the kind of thing that'd we'd want in TI-23. Take a break from DT if you need it, but that isn't compatible with this sub-branch. I would love to change this to a +Support if I saw your activity boosted and get to work with you more closely through the week.

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11 hours ago, Paisley Park said:


As much as I do enjoy working with you, that has been sparingly, I don't see you on DT anytime except to fill your quota. 
App is pretty short, would love to see more written!

I understand it's very easy to get burnt out, or just not enjoying something when you've spent so much time in it, it happens to everyone, but that isn't the kind of thing that'd we'd want in TI-23. Take a break from DT if you need it, but that isn't compatible with this sub-branch. I would love to change this to a +Support if I saw your activity boosted and get to work with you more closely through the week.


                                                            Current: R RG Senior Guard R DT MAJ TO3, Seeker SH46

                                     Former: Nova COL, MML RG Elder Guard Kir Kanos , SHGDT COL TO3, Seeker SC01


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Edited by alaric

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior Commander | Senior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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